
doTERRA Diamonds Discuss : Leslie Gail

Hello, my friends, welcome to doTERRA diamonds discuss. So where we teach entrepreneurs with a passion for holistic wellness, how to make a six figure income or more so they can work from home, have the flexibility they've been craving with their time and make more are money than they've ever imagined. So today's guest is someone I'm pretty excited about her name is Leslie Gail and she is super inspiring. Leslie and I connected and she'll have to remind me of the story, but I think we connected, she online, our paths cross, she reached out to me. It might have been on Facebook or Facebook group, and then ultimately she decided to join my team. It's funny. I think we'll talk about this later, but I don't actually think she wanted to do the business at that point. Anyway, long short, she is a natural health expert. She is an author and human design empowerment coach.

And I'm sure you can guess that Leslie is passionate about empowering other people to embrace a holistic approach to support their mind, body and gut. So this passion works perfectly alongside of her doTERRA business. And it's a huge reason while we're talking to her today as a Diamond Leader with doTERRA, Leslie supports busy women to create financial freedom and live a life they love. Plus, she lives in Colorado. So she's only probably about 45 minutes to an hour from me. And she's a mom of two. So I think it's time to get this interview started. Let's hear from Leslie. Hey Leslie, how are you?

Leslie (01:39):
Good morning. I see that you're of course in the warmer weather, but yes, I'm here in Colorado.

Hayley (01:48):
I'm flying to San Diego late in a few hours, I was supposed to actually do an evening flight and because of the Colorado weather that we're having right now, Wes freaked out this morning and started rebooking my tickets. And now I'm like, after we're done recording, I get to, this is actually a great topic. I'm glad this actually happened because I get to, I got to rebook my flights, redo my whole day, grab my daughter's stuff, go pick her up at school, go to the airport he's already there. And the reason that I have that flexibility to do this honestly, is because of this business, which I'm sure we'll dive into. So yeah, I can't imagine you know, being held and having the constraints of any other lifestyle. How did we meet? Do you remember?

Leslie (02:32):
Okay. So yes, this is very clear and you have a really good memory. So I yes, I did not know anything about the oils. I was a holistic health coach at the time and I just kept seeing the oils, you know, come up on my feed and, you know, I saw you and you know, I, I knew that you were an expert in the field and I respected you. And, you know, I was just, it just kept coming in front of me again, didn't know anything about it. But at the time, yes, I was looking for some, some solutions for my kiddos. They were younger, you know, just kind of basics, you know, getting sick, this and that. And so I decided to get started with you. I knew that you would be able to guide me and I trusted you. And I just got basically a starter package and that was it. I kind of trusted that I would fi- you know, kind of figure out my way and learn a little bit about them. And that was the beginning of this crazy, crazy adventure. Yeah.

Hayley (03:27):
I kind of remember, I kinda remember you being a health coach, not knowing a lot about the oils thinking like, oh, this would be a great thing to incorporate into my health coaching business, but you weren't really serious about building a business at the time. You were more just interested and curious about the oils. And I, I think you made it pretty clear to me that you did not wanna build a network marketing business, but you wanted to have a, an offering for your existing clients. 

Hayley (03:52):
Has anything shifted in the last, how long has it been like?

Leslie (03:56):
It's nine years, I think like about nine years. Yeah. So yeah, I was very, I was very crystal clear at the beginning with you because I didn't know anything about network marketing quite frankly. And, you know, I just, I was very kind of like, I just want the oils, I just wanna use the oils, maybe kind of, you know, share 'em with my clients. But I definitely was not at that time open to the business because I didn't really know much about business, you know? But the universe has a way of kind of tweaking things. When you need a little input.

Hayley (04:30):
When, when did it tweak and why do you think it tweaked? Like when did it shift of like, what is your primary business now? Is it doTERRA or is it your health coaching business or is it both?

Leslie (04:41):
No, it's doTERRA 100%. Yes. so it shifted pretty quickly because I fell in love with the oils right away. I started sharing them with other women, again, not knowing about the business. So really not even knowing what I was doing. But I started to get some checks in the mail and then literally, probably within a couple weeks, it was pretty quick. I, I, I knew enough to know. I should probably understand what this means and be smart about it because I had a passion for sharing these solutions anyway. And I wasn't gonna stop. So I knew that that passion was there. I just wanted to be smart about it. So really pretty quickly then you saw you know, I was sharing with quite a few people right away. And I knew that that passion was only gonna grow. So I, I, well, right. Again,

Hayley (05:29):
I don't remember. I don't remember you really diving in full force right away. I think it, didn't it take a couple months or six months or, well.

Leslie (05:36):
Yeah, I would say probably I started sharing pretty quickly. But I maybe like a month, I would say a month or two, and then you kind of got wind of like okay. You know, she probably should have that conversation. So yeah, in my mind it happened pretty quickly because I wasn't expecting it. I wasn't planning on it. But the universe kind of had other different agenda for me.

Hayley (06:00):
Yeah. The reason I bring this up is because I think that sometimes people open their own wholesale account with the intention of just like, hey, I just wanna see where it goes. And I think that's most people, that was even me.

Leslie (06:17):
Yeah. I, I really had no, no desire or really that was not even my I mean, that just, wasn't where I, where I began. But I think it's very hard not to fall in love with these oils. And it's really hard not to share, especially as women, when we have something we love we're going to share. And so it was just about making that mindset shift of, okay, I should, I need to be smart about this. And this can really, really provide something for my family that I was looking for, even though I didn't necessarily know it at the time, you know?

Hayley (06:53):
Yeah, totally. And I think that that kind of just takes me to the next thought that I had, which is that it's okay wherever you are. Like, if you're a person who's just like, oh, I just wanna listen in and smell in just like, right. You see what these things are about. Like that is really cool and awesome and go for it and see how that feels. And then some people, like I was like that, I was like, oh, I mean, my intention, I mean, in case anybody, wants a little bit backstory here is first. I mean, I've gone through so many career changes in the last, you know, in the, in the last 20 years. But I started as a corporate attorney. I, I practiced for about five years in Los Angeles. I left to become a Pilates and yoga teacher.

Hayley (07:31):
And after practicing or teaching for 15 years, I decided I wanted to incorporate health coaching into my business. And I had no intention of building a doTERRA essential oil business or network marketing business. But, but during that timeframe, towards the end of that 15 years, I found the oils and I thought, wow, this would be kind of cool. And I didn't really end up ever building the vision of the health coaching business that I thought I was gonna build, which was taking clients and through programs, I ended up really building a doTERRA. It sort of like was an accident just like it was for you. So what I'm the reason I share this is because whether you have clarity, like I'm gonna share these oils with people, and this is gonna be my business, or I don't know what I'm doing, and I just wanna check this out and maybe I'll be a customer and maybe I'll share with friends and family, or I'll just see what happens. I think that all of that is perfectly acceptable.

Leslie (08:26):
Yeah. And I you know, I was at that, I was coaching you know, I, I had individual kind of one on one clients and I knew that, that wasn't going to provide the level of financial security that I wanted long term and being tied down to individual clients, one on one. So I was looking, I had no idea what that looked like though. I didn't even know what I was asking. I was just kind of putting that out into the, the universe that I did want to have more of that freedom and something that I could still put my heart and soul into and that it needed to align with me, which is obviously the, the health part and the wellness. So I didn't know what that looked like but yes, once I got the oils, I fell in love with them. Then I knew this was absolutely a a pathway for me that was gonna lead me where I wanted to go. You know,

Hayley (09:22):
You know, I hear from some people that they are actually using the oils for years before they decide to build the business. And I know that wasn't you, but I do think it was a little, I didn't notice you starting to build at least for the first couple months. I mean, it's been 9 years, it's been almost 10 years or so, so I don't remember exactly, but I don't remember you really starting to build for that first almost year.

Leslie (09:48):
Well, I definitely was. I, I wouldn't say building necessarily, because I didn't know what I was doing the first couple months. I was just sharing with other women and oother moms and helping them get the oils in their home. So that's literally all I was doing and not really understanding the structure, how it worked. I mean, I, I was just kind of sharing which I think a lot of people start off as, and then something clicked if I was gonna keep doing that, I should probably know what I'm doing. You know? So

Hayley (10:16):
You, you, so what were some of the first activities you were doing

Leslie (10:20):
When I literally first started, I was just talking to women and meeting them at coffee houses and chatting oils and helping them figure out which oils they needed. Like, I was very, just one on one, you know, I met, I mean, there were some weeks I was meeting eight, 10 moms a week at coffee shop. I'm like, oh my God, if I have to drink one more coffee, I'm gonna, like, I can't keep doing this. But I loved it. It was more like, Hey, just meet me at this, you know, whatever Starbucks or the coffee place, and I'll bring my oils and we just hung out, you know, that's it, it was just letting 'em smell some of the oils share my excitement and, you know, they didn't, they couldn't not get the oils. When you feel that passion from somebody and that authenticity

Hayley (11:01):
Was that like a, like a warm audience or circle you had in the beginning? Or were you pulling in? Okay.

Leslie (11:07):
No, that was my, it was, yeah, it was friends, moms. It was my mom, my friends. It was people from school. Just my network. Yeah. Yeah, my network.

Hayley (11:15):
So do you still do that? Do you still meet moms at coffee shops?

Leslie (11:18):
I do. I do. I have different coffee shops now that I like I just like that in person. I like just sitting and connecting and answering questions and just sharing, you know, how I can best support them as well.

Hayley (11:34):
So what, what, what percentage of your time right now is spent literally doing that inviting one-on-one an in person in your business?

Leslie (11:41):
I'm always inviting. Like, there doesn't go a week that I'm not inviting. Because that's really, I mean, that's when you get back, when you go back to the beginning, you know, what lights you up? Like, that's what lights me up is just sitting with somebody and bringing hope to them. Like really, for people that feel hopeless or feel like there's no other solutions that you have some solutions for them and doing that one on one in person, that's just my favorite way to do it.

Hayley (12:07):
Okay. So I have a question for, you said, and I don't know if this is correct if I heard it right. But you said you were eating eight. Sometimes you were meeting eight to 10 women a day.

Hayley (12:15):
Week a week. OK. I was like, cause I was like, wow, can you imagine if you were to go back, if you're not meeting eight to 10 a week, a day, can you imagine what that would look like if you were to? Cause sometimes as we grow our businesses, the activities that we do later are different than the activity that we do in the beginning. And I do wanna talk to you about that. I have never lost the inviting either. Like that's something I think is super important. The way I might do it might be differently. 10 years ago, I spent a lot of time in Facebook groups and there were people that were reaching out to me and I was getting on the phone just like you. I actually had back to back to back to back to back call. Yeah. All over the world at that time.

Hayley (12:57):
So now my inviting looks different. I spend less time in Facebook groups. I'm spending more time in my DM on Instagram. And I'm always inviting when I have the opportunity in person, but it, but it's just different. It looks different. So if you stop inviting, I think your business does eventually fall apart. I don't think anybody can, can really ever stop inviting, but I'm, but the question that I have for you is, is like, is there activity that's different now as a diamond leader for so many years that you're doing that you didn't do then? Or is there if I wait, I, I want you to think back, is there activity you were doing then that you realize you should still be doing now?

Leslie (13:35):
Yeah. So yes, it's different because the world's different. And it's, we're much more social media driven, right? In terms of connecting with people than, you know, we had two years of, we couldn't meet in a coffee shop or we couldn't meet for an in person class. So things shifted. That's, that's, my passion is being with somebody in person, but I've pivoted. So yes, now I'm doing much more online and being able to connect with people everywhere, which again, at the, at the, the nitty gritties, I'm still connecting with them and talking with them. I still get to see their face. I still get help them. That hasn't changed at all. Obviously at this time too, is more about you know, embracing that community and supporting my leaders and my builders and brand new builders wanting to get into this because they're gonna build in a different way than we did 10 years ago. Right. And so it's also kind of learning how to navigate and support them in a different way than when I first started, which was like, Hey, let's invite a bunch of women and have a bunch of in-person classes, you know? It's gonna be a little bit different now,

Hayley (14:40):
Are you still doing any in person classes?

Leslie (14:42):
I haven't in a while. I haven't in a while. Again, it's, I, it's more one-on-ones if I'm gonna meet with people. But the in person classes, it just kind of shifted for a while cuz people weren't as comfortable, you know, coming to a class with, let me

Hayley (14:58):
Ask you something though, if we didn't have the pandemic, if we were not like home driven. Yeah. Do you think the traditional model that we were that I, I wanna say that we were all doing, but actually I wasn't really doing that. I always built my business online. Yeah. So I guess my question is, I mean, my online strategies have changed, but I've always loved the like using digital marketing to build my business. So I guess my question to you is if the world didn't go down, would you still be, would you still be doing it the way that you were doing it?

Leslie (15:27):
I would probably still be doing it that way, but I would've of us continue to expand because that's just the world that we live in now with social media. So I would've, I would've probably done them both equally because people do really gravitate and, and they, they want that sense of community and they, they love being in with people like in person, they want to like have a glass of, and sit and smell the oils and really connect, like people are missing that desperately. And so yeah, I think I would be doing, I would still be doing that, you know, if people felt comfortable wanting to do that. Yeah.

Hayley (16:04):
Yeah. Yeah. So how do you find your ideal customers on the internet? Like I know that you are inviting when you have an opportunity and what I, I, for those of you who are listening, what we mean by that is if you meet somebody like who is serving you coffee, or you meet somebody who's sitting next to you on the floor waiting to start your fitness class with you or on the Pilates or former, or you're hanging out the bus and bus stop or you're, you're, you're going out to lunch with some and you meet somebody. Like I just want across the street a week ago, we moved into this house about three years ago. I think you were with me actually, when we went to look at it for the very first time we were doing a summit here in Boulder and my husband was like, there's a house that's gonna go on the sale tomorrow.

Hayley (16:41):
Do you wanna look at it? I'm like, yes. And so we snuck out during lunch and we looked at it and put an offer before it went on this, on the market. It's hard to believe it's been three years because we just, we had two years just erased from us. But we, we haven't really gotten to know a ton of our neighbors. I mean, Wes Wes has a little bit, cuz he walks the dog more than me, but you know, I spend like 40% of my time in San Diego and I'm just kind of a hermit introvert when I'm home and just, I look outside, but I don't anyway. One of our neighbors, so our street has been developed over the last three years. There used to be four houses here now. Like there's been like eight houses that have gone up over the last two a year.

Hayley (17:14):
So we did a, we did a get together. Somebody organized it, which was super fun to meet them all. And we decided we're gonna do it once a month. And you know what? I didn't talk about the oils cuz it, it didn't feel right yet, but you always know when it feels right. And there's opportunities for us to get to know people, figure out who they are, invite them into our vision of our life. And then eventually into the ideas of the oils. It's not just like a, Hey, I sell this like, you know, but it is always, it's part of my being. So when I'm in conversation, it eventually comes up and every person I am in relationship with like my friends, every single one of them, friends of my daughter's moms, teachers like eventually they all enroll because of the relationship, not because of the oils because of the relationship. But with that said online is totally different. How do you ideal customers or business builders online?

Leslie (18:14):
So same thing is being authentic because you build relationships and you build those connections and you build that trust. Then it's going to circle back, you know, and if you can support them and help bring these oils into their life. Awesome. You know, if not, that's okay too. So my main areas would be Instagram and Facebook doing lives, just connecting with people, inquiring about what they do inquiring about their life, inquiring about their passions because it's just, you don't wanna be sales Z. That's not who I am like, you know, my DNA is not that person. So I, I don't think I could ever come across that way either way, even if I tried. But it is relationships. And so everybody that I have brought on board customer builder, anybody was that we had some kind of connection first whether just meeting, having a conversation, hopping on a quick little zoom, just to get to know each other, you know, being a guest on their podcast or their live just really, you know, connecting with other women just as women and not overthinking it as kind of my biggest thing is I think so many people overthink it where we don't need to.

Leslie (19:36):
It's just everybody is, is really seeking a community and seeking to connect with like-minded people. So that's where you start.

Hayley (19:46):
I love that. It's such a great response. You guys, it's not rocket science. It's really not. It's just, I, I really believe that people engage with us to the next level in business because of the relationship that we have. And so you show up and you, you look to be in relationship with people, whatever that relationship looks like, your relationship with your kids is different than your relationship with your husband is different than your relationship with your mother or your father or the girl, all that's checking your bags out at the grocery store, but there is room to be in relationship with everybody. And when we are not pausing and getting to know people on that more intimate level, because of either we don't think it's appropriate or we're, we're afraid, or we have blocks up or walls up or shields up or armor up, then we can't be in relationship.

Hayley (20:32):
And it's, this is an very interesting conversation for me right now because I just went through it. I'm not sure if I told you the nitty nitty Diddy details, but I went through a very intense leadership program starting last August. It was a four month program or three and a half month program. And I know this sounds so cliche, but it changed my life and the person that I was able to be as I moved to the program and even after is literally a completely different person in how I see humans and how I can connect. And I was always good at enrolling. Like I always is on the top leader board on the in, but now to be able to just really understand how I was doing it and how I can even take it next level by enrolling people in my vision is that's what the whole, the whole program was about.

Hayley (21:19):
Like how to be and how to enroll yourself into your own vision and other people into your vision. That's leadership is enrolling other people into your vision. And I'm, I'm actually proud to say two conversations this week by text message. One with our Australian sales manager and one with somebody else. I don't remember who it was. And the last part of their message, cuz we were dealing with a situation was great leadership. Haley, thank you. Oh it might have also might have been Russell butters who were reached out to me to ask me a couple months ago. Like, will you speak at leadership? And I, I, I heard you have some really great things to talk about. I'm like, what are you talking about? Who'd you hear that from he's like, I'm just picking up on it. I just feel it. And it's just like learning to be a different, a different person.

Hayley (22:03):
So the part of this, of this journey that we go on to diamond and above in doTERRA, I believe is about becoming the next leader that you can be. And it's a personal development journey. We've been saying this for a decade, but gosh, I wish I could make a lot of changes to the girl that I was 10 years ago because, but that's the path, that's the journey. I'm not gonna look in the rear of your mirror and go, I wish, I wish I wish now I get to be looking forward, staying in the present right here and being who I wanna be. But that is the path to, to, to, to, to diamond and above it's learning connection and it's learning how to be a leader.

Leslie (22:50):
I totally agree. Yeah. I think, you know, I talk with my leaders about that often is kind of like we say, like the 2.0 version of you, right? Like how can I, like, who is that person? What do they look like? What do they feel like, you know, what does their energy resonate at? Like think about that person. Right. and how do we step to that person's energy, right? Like what would they be doing and feeling and thinking and how are they behaving? Because if we're constantly having to grow and evolve, like we all are, it doesn't matter what level we're at. If we get, if we get stuck, it's because we're not evolving, it's just, you know, we're, we're not moving. And it's thinking about like, I have the vision of my 2.0, like that version of me, that Leslie that I would love to be. And she looks different than how I look right now. Her energy, what she's doing, where she is, who she's surrounded by. And so just being clear on that just starts to build that forward motion, you know? And in this business, yes, like you said, I think it's 99.9% of our success is being open to evolving and the personal development and the mindset shifts and letting go of the things and the beliefs and the energy. That's no longer serving us.

Hayley (24:15):
You know, one of the things that I wanna acknowledge that you said, or that we both, I guess kind of have been saying is, is like, as we step into this next version of leadership and we realize that part of that is being in relate relationship with people and we've been talking about enrolling and how we meet them, whether it's on person or online. One of the things I wanted to add is making sure you're taking advantage of being in community. Like I was talking about a leadership program I did and no, my end result was not, oh, I hope I meet more people to enroll in my doTERRA business. But inevitably it's more people that you bring your life. And every time you take part in something, whether it's a fitness class in your local area or whether it is a new leadership development program or some type of online program or whatever, I will tell you I've been taking part at programs and going to events for a decade or more. And I always, my network is larger because I do that.

Leslie (25:07):
Yep. I agree. And I think a lot of people, because the past couple years have gotten stuck into they're staying at home, they're kind of hunkering down, they're playing, you know, it's, we're playing it safe. We're just, we kind of got into that mentality. And so it is like, people are desperate for community and people are desperate to connect with other like-minded people that bring out the best in you that can help you, you know, evolve and take it to the next level. And all of those communities are out there, you know, depending where you look.

Hayley (25:38):
Yeah. And I think that sometimes we think like, oh, I don't need that. Or I I've already learned that actually going through this myself right now, I'm in a high level mastermind. And as a bonus for being in the mastermind, we've access to this specific backend membership site for the middle tier version of the membership. So I'm on the higher level, but I have access to everything that these people on the middle tier get. And at first I was like, oh, you know, I probably know all that. Like I, I consider myself somebody who could teach that stuff in the hub, but I started going in and just playing around. And even though a lot of it was a reminder to me, a lot of it was set in a way where I was like light bulbs were going on and you, I, I always get something from everything that I do.

Hayley (26:22):
Like if you're really sitting still and paying attention, like maybe it's something on this podcast, the thing that you hear, that's going to shift everything for you in your business. One little tweak that somebody says to you in a different way. So to kind of sum up what we've been talking about so far, I feel like the biggest lessons that we've learned today that I've learned from you and probably that we've been discussing is one don't stop enrolling, two, continue to build your network, be authentic, genuine. And in relationship to build your network, continue to build your network by participating in activities and events and never stop learning and growing

Leslie (27:08):
100%. Yeah. And also just like looking sometimes looking at ourselves, looking in the mirror and like really looking at ourselves and am I the person? Am I inspiring myself? Right? Like, do I inspire myself? Because if not, how am I gonna other people that want to join forces with me or link arms with me if I'm not even inspiring to myself. Right. So what am I doing every day to feel more inspired, to feel more passionate and excited. And that joy literally like radiating, because if I don't feel that I get other people are not gonna feel that you absolutely Supposed, we just have to take a bit of self-reflection too.

Hayley (27:49):
Oh, absolutely. I think it's imperative that you enroll yourself in your own vision and you enroll yourself in your own excitement and, and this can be a conversation for another time, but you enroll yourself in your own decision, making so many of us here for hours or days or months, not making a decision. And if you can't make a decision, you can never help anybody else make a decision, which means you can't sell anything. So, right. That's another topic I probably need to dive into, like with a whole other conversation, but I have two questions for you before we tap off today. Yeah. One is what do you do SP speaking of, you know, showing up and speaking of making decisions and speaking of loving what you're doing, what do you do when you're not motivated? What, what do you do when you aren't feeling motivated?

Leslie (28:35):
Well, first recognizing it, cuz look, this being human, like we're human beings, we're gonna have days and times and moments that you do not feel motivated. Like that's the reality of life, but it's recognizing that being in touch with yourself, like where does that show up? Like in your gut, you just notice it, you feel it, whatever. And then for me, absolutely. I get outside. I get in nature. That is the quickest way for me just to move that energy out. Yes. I'm using the oils literally hourly some days because that just also kinds of help kind of grounds me and calms me. And then I go back to listen to a meditation to create that vision and become that person that I wanna become. And it gets me motivated. It inspires me just to move.

Hayley (29:17):
I love that. It's great. Yeah.

Leslie (29:19):

Hayley (29:21):
The last question I had for you was what are your long term goals?

Leslie (29:27):
This can be an hour long question. Honestly, my long term goals are to help really. I want to help as many women as I can be or that I can support to really create that peace of mind and that financial freedom and have the freedom to live life on their terms because life is short. None of us are guaranteed tomorrow and I don't want people to feel stuck. I don't want them to be stuck somewhere doing something that doesn't light them up. And so doTERRA is a platform and I, I want to help them get to that point where they have that peace of mind and they can really live their life adventuring and being with their family and doing things that they love creating those moments because that is just most important to me is being present for my family, for my kids. And that doTERRA has allowed me to create those moments. So I wanna do the same and pay a forward for as many women as possible.

Hayley (30:31):
I love that. So, so good. So anyway, Leslie, thank you so much. Thank you so much for being here today. Thank all of you for listening in on our interview is in inspirational encouraging. If you wanna check Leslie out online and connect with her, her website is
.com. I'll put in the show notes. And is there an Instagram that you want them to check out?

Leslie (30:53):

Hayley (30:56):
Yay. All right, you guys, we will see you online. Thanks a lot.

Leslie (31:00):