Hey Guys,
What are you doing today? What is your plan and goals for today…for this week…for this month?
The reason why I ask you is not to catch you off guard but to get you to stop and think. I wanted you to take a pause from your busy schedule and contemplate where you are going with your life and dreams.
This week I am going to my company’s annual convention in Salt Lake City and I will be a speaker at a training events. It still blows my mind that I am up on stage teaching hundreds and thousands of people from all around the country and all around the world.
How the heck did I get here? Of course it included the obvious…like hard work, dedication, commitment etc but still to me the most important thing is that I had a VISION…
I am super serious with that statement. I remember going with my friend to my first convention just over 3 years ago when I was just starting out. I said to myself..”I want to be up there on stage. I want to make a real impact in my life and the lives of other people”. That is where my vision was created.
I didn’t get here because I am special, but rather because I had a special and amazing Vision for myself. And then I made the decision that I would then do the hard work, the commitment, the discipline that would keep me working towards my Vision every single day.
Everything I did was to try make my Vision come true. The cool thing when creating your Vision is that you don’t have to have all the details worked out to start. You just need to have a Vision that is as clear as possible given what you know at this time.
Then as you start working each day towards your Vision and moving closer to your Vision, you will start adding even more things to that as your knowledge, experience and clarity expands.
It is amazing and when you hold that Vision close, it is like magic starts to happen.
So for me I could keep adding to my Vision. I started to see how I could impact the lives of others and help people create a new rewarding life as an entrepreneur with financial freedom.
I then worked every day at how I could reach those people, make an impact in their live and create new relationships. Without a Vision, this wouldn’t have been possible.
You can do this. If I can…you can. Start today with your vision, because if you don’t all that hard work and effort is without direction and leads to frustration.
Create the Vision and work each day on activity that moves you closer and closer towards your Vision. Ask yourself…What am I doing today that is creating my TOMORROW?