Hey Peeps!
Okay, so I just have to tell you—last week was uber-amazing. First I hung with 5,000 powerful and amazing peeps in Orlando at doTERRA’s annual leadership conference for ranks Silver and above. It’s an invitation-only event for top leaders in my company.
Best of all, I got to connect with my doTERRA fam. I mean, not only is this event super exhilarating, but every year I get to catch a glimpse of how far peeps have come in their businesses. It’s such an affirmation seeing the benefit of hard work and commitment in action.
This used to be a national event with people coming from all over the country. It’s split between East Coast and West Coast now, which is kind of a bummer because I’ll be in Australia during the West Coast event and won’t get to see my peeps from that side of the country.
After a few days back east, I scooped up my carry on and a few juices and flew cross-country to The Most Powerful Women in Network Marketing event in Las Vegas.
Now, to say it was incredible would be an understatement. Being in the presence of several thousand women LIVING their truths and sharing their success stories was a privilege.
I can say that being around like-minded women who share a commitment to making life better for themselves—AND sharing authentically without holding back—is an experience I hope YOU get to have in your life.
And I hope you don’t wait to long to grab it.
I mean, geez, do you ever wonder what’s on the other side? What it might be like to actually live your dream instead of just WISHING it could be real?
You can have this!!!
You’re friggin’ worth it and don’t forget it. Even through the rough spots, keep reminding yourself of this. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone BUT YOU.
And you know what else? SHOWING UP even when the going gets tough will change you forever. See yourself there and let yourself FEEL how your life will be different.
You know, anyone can sign up for doTERRA. Anyone can start a business. But LEADERS are born at events and showing up is SO powerful.
Why? It’s the energy … the vibration … the connection. They help build momentum that will carry you through from one level to the next.
Where ever you are now, there’s always MORE right around the corner. Why would you NOT go for it? It might seem hard but I promise as soon as you take the first step a clear path will lead you to the people and experiences that will support you in having everything you want.
Girlfriend (or guyfriend LOL), there is a better way!!! I did it and I know you can too. What’s in me is in you.
Let’s do this. I’m right here.