
There’s Only One Thing Worse Than This….

Hey There!

Last week after my trip back east, the last thing I wanted was to miss my flight home. Yep. And there’s only one thing worse than missing a friggin flight—and that’s freaking out about missing my flight the next morning and not sleeping all night.

So there I was, wide-eyed and awake in bed on Sunday night (or I should say SUPER early Monday morning, like 3am Monday morning), just to be sure I didn’t oversleep, (ugh!) on my way to the airport. I honestly didn’t relax completely until I shimmied into my seat on the plane. Whew! Made it. But tired.

I gotta tell you, I’ve been doing life long enough to get that just because I have it scheduled, not everything goes the way I plan. Things I can’t control sometimes come into play.  

And I can choose to get all bent out of shape about it, or I can choose to believe a different thought.  

I decided upon the latter.  

I decided to believe I was in exactly the right place I was supposed to be. Another night in the city. A night with my sis. Relaxing in her apartment. Binging on the episodes of the first season of This Is Us.

And then I came home to the SNOW last Monday—during the first week of October—I might add. The day before, Wes was outside getting a suntan and watching the girls run around at the playground. Oh well, that’s Boulder in the fall!

I have to say I didn’t mind the snow because it made for good hopping-back-into-bed-and-snuggling weather when I got home.

So it was all awesome. And cozy. And it was more family time, which was super important to me since at the end of this week I am jetting off to EU for 8 days.

Life is unpredictable. We can plan, but we CAN’T always predict the outcome. And it’s not about what happens in the end game. It’s about what we choose to think about when life hands itself to us. 

Yes, our thoughts are the only thing we have control over.

If we THINK an experience should or will upset us, it will.

If we THINK we will have a hard time with something, we will. 

We can count on experiencing a situation in the way we think about it. If we change our thoughts, we will actually change our perception of what is going on. And when our perception shifts, our experience shifts with it and therefore so do our actions and the results we get in life.

So the next time a situation takes you by surprise, remember you create your experience with your thoughts. If a challenge seems overwhelming, replace your thoughts with thoughts that empower you, energize you or allow you to see the challenge as an opportunity.

On Wednesday, I have a special video picked out about moving through challenges. 

See ya then!




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