
doTERRA Diamonds Discuss : Stephanie Kutterer

Welcome to doTERRA Diamonds Discuss where you'll be inspired by stories, tips, and strategies by doTERRA's top leaders who will then help you turn your passion for holistic wellness into your own profitable and flexible business. And now here's your host Double Presidential Diamond, Hayley Hobson.

Hayley Hobson:
Hello, my friends. Welcome to doTERRA Diamonds Discuss, where we teach entrepreneurs with a passion for holistic wellness, how to make a six figure income or more so they can work from home, have the flexibility they've been craving with their time and make more money than they've ever imagined. So welcome back to the episode today. Today I'm actually being joined by Stephanie Ku-Kutterer. Is that how you pronounce your name, Stephanie? 

Speaker 1:
Welcome to doTERRA diamonds, discuss where you'll be inspired by stories, tips, and strategies by doTERRA's top leaders who will then help you turn your passion for holistic wellness into your own profitable and flexible business. And now here's your host double presidential diamond Haley

Speaker 2:
Homan. Hello, my friends. Welcome to doTERRA diamonds, discuss where we teach entrepreneurs with a passion for holistic wellness, how to make a six figure income or more so that they can work from home. Have the flexibility they've been craving with their time and make more money than they've ever imagined. Now, today, the podcast is a little different instead of inviting a guest speaker, I thought who better to share their do doTERRA journey than yours truly . So my husband, we who has had a front row seat to my life as I built the business is here, literally sitting next to me right now. And he and I are gonna talk through both mine and our journey with doTERRA and how I have achieved the lifestyle that I've always wanted full of health and wealth. My mission in life has always been to create the prosperous life and business of my dreams.

Speaker 2:
And now my mission is to help you do the same for yourself. And that all started about 25 years ago. When I decided to do something different with my life at the time, I was a stressed out attorney functioning, barely  in survival mode and I'm talking daily stomach aches for the first two decades of my life, way too much caffeine carrying everyone else's expectations around like a martyr. And I even landed myself in the hospital a few times because of my crappy lifestyle. So I quit my job as a high powered corporate bankruptcy attorney. Actually I quit the career cold Turkey. Yeah. I let it go. And I trained and then became a Pilates instructor and then a yoga teacher. And this was back in 1998 before Pilates and yo yoga were a fad by the way. So you could say I'm a Pilates pioneer .

Speaker 2:
Anyway, I taught Pilates and yoga for almost 15 years and still manage to work myself to the bone exhaustion, continued digest, digestive stress, adrenal fatigue, depression, and at one of my lowest points again, I had an epiphany and I said to myself, what if I let this go to, what if I found a way to ditch the stress, still get healthy, make good money and have the freedom and flexibility in my schedule that I had been craving for nearly two decades. And even then I knew that if it was meant to be, it was up to me and I could only rely on myself to live the life I wanted. Now, by that time I actually had met west. He imported me from Los Angeles. We were living together and I personally felt a little bit stressed financially. We were having these weird arguments about how to spend money.

Speaker 2:
He didn't believe for instance, that buying organic produce was worth it. I did. He didn't believe that we should be spending money on purified water. I did. He didn't believe that I needed to get my nails done every other week.  I did you get the picture? So I made up my mind that I would not be reliant on anyone, even him for financial and lifestyle freedom. And once I made up my mind, I literally manifested my doTERRA business into my life. I actually had no idea what essential oils were at the time or what direct sales or network marketing was. But I said, yes. Anyway, because I saw possibility and then I got intentional and now I help women just like you hack your own habits. So you can have a healthier and more abundant life. And I teach women like you had a market and sell holistic wellness, essential oils, nutritional supplements, personal care products, basically lifestyle online, just like I did. So you too can live a healthier and wealthier life. Now, Hey, I am super grateful for my life and it has not been easy. I know it looks like it has been, but it hasn't. There was a lot of blood and sweat and tears and grit behind the last few decades. And anyone who makes quote unquote success look easy is lying to you.

Speaker 2:
It takes the grit , but it was worth it. It was worth it. It was worth it that I worked it, it was worth it that I worked it every minute. I have no regrets. And I'm excited to use this episode to share how I've gotten to where I am today. Leading a global doTERRA team, creating online education for other women who want to create their own businesses online. And who like me also have a passion for holistic wellness who are basically pursuing the same lifestyle as me. Now. I said yes to doTERRA because I had a deep passion for creating a business that aligned with my core beliefs and to empower other women to do the same. And over the last decade that has delivered to me a seven figure business while helping thousands of other women do the same. So they two can have the lifestyle they want. So again, I brought Wes in here today to prompt me to share my journey with you and how I got to this point. So I'm hoping that you're ready to hear all about it. And Wes, if you're ready, I wanna get started. And by the way, I just, just outta curiosity, what do you remember about us? Our doTERRA story is almost a decade old this fall. Can you believe it? What do you remember about me getting started?

Speaker 3:
Well, thank you, sweetie. It's a pleasure to be here. And as you mentioned earlier, and you're dead on, I've had a front row seat to watching you create this business and I admire your efforts and all the hard work that you've put into it. And really enjoyed seeing you bloom through this whole process. I, I remember when you first came to me and you had been using doTERRA products for maybe probably a month and I was in my home office and I was working and you came to me and you're like, Hey, you know what, there's this product that I really like. And it's a, I think you said MLM at the time, you said it was a multilevel marketing, and I'd like to give this a go. And I've had a negative connotation in the past of, of network marketing. And I thought, you know what, though? I want you to give it a go. And, and I support you. I said, I'm not, I'm not interested. I'm not gonna help you. Cause I've got my own thing. And, but I wanna support you in doing this. And you're like, okay. And then you walked out and then from then on, it's just taken off. But that's my side of the story. What's your side of the story. When you first got the products and what made you make that decision and say, actually I wanna start promoting this product.

Speaker 2:
Well, I remember actually creating my first health coaching course. I was going to teach other women how to detox their mind and body. And I had created the entire course and I wanted to sell something alongside of it. So I wanted people to buy the course, but I also wanted to sell something on the back end. So at the time, I'm not sure if you remember this, I actually was aligned with another company that sold supplements and nutritional drinks, like, like mixes that you had put in.

Speaker 3:
Right. I remember you were using some product like that for like a couple months, I believe.

Speaker 2:
Yeah. And I actually was doing really well for like most people I had gotten to the point in three months where I was making about $5,000 a month, but somebody introduced me to doTERRA essential oils and the idea of the essential oils just appealed to me more. And I've always been the kind of person I'm sure you realize that I don't like to do. What's normal. Like I don't like to wear what other people are wearing. I don't want to drive the car that everybody else is driving. I usually have like an opinion about something before it kind of comes out. Like I'm literally talking about wrapping my car right now.  so the color doesn't look as like the same. I bought a Tesla like five years ago before anybody bought one. And now everybody on the street has one and they only make five colors.

Speaker 2:
I'm like, well, what can I do to make mine look different? So anyway, I've always been the kind of person that's shopped at the boutique stores. I won't go into a normal grocery store. I wanna have a different car than everybody else. And not that I wanna stand out and be flamboyant, but I want to be different and essential oils at that time, nobody was using them. And I was like, this is the opportunity to get in front of people with something avant guard and different. Not that, not that they're still not useful because they're not Avantgarde, but that's what got me into them at the time. And I was, I was torn between how do I, how do I sell my courses with this nutritional line that I was already using and still market essential oils or bring to toter essential oils into it.

Speaker 2:
And I started doing both at the same time for a couple of weeks until I realized that the oils made more sense to me. They aligned with my core values a little bit more. And I also just really loved the energy of the company. So I decided to let go of the other company, like again, I was making about $5,000 a month and I decided to let go for the possibility of what I saw with doTERRA. And I quickly replaced that income again in like two or three months. So it just, it came pretty quickly. So that's what I remember. I just had, it was blown away from the results of what I was getting you remember. I had issues with my digestive system. I had had issues with my gut for 20, 30 years and all of a sudden, I mean, I'm always gonna be a type, a person who is slightly wound up inside. But the difference between who I became in that short time of using the oils and who I was before for me was night and day at the time.

Speaker 3:
And I, I truly remember that because I remember for the first couple years of our marriage, cuz we've been married 15 years, sweetie. We just had our crystal anniversary.

Speaker 2:
I know.

Speaker 3:
And I remember the first couple years that we were together and you would require eight and a half, nine hours of sleep. And this is after you had your M and M cookie in bed with the crumbs, but you require eight and half to nine hours of sleep. And then all of a sudden you started taking these essential oils and these vitamins. And honestly, after you only needed six and a half, seven hours of sleep,

Speaker 2:
I don't need six and a half seven hours sleep. I can get by and function on six and a half and seven pretty well. But I think it's still ideal to have, for me to have between seven and eight hours of

Speaker 3:
Sleep, seven and eight hours is different than the nine hours that required. And honestly, I felt like if I were to wake you up early or something, it was like, poking the bear coming out of hibernation because you're like this grizzly bear, like, ah, type thing. But I wouldn't go back a little bit, even further. And you committed to Gotter because you, you liked the products that were there and everything, but what even got you interested in doing something like that? Because when I was first, I mean, we went through a time where you were manager of the plots and yoga program at a health and fitness club. And that really stressed you out because you had like 60 different people you had to deal with. And some people didn't show up and, and you actually had to take three months off as far as work time off because you just felt like crap.

Speaker 2:
Well actually like that's, I didn't have to take three months off because I had 60 employees and they were stressing me out. I had to take six months off because or three months off because my, if you remember correctly, what really happened is that my pancreas and liver and stomach stopped working, stopped working. And it was a result of grinding myself like into the ground and it wasn't just work. It was life, it was lifestyle. I was a competitive triathlete when I met you or a runner by the time I met you, I had now with you, we had gotten married. I had a baby. I was still trying to keep up with all of the things in my life. I wanted to still, you know, be up at five o'clock in the morning, running with my group. I wanted to ha like have my new child in the house.

Speaker 2:
I wanted to manage the health club. I wanted to teach the hours that I was teaching. I wanted to be a wife. And I, I realized during that time that you can have it all, but you can't have it all at once. You get to go through stages in your life. But I didn't know that then. So I was driving myself into the ground and my adrenal system shut down. So what I ended up doing was taking three months off from work. I was so sick. I was, I mean, I couldn't eat for two weeks. I lost like 20 pounds. I mean, it was, this was the lowest point in my life. Mm-Hmm  it was the lowest point in my life. I mean, I'd had other ones where I'd been outta the hospital in my digestive system, but this was the lowest breakdown moment, emotionally, not just physically, but emotionally in my life where I realized, like I had to shift everything in order to, in order to survive, literally survive.

Speaker 2:
I remember the doctor telling me, like, if you don't change your life, he, he wasn't like, if you, if you gotta eat more vegetables or you've gotta sleep eight hours of sleep, he was just like, if you don't change your life, you will not make it were his exact words. So that was right before doTERRA. And I sort of, I think I remember going into this whole well, it was a fast, first of all, not by choice into a 14 day juice cleanse. This is before there were juice bars, by the way, I remember buying my own juicer at the time and going out and spending, you know, $40 a day on produce so that I could juice myself. And then I went to a raw food certification and spent six days in Massachusetts and ate like that for like six or nine months.

Speaker 2:
I think it was nine months. And then during that time period, I found the essential oils and the combination of this new lifestyle, raw food juicing, a hundred percent vegan. I was up like 95% plant based before really shifted a lot for me. So, but the turning moment for me, wasn't all health related. I was always driven by ambition and money. I believe that when you have more money, you have more freedom. When you have more money, you have more choices. I love making money, not just for myself, but last week I decided to, for instance, match a charity pause for sex trafficking for girls. And I told the group that was raising money. You raised 2000, I'll give you 2000. They raised 22, 85. I gave them 22, 85. So for me, having money allows me to have more freedom, not just for myself to buy the organic produce and get my nails done, but also to give to places that I feel deserve it.

Speaker 2:
And so I was always motivated by money and I saw a financial possibility with doTERRA. I saw that I could teach do I could teach Pilates. I could teach yoga, but I could cut my hours in half and have a residual income, additional income stream on the side. So my goal at that point was instead of working 40 to 60 hours a week, teaching and managing was to cut my hours down to 15 to 20 and then pick up that extra income flow with my doTERRA business. But what actually happened is the doTERRA business Sur far surpassed my management and teaching compensation. And then I rolled right into that business. And within six months I was making six figures and within 13 or 14 months, seven figures. So my initial days were, were initial intention was how can I alleviate the financial stress in my life?

Speaker 2:
And give me more financial and time freedom by figuring out how to turn this passion for these oils and these products into a business side note, since I joined 10 years ago, the, the line has grown exponentially. So not only are we the largest essential oil company in the world, but what gets me actually more excited about doTERRA is all of the essential oil infused personal care and lifestyle products. And while I may only today use like six oils a day on a regular basis proactively I am probably using 30 doTERRA products a day between shampoo conditioner, toothpaste, skincare, anti-aging products, supplements. I mean, even my supplement line is like 10 products a day hand wash body wash, you name it. Like, I absolutely love the lifestyle that doTERRA gives. So I know that was a compounded answer, but those are my early days. And that's why I still, what I do do what I do now.

Speaker 3:
And, and a couple things that have come from that, that I want to touch on one is, and I remember you specifically saying, and this is something that I have never, I I've been an entrepreneur my whole life. And so I I've been one of that, one of those type of person that says, you know, it's okay to fail and you cuz you learn so much from failing. But one of the things I wanted to mention to you, Haley is you had mentioned to me that when you're working those 60 hour weeks and you said, Wes, I am so tired of working at an hourly rate and you would teach Pilates at home. You would teach Pilates at the health club, you would do teach some yoga classes. You would be a manager where you're paid an hour rate. Describe that feeling and what that's right is and compare that to what you've experienced as you built doTERRA. And that comes back to residual income.

Speaker 2:
Well, that was sort of my aha pivotal moment with doTERRA because I was just sharing what I loved with my existing clients and Facebook friends at the time. And I remember, you know, I got the first check was probably like $14 cuz I sold like one oil or something. And then maybe the next check was a couple, a little bit more than that. But the first monthly commissions check that I got, I remember I signed up in November and the first monthly commissions check that I got the following month was like $750. And that was a lot of money to me. And I couldn't believe that just by putting oils on people and sharing with them, what I was doing. It was like my own lifestyle that I had received the check like that. And only a month later that compounded and my check was now 1500.

Speaker 2:
And then a month later it was 2,500. And by the four month mark, it was $4,500. And by the five month mark, it was over $7,000. And by the time I was in for six months, I received a check. I know exactly where I was. I remembered I had never received a check that big in my life. I was driving on a freeway or highway in Chicago, helping somebody teach a class, an essential oil class that was on my team. And I opened up my phone and I looked at my commission, summary commissions are always paid on the 15th and I received a $15,000 check. So I went from $14 to 750 that first month to $15,000 within six months. And that was such a pivotal moment for me, realizing that you may work hard in the beginning and you may grind it out, but what is possible on the other end is so significant.

Speaker 2:
And you know, people ask me now, like how much do you think you, how much time do you think you spend on your doTERRA business? Which is a really hard question for me to answer because I do a lot of things for my business, like my own personal podcast, Haley hops and whole U or I have, you know, my social media strategy so that my audience is turning into a community and I'm building community. I have, I have a blog that I write every single week. I am, I have a whole email newsletter strategy so I can communicate with my community. So I mean, part of it is marketing me and my brand and my lifestyle, which obviously ties into bringing people in and keeping people into my doTERRA world as well. But when I think about the amount of time that I spend on doTERRA right now, it's probably somewhere between five to 10 hours a week to make a seven figure income, which is insane.

Speaker 2:
So what I love about this business is that you can put in a ton of time in the beginning, if you want to, maybe it's not for you. Maybe you only wanna make a hundred dollars a month or $300 a month or $500 a month and you don't have to work 40, 50 hours a week. Like I did, you know, there's so many different ways to do this. Maybe you're a person who wants to share casually and just get your groceries paid. That's okay. I'm, there's no, there's no way to do this or judgment either way. But if you're looking to do something like I did and you wanna make a five figure or six figure or more business, it is gonna take some work in the beginning. I'm not gonna lie to you and tell you, you can work five hours and make seven figures. If that was the case, everyone would be doing it. But what I will tell you is when you put the work in here, I am a decade later. Let's not joke ourselves. It's been 10 years, but now there's a compound effect where, I mean, it's kind of like having a retirement strategy. Do you know what I mean?

Speaker 3:
Well, you say a decade later, but honestly, within the first two years we created that you created that retirement

Speaker 2:
Strategy for us. I created it, but I had to continue. You know, I had to continue to put work in it to maintain it. You don't build a direct sales company and then walk away from it in two years thinking or believing that the structure is gonna maintain itself. We know that better than anybody else. There is a constant intention. Build rebuild. People will walk away. People will quit. People will retire themselves. People will get sick. People will get sick of doing what they're doing. So it does take some time to build out a business that is stable for the long term. But with that said, I mean, there's also smaller, still significant ways to do it. Like I said, there's many people out there, especially today with inflation, driving up and prices going up and you know, the talk of an economic depression, there's people out there where even a $300, $500 a month would be significant to them.

Speaker 2:
For me when I got that first $750 check, that was significant to me. I already had a career. I was teaching Pilates and yoga. So to have another $750 in my bank account, that month was significant to me. And if you're going to do that, there are ways you can share more casually rather than putting in the, the, the time in the commitment that I put in the beginning. I was legit in the beginning, probably working about 15, 20 hours a week for the first couple of weeks, but quickly that shifted. And within the first three months it was a full-time job for me.

Speaker 3:
And what, what you brought up also is one of these myths about Haley Hobson, because you were one of the, the you're the fastest person to hit presidential. You were the fastest person to hit double presidential, which only three or four people in the company had. So people are gonna be like, their thought process is, oh, well, Haley already had a huge following. When she started doTERRA, she had this, she had at the time, there's no Instagram, but she had a huge Facebook falling and everything like that. That's not the case because you, you had no following because, and another thing is, people are like, oh, well she's at the health club, she was in charge of the Pilates and the yoga. She got so many enrollee from that. And if I recall, I think you probably got two enrollments out of that. So describe these people that, Hey, you started from the ground up. You didn't have this huge vast audience to tout to at the very beginning, did you?

Speaker 2:
No, not at all. I, I don't remember how many people I brought in from where I was working in the beginning. It definitely was not significant. In fact, even the clients that I had, the students that I had, that I was teaching barely any of them came in. What I did. I started from the ground up. I knew that I wanted to build a business online. Your right Facebook was the only platform around which by the way means, I got to learn how to use Instagram and TikTok and all the other platforms that everybody's on right now. Just like everyone else  I had no heads up or no leg, you know? No, what do you wanna call it? Leg work ahead of anybody else, nothing. But what I did is I just got intentional with what my mission was. And my mission has always been to help people feel better in their brain and their gut, because I know how intricately related our gut is to our brain.

Speaker 2:
I know that what we put in our body, what we put in our stomach has an incredible effect on our productivity. The way that we manage our emotions, our mental health, the way we sleep at night, the way that we manage relationships, and even the way that we manage communication, every single piece of ingredient that goes in your mouth or on your skin impacts how you show up in the world. And so I knew that I could help people achieve a healthier and happier lifestyle with these products. And so I was on a mission to meet people. That's what I was on a mission to do. And I was, I'm not gonna say that the strategy that I used then is gonna work now. So I'm just gonna tell you what I did do then, but it's not necessarily what I do. Now. Back then I was using Facebook groups like nobody's business.

Speaker 2:
And I was in dozens and dozens and dozens of Facebook groups, cuz that was all everybody was doing back then. And I was looking at conversations and I was jumping in conversations and I was serving not by selling. I was just serving giving information and I was creating a following of people that would come to and I do do this now, live classes, live webinars. And I think I was one of the first people that I knew doing webinars. I had no idea what I was doing in the beginning, but I would create slide decks. I wanna cringe when I look at them now they were so ugly and  like, so not professional. And I remember the first skincare webinar I did cause I've always been obsessed with skincare products. I had two people that attended. So I just like most people out there started from scratch.

Speaker 2:
It was not from a following. It was not because I had an audience. It was, I had nothing and I had a mission to help other people. So yeah, that's how I got started. And by the way, I wanna share like that's how I continue to work because you're always gonna need a new audience. You're always gonna need to build new community. People are not necessarily gonna stick around forever. People's habits, change their hobbies, change their interests, change, where they wanna spend their time and who they wanna spend their time with changes. So every day I'm intentional about how I show up who I'm bringing into my life with me, who I'm bringing up in my life with me and how I'm building that community of, of not just people who are already there and keeping them there, but new people. So it look, it hasn't been easy and I'm not here to try to deter you from doing this. If this is something that you wanna do, but I don't wanna lie to you either. Like there was, like I said, in the beginning of this episode, there was blood, sweat, tears, and grind and UN Wes, to be honest, you and I were on the verge of not making it several times because of how intense I was committed, how intensely I was committed to this business.

Speaker 3:
You're right. But the beauty is, is that when you first got started, you decided that you're gonna do this as a business, not a hobby. And you put that time in, you put that sweat equity in and after five years, as you just mentioned, even today, you're typically spending about only 10 hours a week on the doTERRA business. And you can spend more if you want, but I want people to realize that yes, think of it as a business. Don't think of it as a hobby. And what you've created, Hailey is the ability for us to go between San Diego, our houses in San Diego and our houses in Boulder. And so I don't want you to, to think about, I, I, I, I want individuals to realize that if you make this a business and the other thing I wanna mention also, Haley that you had just mentioned is it's hard.

Speaker 3:
Now the, I do wanna say a positive thing about doTERRA. The retention rate for doTERRA is typically around 65%. The industry average is 11%. So that's one of the bonuses that doTERRA has. I wanna go back though and talk about another kind of thought you had when you're just getting started and I'm in residential real estate. We've I've done well in residential real estate. I was doing well when, when you decided to do network marketing, but I also, and you touched on this in the intro when you were still making good money, but you went and you were getting your hair done. You were getting massaged all the time. You're getting nails. And part of my thought process is you're right. I did ask myself and every once in a while I asked you, I'm like, why do you need to spend this money? And I understand now why you're like, you wanted to have this own money for yourself. Can you talk a little bit about that?

Speaker 2:
Yeah. I mean, when I, when I wake up in the morning and I feel pretty, I have confidence.  like, I legit, like when I look good, when I am taking care of my body, when I feel like my hair looks nice, I feel more confident and I can show up. And whether I'm on video or not, you come into the bathroom sometimes at six 30 in the morning, I'm like curling my hair in the morning. I'm like getting the frizzies out from when I'm sleeping and I'm on my way to the gym. And you're like, why are you putting on like lip gloss and tinted moisturizer and curling your hair before you go work up? Because when I show up looking my best, I feel my best. It's like your friend who you talked about, who puts on shoes so he can work at home.

Speaker 2:
I feel like that's my professional. Like I like to look and feel good about myself. So for me, if I'm typing all day and I wanna look at my fingers and I want them to look pretty and they're in like Instagram stories and I'm showing my hands like that makes me feel good. If I'm on camera, on stories and you know, I've got my hair blown out the day before, like I feel good. So I just wanted to always have the money at, I wanted to have the discretion to use money, the way that I wanted to use it. And I don't wanna live a life of scarcity. I don't wanna live a life where I feel like I'm pinching pennies. I don't wanna teach my kids or myself that I can't have something because I don't have enough money for it. I wanna, I wanna teach my kids how to create money.

Speaker 2:
Like I've created money so that they can go do, be whoever they wanna be and travel wherever they want the world. I mean, I have a funny text from Madeline yesterday. I mean, it's kind of obnoxious, but also kind of funny. But she's got a birthday coming up and she sent me like a wishlist of what she wants. And you know, you may look at it and go, oh my God, spoil a little brat. Look what she wants, blah, blah, blah. But I love it cuz she's dreaming and we don't buy her. You know, every single thing that's on her list and we teach her the value of money, but this is what she sends me yesterday. This is my Amazon cart it's saved for later. I would like bullet points, phone cases, not just one phone cases, a galaxy projector, BTS albums, a mini fridge to store my skincare.

Speaker 2:
 skincare, perfumes and FRA fragrances. And then she writes in all capital letters with a font three times as big go to Paris or Japan or South Korea  and you know, the reason she wants to go to South Korea is cuz she infatuate the BTS Korean boy band culture. But I love this. I love how she's dreaming. I love how she believes that it's possible. I love how she's confident that at some point she will either be able to take this travel or that she can just be confident and ask to take this travel. I grew up at a PLA in a, in a, in a generation where people didn't even ask because the answer we were afraid that the answer was just gonna be no or that we weren't gonna be able to have it. So I've always had a desire to create it and to show my children that we not only am I creating it, but they can create it too.

Speaker 2:
And some of the biggest challenges that I've had along the way are just the belief that I could do it. And when you step into it and you do create it, that's evidence that that belief can actually be there. So that's, I guess that's a really longwinded again, answer to your question, but it's, it's about dreaming for me. It's all about dreaming. And when I look back at what I'd accomplished, I I'm so happy for myself that I was able to dream. Like I don't believe that things are impossible. You know how deliberate I can be or intentional I can be with getting what I want. I believe I really believe that a hundred percent is possible a hundred percent of the time. I really believe that. I believe that you can figure it out. I can figure it out. If it's up to me, if it's up, if it's meant to be it's up to me. And I know that for whatever's next in my life, whatever I get to create, if I have the vision and I'm super intentional with what I want the result to be, it will happen. And if I'm not getting the results, it just means I get to be more intentional. So I know that we could go on and on and on about the story. I'm actually thinking that we should do a part two. How do you think about just doing a part two?

Speaker 3:
Yeah, I think that'd be great.

Speaker 2:
All right. So we're gonna wrap up you guys. Now. I do wanna say that before we wrap up, one of the things that we talked about today is getting CLA like in the sense is getting clarity on who you are, what you want and how to get it. That's really what I've done over the last decade or two. And whether it's, I want to start a business, sharing my passion and having it become a reality, or whether it's, I wanna have this specific person finding me through my Instagram feed, you get to be intentional on what it is that you want, who it is that you're looking for. And also how to ask the, ask, how to ask for what you want. And I know that I talked also a lot about how I built my business in the online space and attracted really hundreds of thousands now of followers and built a community of people that I did not know before.

Speaker 2:
And the way that I did it was getting intentional, getting clear and also really understanding who that person was that wanted to hear from me and then creating messaging to her specifically. So she felt like I got her, like I understood her. Like I knew what her pain points were and that I could solve them. And so I wanna gift you today just cuz you're here. A guide that I just made, it's actually a guide and a workbook combined. It's I call it, build your own business, build your own online business guide. And so as you start to journal through it, I'm gonna be giving you some prompts in the workbook. So you don't have to answer all the questions by yourself. I'll be guiding you through it, but you'll get to understand the core steps to take so that you can go next level on your business, too, whatever that looks like, whether it's literally starting it from scratch or whether it's taking it next level, the guide will I'll guide you first and then you'll workbook through sections so that you understand how to be intentional. And you understand what to ask for who to look for and how to get your messaging across. So all you've gotta do is go over to Haley guide. That's a B I Z. And if you're in any of my social channels, if you just comment with the word biz B I Z, I promise I'll sh I'll send it over to you. I'm at Haley Hobson on Instagram, Haley Hopson, hold you on Facebook.

Speaker 2:
I am Haley Hopson. That's literally my handle. I am at, I am Haley Hopson on TikTok comment anywhere where the word biz or head on over to my website, hops guide and.