
Creating the life you want to live!

Hey Guys,

Why do we doubt ourselves so much? Why is it that we think we’re not good enough and can’t pursue the life of our dreams?

I know there are many factors that go into our beliefs like having parents, teachers, siblings, friends, partners and others tell us that we couldn’t possibly do that…Or tell us that we are too fat, too weak, too skinny, don’t have the abilities, not smart enough, not athletic enough, not born that way etc etc. 

The truth is, their opinions are NOT our truth, yet when we hear it over and over enough times we do start to believe it. 

I am challenging you now to change that. To step out of your comfort zone, look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are good enough and that those old stories are other peoples perceptions and are not your truth. 

It’s time to start living the life you want and I want you to know that I am proof that it is possible. Nobody believed in me when I began this company. In fact my own mother and sister said no to me when I started…we laugh at that now. 

But I had belief in myself and that is all that counted. In my opinion that is the #1 thing that holds everyone back when starting out on their dreams. 

They doubt themselves. They take it personally when someone says no to them or when 20 people say no. When things don’t work out they begin to think they are not cut out for this. 

This is NOT true, it just means you don’t yet have the skills or experience to nail it and that is what that experience is there to teach you to do. It helps you get better at what you do, it is not meant to make you fold up and give up. 

Everyone experiences rejection and failures along the way no matter how successful they are. What allows them to carry on is the belief in themselves. 

That’s the difference between those that pursue their dreams and those that give up. 

Believe in yourself and create the life you want to live! 


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