
Are You Ready? You DON’T Have to Do it Alone!

Hey Peeps!

I know I’m catching some of you right in the middle of spring break and I hope you’re having a super fun time. As for the rest of us, spring break is only a memory.

As I mentioned in my last newsletter, I spent time with my family at our beach house in the freezing cold of Cardiff by the Sea in SoCal.

Depending on whether you jetted off to some exotic location or stayed at home I’m sure we recognized the benefit of planning ahead (or the consequences of NOT)!!!

Have you noticed that taking the time to plan ahead saves tons of time and serious money—and NOT just when you travel? This goes for everything in our lives.

If you’re building a business or dreaming about the day you will free yourself from being STUCK building someone else’s dream, stop saying SOMEDAY!

Someday never comes if always it’s just out of reach.

(I have to admit, I feel a bit sad and discouraged for those of you who keep putting your dreams off. I’m not sure you keep postponing, someday really means never in my opinion.)

One thing will bring it closer: TAKING ACTION!!!

If you think that means you have to do everything at once, it doesn’t. It means taking the first step toward WHATEVER you want. One step will lead to another … and another … and there you go—MOMENTUM.

Know what you want—and then step away from whatever is holding you back. Be willing to do whatever it takes to get it.

Nobody can do it FOR you, but remember you DON’T have to do it alone. If you’ve been hanging with me awhile, I hope you’ve noticed I am determined to support you.

By the way, did you catch my last two webinars? They were focused on building a strong online foundation and then catapulting your business out of the ballpark.

I talk a lot about WHY you need an online presence and how to use social media to boost it. So last Thursday I discussed one of the most powerful and effective tools—EMAIL MARKETING.

Here’s the link in case you missed it or want to watch it again. 

If you’re really serious, I’m getting ready to launch Social Downline, so stay in touch. Info is on its way!

And speaking of email, be sure to look for my Whole You Wednesday Message and video….



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