
doTERRA Diamonds Discuss : Sara Janssen

Welcome to doTERRA diamonds, discuss where you'll be inspired by stories, tips, and strategies by doTERRA's top leaders who will then help you turn your passion for holistic wellness into your own profitable and flexible business. And now here's your host Double Presidential Diamond, Hayley Hobson.

Hayley Hobson:
Hello, my friends. Welcome to doTERRA Diamonds Discuss where we teach entrepreneurs with a passion for holistic wellness, how to make a six-figure income or more so they can work from home. Have the flexibility they've been craving with their time and make more money than they've actually ever imagined. And I'm really excited actually, to be chatting with one of my favorite peeps today, Sara Janssen, Sara is literally one of my doTERRA besties. We hang out online and IL, and like I said, she was practically she's practically my neighbor in Boulder. She's a presidential diamond. She's been cheering her team to success since 2004. I actually met her when she was an elite and living just up the canyon from me in Boulder, Colorado, she and her husband, Matt built their home up there with, they built their business up there. They were traveling,uin their motor home.

Hayley Hobson:
And and now after Boulder, then Puerto Rico. If I remember correctly, then Austin, they settled into a 1895 farmhouse on the Prairie lands of South Dakota. And they now homeschool their three daughters chase. I think she said 33 chickens around they're 21 dreamy acres and fun fact about Sara too. She's an air force veteran and accomplished photographer and writer and a lover of all things gardening. So when I talk about hello, my friends to have the flexibility you've been craving. Sara is literally living that life. She is passionate about showing her team how to achieve the time freedom they crave too. So, she's such a deep and special person and despite the proximity now, she's in Boulder. Actually. I probably hung out with her more at corporate events and events all over the country than I did in Boulder when we both lived there. But I am super excited about how passion, how passionate she is about her life. How passionate is she about her life? I love how she lives her convictions and, and, and in her life and her personal life, her business too. And whether she's talking about essential oils or a nesting or her faith or her family, she throws her all into all of it and it's really inspiring. So her enthusiasm is contagious and so is her inspiration and get ready to be filled up with this interview. So, Hey Sara.

Sara Janssen:
Hello, there. How are you?

Hayley Hobson:
Are you? I'm good. We probably don't. I probably don't even have to ask you, tell me a little bit about yourself, cause I just talked and, and ranted over you and raved over you for the last five minutes. But my question is, tell me a little bit about yourself.

Sara Janssen:
I will, I'll tell you a little bit more. I, I grew up in Iowa, a small town, Iowa, and it's kind of why we ended up back here in the Prairie lands here in South Dakota, after all of our, all of our travels. And we did, we traveled the country, Matt and I, so. Matt is my husband. And you know, we have these three little girls, I wanna say little cuz in my mind, they're still little, but they're almost 18, 13 and 10 right now. And I, I, those ages just, they make me sad a little bit cuz they're growing up. And so we are here in South Dakota. But we did travel around the country for 10 years in a motorhome. Some of that was to build our doTERRA business, but we did that for a long time before we got into doTERRA and got to see the country and travel and it was just, it was a blast. And so we are now very much settled here and remodeling our very old farmhouse, gutting it to the, the very core and building it back up. And so that's what, that's what we've been doing. And, and it's been such an amazing thing to be able to do that and not have to run off to town, to work everyday and to be able to work from home and, and be here together as a family, which is so important to us. We, we homeschool our three girls as well. So, so that's me.

Hayley Hobson:
How long have you guys been in the, in the, in the farmhouse?

Sara Janssen:
Over a year now? Probably.

Hayley Hobson:
I feel like time sort of like totally wise. I was looking at something the other day. I got a reminder that came up on Facebook. It's like three years ago, you know, it does that. I'm like, thank you. When I got my Facebook account pulled from me and deleted, I was like, oh, I don't get any more reminders when Madeline is bored. But anyway I got, I saw a picture of me and Wes holding the key to our new home in Boulder, the one that we have on Tamarac. And I was like, wow, that's been three years already. And I remember when you guys were in Austin and, and then you moved. I was like, well you were just there for like a year or so. And you're like, no, we were there for like

Sara Janssen:
Yeah. Three years.

Hayley Hobson:
Yeah. Yeah. So time flies. So it's been a year in the, in the, in the farmhouse. And how far are you into the renovations? Now?

Sara Janssen:
We're probably half through the inner inside, but then we have five grain bins on our property that we wanna turn into retreat space.

Hayley Hobson:
Oh wow. That is super fun to be.

Sara Janssen:
Able to sleep 50, have retreats here out in the country with the, you know, it's just so such a special calming, quiet place out here and surrounded by trees. And so that'll be many more years, but I thought I'd give Matt a break a little bit in between.

Hayley Hobson:
I wish you guys could see. I wish you guys could see my podcast is only an audible, but Sara and I are on video right now, too, so that we can just have eye contact with each other. I wish you could see, see her pretty space behind her cuz Sara does such a phenomenal job of decorating and everything looks so pretty with all the colors and the rainbows and stuff.

Sara Janssen:
Thank you. It makes me happy. I wanna, I wanna work in a space that makes me smile.

Hayley Hobson:
I know. I know you do. So what's your doTERRA story. Tell us about your doTERRA story. Cause I remember you came to me like to my house. I think by accident heard I was doing some type of class or trading and I didn't even know that you were up the canyon back then. You had, you had bit around in doTERRA for several years, but hadn't started building and then boom, you went from elite to, to presidential diamond in like I think a year or something. So tell us your story.

Sara Janssen:
Yeah. So I found doTERRA through a friend who was, you know, talking about oils. She kept talking about it and talking about it. And finally I just, I messaged her. I'm like, okay, here's my card number. I just want some of these oils. And so I got, I got a very tiny kit, probably what back then was the, the family physician kit and just slowly fell in love as a customer. And I, I didn't, it took me a while to fall in love. I didn't use them all that much. I thought they were really pretty, I liked the colors. I put them up on my shelf and I would smell them once in a while and used them to clean my toilet. That was about the extent of how I was using oils. And I had shared about it a little bit on my blog and you know, told people I like doTERRA.

Sara Janssen:
That was about the extent of it though. And then at some point I just got annoyed that I had to like keep this account thing going up. And so I actually tried to cancel my doTERRA account and I got on the, a computer. I, I tried to cancel it and you know, when you try to go cancel something and it's just feels frustrating, you just quit. So that's what I did. I just, I was like, oh, I can't figure out how to cancel this thing. Okay, fine. I, I told my enroller I'm I just wanna cancel all this. I just wanna make it go away. Cuz it seems stressful. I don't even, I'm not using it. And funny enough she didn't get it canceled for me. And it was kind of set out there for another month and a month later we bought a house and I needed to make more money and I thought, oh wait a minute.

Sara Janssen:
I think I can make money with that doTERRA thing that I tried to cancel. So I, I made some calls and I checked into how that was possible, started to listen, to calls like training calls and I'm a researcher at heart and I wanted to find out how could I do this? And my upline had some, you know, great trainings and stuff like that, but I had been ignoring them. And you know, I finally dug in and once I did, once I wrapped my head around how it could actually work and, and one of the free first calls I listened to is how to make your first 2000 in doTERRA. And it was, you know, all about finding business partners. And I thought I can do this. I can find three people that I wanna partner with and run with this. And at that point it was just, we just decided, okay, let's, let's try it.

Sara Janssen:
Let's figure this out. And we are actually, we did have some friends that had been in doTERRA for a while who were at the blue diamond level and you know, called them, made sure it was legit. They're like, are you actually making money? And they're like, yeah, we're actually making money. And we're like, okay, okay. We let's, let's try this. And so at that point we just decided we don't, we didn't have a plan B like we wanted to go all in. And that summer, this is the summer of 2014. We just went for it and hit silver gold right away. And that fall hit diamond and, and started to travel back in the RV. And cuz we were in Boulder just like you said, Hailey, right up the camera.

Hayley Hobson:
I can't believe it's been that long. Like I met you in 2014.

Sara Janssen:
Yeah. Yeah. I, I just had my tenure in RO LA this

Hayley Hobson:
One. Wow. So 2014 I met you. So 15, 16, 70 18, 19 20, 21. I've met you like either seven or eight years ago?

Sara Janssen:
Yeah. Like eight.

Hayley Hobson:
Wow. That's so crazy.

Sara Janssen:
No it's crazy. And like when I was in that phase of, I was trying to figure out how to do doTERRA. So I Googled Boulder, Colorado, doTERRA. And that's how I found you. And I was like, oh, okay. I there's other people around here doing this. I mean, I knew nothing. I didn't really know how it worked. I didn't know. People taught classes. I knew nothing. And so you're like, yeah, I'm teaching a class at my house come. And so I came to your class and I listened to your class. And then you had a business overview after the class and I'm like, okay, I'm gonna stay for this. Maybe I'll learn something.

Hayley Hobson:
Okay. I just need everybody to hear what you just said for a second. Because what you said is that you not knowing anything about the business, Google, doTERRA and your city found me. I don't remember what rank I was at the time. I, I might have been presidential diamond and Sara connected with me, came to a class. We became friendly. And over the last seven years, eight years I have traveled with her all over the world. She has become one of my doTERRA besties. Our husbands are friends. I would trust her with anything. Like that's the relationship that we connected on because she just Googled doTERRA, Boulder, Colorado. Like you just never know what's gonna happen. So for all of you guys were like, I don't know who to reach out to. Or there's nobody to reach out to like, look what just happened. Sara's not on my team. She is not on my team. Like, let's just make that clear. Okay. And if I had to pick anybody to vacation with, and, and, and you know, I mean I'll maybe leak a little bit more information. There's a group of us girls who we chat daily, like, like in a back chat and me and Sara, Sara and I are in that chat together. Like that's how close we are. So yeah, this is real.

Sara Janssen:
It's so cool. And that, that's what happens with doTERRA is that the relationships you built that we have built over the years, they're so precious. And, and it goes so much deeper than like business partnerships, business, even, you know, just sharing masterminding, all of that. Like we know each other's lives and, and that's, it's so important to

Hayley Hobson:
Have that. Right. I mean, we've sat in pools where we've tried to save my marriage. I did in Las Vegas. In the pool.

Sara Janssen:
Yes. Oh, those are good times.

Hayley Hobson:
So, so question for you. So what were some of the first, so you, so you Googled, you came, you decided to go for it. You blew up over the next year, but what were some of the first daily activities that you were doing?

Sara Janssen:
I mean, I was contacting everybody that I thought could use oils in their life. I just didn't even think twice. I just had to get, get, get in front of as many people with this message that oils can help you. And, you know, we started to around and I just thought, okay, so my aunt lives here and I go there and see if she has any neighbors. And then I know my friend from college lives over here, so I'm gonna go there. And I just, I went around and I didn't do diamond club or anything. Like that, it just, didn't the timing didn't align with what we wanted to do cause we were going out in the summer. And so I kind of did my own, I guess you would call it my own diamond club, but I remember being on the phone a lot.

Sara Janssen:
I actually had a landline up there in the mountains cause I didn't trust my cell phone. So I like a telemarketer, had my little headset with my microphone. And I would just sit there and I would call people and I would do one-on-ones and I would talk to them about their needs. And I would tell them exactly what kit they should get and I would enroll them. And I really, it was learn as you go at that point, but I was teaching and enrolling and following up same, nothing has changed. Right. The same kind of stuff that that I still do. And even as, you know, leading a team on top of that, but yeah, it, it, it was just a lot of relationship building back then, you know, just a lot of helping people. Do

Hayley Hobson:
You think that you can still do it the same way? Like is that if, if a new person were to come on and they, I, I think, I think it's actually harder for people who are established to build than people who are newer. Like, that's just my opinion because in the beginning, like everybody's your war market. And then after you exhaust your war market, you have to get good at marketing to build a new market. So I think my opinion is, is like anybody who's just getting started right now. And hasn't gotten out there, like the opportunity is like endless for you, but I, I want your opinion on whether those original strategies, like just sharing oils of people still works.

Sara Janssen:
You know, I do. I do think that still works because I'm watching, I'm watching it work all around me with new people. And in, for me as someone who's, you know, I've worked through that warm market. It does require getting out there and meeting new people. So it does require, like you said, marketing yourself, whether that be online or like me in a new town going into town and getting involved and making new friends and just networking is key. It's why it's called network marketing. Right. And so I think you just have to shift and do new things when it's starting to feel like, oh, what's working now or what's working before isn't, what's working now. So it's just constantly assessing what's working and then changing it up.

Hayley Hobson:
So what are you doing now that might be different as now that you've assessed? Yeah.

Sara Janssen:
Yeah. I mean, I, so I used to teach a lot of bigger classes in the beginning and, and obviously, like I said, I was traveling now. I'm not traveling. So it's a little bit, you know, different, I'm not reaching that, you know, those certain people in person, but I tend to, and in, even in the beginning I tended to do a lot of one-on-ones. And so I have felt, especially in the last couple of years that people are so hungry to be seen, to be heard, to know someone cares about them, you know, just building friendships. And I feel like one-on-one just feels really genuine to me. I love, I love doing one-on-ones. That doesn't mean I'm not teaching zoom classes. I, I, zoom classes are what I have done up to this point since, you know, the, the last couple years, but I do have a desire to start teaching more in person now that we're kind of settled in South Dakota and, and there's such a need for it. It seems like the Midwest is a little bit behind sometimes when it comes to health and wellness, I'm just gonna say the portions are larger, but

Hayley Hobson:
You almost feel like when it's like, when it's, I, I almost feel still like there's more potential in those areas than there is in say a, a hip market, like, you know, at a hip. I mean, like there they've been there done that for a while, like LA or, you know, like, I don't know, like those areas, I feel like people, they there 20,000 versions of what you're offering because they've been using and doing it for a while. And sometimes even though what was the word that you just used that the Midwest is a little bit,

Sara Janssen:
It's just a little bit more behind.

Hayley Hobson:
Right. But so now there's an opportunity to actually get ahead. You know what I mean? Yeah,

Sara Janssen:
For sure. But here's the thing is that no matter what community you're in, no matter how stagnant you think your area is or whatever people always have needs. And so I, I, my new focus really is targeting their needs. And so if they need deeper sleep and that has been, what's been ailing them, or if they need relief from, you know, this back or whatever they have going on in their life, being able to help them in something that's a pain point in their life is still, what's going to bring people in and they are going to come to you because they trust you. And, you know, that's what, that's what you're doing. It's really still about. It's always been about building relationships and serving people and helping people. And that has never changed. And so if the focus that the like overarching focus of whatever you're doing, and everyone does doTERRA different, if you can focus on serving people and then shift into what that looks like for you right now, it it's work no matter where you are.

Hayley Hobson:
Well, you know, what I love about what you just said is that you get to actually serve somebody where they wanna be served and help somebody, how they wanna be helped. And I think that sometimes we go into this business, like, I think in the beginning, it was really easy for us to talk about like, do you know what essential oils are? And then like, just be super general about that. And I'm not saying that we can't pinpoint sleep versus stress versus digestion versus skincare versus non-toxic cleaning products, whatever. But I think that when you go in knowing like the, the, the niche that you're passionate about, like I can help anybody no matter what their problem is, I can find a solution for them with, with essential oils. But I go in talking about stress management, productivity hacks, better night's sleep. And then like a mind gut connection by cleaning out, literally cleaning out the GI track the bowel, right?

Hayley Hobson:
So those are my, that, that's my story. Like I really went in and used essential oils to work on my digestive system. And therefore the clarity in my brain and the mood, the emotional wellness, mental health, and then better night, better, better rest, better night's sleep at night. And so that's my thing. And so I get to talk about that all the time. And I usually attract people that are interested in that kind of stuff. Whereas somebody else might be interested in something totally different. And that could be their thing. I, I, I, you said something that made me just think like this isn't a one, one size fits in the box, kind of deal. Like you guys get to do this. However you want find your area of expertise, find your passion, find your niche. And then if somebody comes to you, that's out of that niche. And as a problem, you can totally solve their problem too, but you kind of don't attract anybody when you're reaching out to everybody.

Sara Janssen:
Yeah, no, I, I totally agree because PE what, I don't remember who, who the quote is by, but, you know, people are going to be attracted to the raging bonfire. That is you, right? And so when you are like a raging bonfire of passion about something within doTERRA that you are passionate about, and you know, or like you're saying topics surrounding things that we have to offer, then it's absolutely going to draw people to you. If you're focused on something that you don't really care about, but you're, maybe your upline cares about that. So you thought you should focus on that, but it's like a want, want, like for you, then it's not gonna work. So dial in to what, what lights you up? What gets you excited? Something that you could talk about for 30 minutes with no notes that you just get so excited about. Like that's what you can build your business around.

Hayley Hobson:
Yeah. And, you know, speaking of like, you know, doing things that your upline does or doesn't do, like, that's a hot topic right now because there's a lot of people who built it up the doTERRA, the traditional way class to class. And then there's people who came in and were like, oh, I can see myself doing it this way, because this is how my life is. And then upline say, well, that's not how you're supposed to do it. And nobody gets to tell you how to do it. You get to totally choose how to do it. You get to watch somebody else. Who's doing it a different way. Even if the person who introduced you, isn't doing it that way. So that will lead me into our next conversation that I actually wanted to talk to you about, which is building the business online. Because when I first met you and I started following your Instagram account, nesting, gypsy, which I know you now have a more active blog than Instagram right now. I was like, oh, Sara's building the business online. But like I also realized, as I got to know you, that you're very hands on person to person traveling in your RV, meeting people on the road, traveling to your builders, actually teaching physical classes. So you had a really nice combination of both. What is your opinion on online? Can you do it online? Are you still doing it online?

Sara Janssen:
Yeah, so I kind of look at my business. It, it was, it was both. I, I, I did build my business even before I knew I was going to be connected with doTERRA. Right. So all those years that we were traveling, I was blogging all of those years and we actually went out and stayed with blog readers. And this was way before Facebook, you guys, this is so funny, cuz there was no Facebook, there was no social media. And I would just have people sign up to host us in their driveway or in their backyard. In our, I had never seen their face. We had not even talked on the phone most of the times. And I would like knock on the door and be like, Hey, are you Casey? She's like, yes, you must be Sara. So I would show up, we had a hundred of those people around the country and that's how kind of we built our foundation because then when I did start doing and doTERRA, of course I had, you know, I had lots of friends all over the country and but, but I knew all of them in real life.

Sara Janssen:
Right. So I, I met them online, but then we knew each other in real life. And then when we started to build our doTERRA business and we, we really did go back and stay with a lot of those same people. Some of those people I met way back then became my leaders. And so it was, it was, it was both. And I, I really, truly never

Hayley Hobson:
Both and-

Sara Janssen:
Both, and you know, but I never really did jump into doing funnels and doing anything like that. I mean, it was, I mean,

Hayley Hobson:
No, if there's anything wrong with that.

Sara Janssen:
No, no, not at all. Of course, Hayley. But, but I think it's important for people to know like both ways are still valid. I, I think there's so much value in how you build relationships online. And I think, I mean, I have very good deep relationships with people I've never met in real life, you know, and that has come through through social media and, and sharing online and sharing my life. I do think that if you're gonna share online you know, just sharing who you truly are, you know, like so that people can get to know you, not just what you're selling and you know, the, the relationship marketing thing. But I bet I maybe maybe a enrolled like 10 to 20% of my, of my team, you know, just online, like the traditional sense of being online. Like they came to a zoom class or I, you know, they found me on Instagram, but the rest were in classes face to face. And you know, whether that be traveling, teaching for my team, like you said, which that's how we built. We, we would go to our leaders area, stay there in the RV sometimes in their yards, sometimes at an RV park around where they live and we would teach and we'd get to know their teams and their families. And, and that's how we did it.

Hayley Hobson:
I love that. I love that. So how do you, how do you work on retention in your bus now? So I network marketing direct sales is an interesting business because it's not just like bringing people in and selling a product and building, building, building the initial phase. There's a lot of like we're building a, we're really building a membership and there's a membership of customers that are buying month after month, which by the way, online memberships are super, super trendy and hot right now and save people a lot of money, but we're also building a membership in a, in a sales team and the goal is to retain them. Right. What are your thoughts?

Sara Janssen:
Yeah. I mean, this is something we've been focused on really heavily in the last couple of yours is customer education. And so once, once someone does say, yes, I love these oils. I want this, you know, we are showing them, okay. Yeah, we, we have a lot to offer, you know, and here's, here's everything that you get and, and doing the educational piece has been so important. So we started doing evening zooms. Like I know a lot of of teams do maybe once a week and teach on different topics. We did that for a long time and got a big library of that going on. But then this year we switched to doing a live stream. Wednesday at noon, it's a shorter one. And so people are hopping on and they're learning like short little, little tips for, this is what I could do for this or this or this.

Sara Janssen:
And that's working really well too. You know, it's sending out texts, doing text tips postcards, you know, there's all these different ways that I've even sent like snail mail with magnets, with roller ball labels, with we're trying all different kinds of things to engage people, to help them remember, Hey, remember this, you love your oils. Oh yeah. I do love those oils. I forgot about those oils. And, and you know, one of our, one of our most popular things we do in our user group is we have, you know, a question that says like, what's getting lonely in your oil box and let us help you use it. So many people buy oils and let them sit. They have no idea how to use, you know, fill in the blank. And, and then they think, oh, I guess I don't need any more oils, but really that's the, that's the piece. If they are using them actively, how you use them in your home, you know, then retention becomes easy.

Hayley Hobson:
Yeah. I love that. I do that every day. I give my essential oil, all tips of like, of what I'm doing. I, I, I did a story earlier just sharing what's in my diffuser right now because diffusing essential oils while I'm working at my desk is non-negotiable to me, I'm always sharing what supplements I'm taking or what I'm using to clean my house. My favorite thing to share is actually my skincare routine, because I get a lot of like, how does your skin look so good? And it's because I've been diligent with my skincare routine over the last 10 years, and I'm not just using moisturizers. I'm literally using essential oils in my skin. So I'm always giving those tips. And so retention is, is some of it has to do with like, you know, like, like what Sara says, education and tips and calls they can tap into. But some, some of it has to do with creating a culture. Do you have any thoughts on that?

Sara Janssen:
Yeah. Like within your team

Hayley Hobson:
Yeah. Within your team or within the company, whatever you wanna talk about.

Sara Janssen:
Yeah. Well, I mean, it's a, it is, don't is very special and it's different, I believe, than a lot of companies in that. You know, whatever you're creating, how people feel when they're around, not only you, but your, you know, your group online or your group in person, you know, how, how they feel when they're there is a huge, that's a huge deal. And when we were very first building, we had a, we had a big focus on building, building culture. And so we would go to our teams and we would get everyone together. And like I said, we'd meet their families. And then we would do retreats where everyone would come in and did lots of retreats and, and Boulder, and we didn't wanna Austin and where they, everyone would come in and learn together, but also, you know, just connect heart to heart and, and become friends. And so there's there when, when people feel like they belong to something, this goes for team or customers, they're not gonna go anywhere. There's a statistic. That's as when college kids go to college, if they have one friend that they feel like sees them, gets them knows them. They won't quit college. And so I always remember that when I think about customers, like, do, do they feel connected here? Do they feel like we see them? We can help them. And so that's, that's a huge part of creating that culture.

Hayley Hobson:
I have one more question for you. I think that in any business, whether it's a doTERRA business, any direct sales business in general, any business outside of direct sales, when you wake up in the morning, there are days that you just may not feel like you're motivated. Is there anything specifically that you do when you aren't feeling the mojo?

Sara Janssen:
Yes. Yes. And I think all of us can relate to this over the last couple of years. It's been, you know, it's been a doozy and there's probably been more days than normal that you, you know, and so the, the first word that I wanna pick out of there is feeling right. So when we commit to something, we don't, we don't go on our feelings. So I've committed to doTERRA, to my team, to my customers. It doesn't rely on how I feel that day is a choice. Right? So I'm choosing no matter what to show up now, if I truly am like feeling real bad, I'm not gonna show up and, and be Debbie downer, you know? But it, it is a, it is a choice to, to continue to show up in the hard time so that you can make it to that next mountain top.

Sara Janssen:
And, you know, you could do little things, like put on your oils. And for me, I'm like, I open my Bible and I listen to a podcast or I get on my bike cuz moving my body. Some, you know, that triggers my brain with all those, you know, the good serotonin and all the things that are flowing, like all of a sudden like, oh yeah, I do love my life. I love my business. Let's do this. You know? And so knowing how you work best and knowing kind of just knowing yourself and not just laying on the couch, when you feel like, oh, I just can't do this. And I think also having a support group of people that you, whether it be crossline friends or your own team, you know, but whenever you're feeling down, like my rule that I always tell my team is, you're never, you're never complaining and talking to your downline, right? You're, you're always going crossline or to your upline. And and you never can quit on a bad day and those bad days, they just don't ask for very long, if you're truly passionate about what you're doing and, and get your head on straight and get back to what

Hayley Hobson:
You, what I have a trick that I've been doing for the last couple months. So if I, if I have, if I get in a mood, right, like there's a text message that I don't like or an email that I don't like or a number in my back office that I don't like or whatever, a zoom that I Don I ask myself, like how long I wanna have the pity party for myself. So sometimes I'll give myself like a five minute pity party. Sometimes I'll give myself an hour. I never give myself more than two hours anymore. And usually I can wrap up the pity party in five minutes, but I, and, and I, and I, my friends know this about me know, I could go to them and say, Hey, I, I wanna dump. And so some of them will say to me, do you just wanna vomit and I'll hold the bucket? Or do you want me to give you feedback? Or do you want any coaching? And sometimes I'm like, I just wanna vomit. I just wanna hold the bucket. I wanna have a pity party for myself for 10 minutes and then that's it. And it's over.

Sara Janssen:
Yeah. Yeah. And I think that is the difference between someone who is a top leader in this company and someone who maybe does it for a little while and, and then fizzles out is that, you know, it's that the bouncy ball versus the bowling ball analogy that I love so much. Right. And so instead of just boom and floating down the, the alley, like a bowling ball, and then off into the gutter, you bounce. And you know, my friends like to call me positive poly because I am able to see the good and the opportunity and the, the thankful things like, what are we so thankful about, you know, in the, even in the struggle. And that always brings me, it always brings me back. And so I look to like, why did I start this business? What have we created? What are we still going to create? And, and that, that keeps me excited.

Hayley Hobson:
So I told that was gonna be the one last question, but I have one last question. One last question is, do you have any long term goals you wanna share with us?

Sara Janssen:
Yeah. I mean, long term for me is to, to help as many people as I can create the same kind of life that we've created. Sometimes I take, take it for granted that Matt is home all day, that he can be with his girls, that they know their dad, that, you know, that, that we have so much freedom to choose what we do with our time. And that, that time freedom, I forget that not everybody has that. And so that brings me back, like remembering, okay, so this next thing, like, whatever we're gonna do, like let's help more people. And, you know, there has to be, I think something driving you and you have longer term goals and you, you hit all the goals that you want in your business and then what's next, you know? So I told you, you know, I have that dream to have a retreat center here. And to be able to do that well, none of that would be possible like without doTERRA, you know? So it, it all, and that's, you know, that's that retreat center is not like for doTERRA it's for all different kinds of things. And so, you know, that those are my long term goals to be able to serve more people, to be able to help more people and to have fun doing it.

Hayley Hobson:
I love it. And there, you heard it, you guys, from Sara Jansen, you can reach her over on her site, on her blog, nesting, gypsy, Sara, you wanna just give us a brief of description about what the blog is like?

Sara Janssen:
Yeah, sure. So I'm, I am on, I was telling Hailey, I am on Instagram. You can see me there, but through an unfortunate thing on my end, I accidentally locked myself out and they've been no help, but you can see me if you wanna go get to know me my whole life for like the last 13 years is on Instagram, but love, I logged for 15 over on my blog. And so nesting You're gonna find everything from homeschooling to gardening, motherhood, home, remodeling, Jesus, home, making oils. It's a lot of that. And I've, I've, like I said, I've blogged off and on for a very long time. But that's where I'm putting most of my content right now.

Hayley Hobson:
So nesting Although I did just tag you out a story, which you probably won't see then, and you guys can reach I'm Hailey Hobson over on Instagram. I am Hailey Hobson over on TikTok. Like that's literally my handle. I am Hailey Hobson on TikTok and just Hailey Hobson on Instagram. You guys, I have a spa special download for you, a guide on how to use essential oil, three surprising things that essential oils do that may not become knowledge. Three ways you should only ever use essential oils in your daily life. I'm gonna hook that up in the show notes for you. The link is ha about essential oils ebook. I know that's a doozy, Haley, but check the show notes and we will see you online. Thanks, Sara.

Sara Janssen:
Thank you.