
Let’s Get Personal Today

Hey !
Can I sidestep the fluff and get down and dirty personal with you?

I woke up this morning feeling massively stressed out. Every thought, conscious or subconscious, was triggering me.

“No one can do anything without me micromanaging EVERYTHING.”

“I have WAY too much on my plate”

“I can’t get everything done!”

“No one is stepping up and taking responsibility.”

“My life is completely out of control.”

Events were happening and these thoughts kept creeping in. WHY?

Was I just being paranoid?


I have plenty of hardcore evidence that if I am not constantly keeping a pulse on everything in my personal life and business, things fall apart, which leads to unpleasant consequences like deadlines not being met, flights missed, homework falling through the cracks, not-so-optimal launches.

Yesterday when I woke up I noticed my schedule was triple-booked.

Not double—TRIPLE.

I noticed a program that was about to launch had no designated host/moderator or topic designated.
The list goes on. I don’t want to make you cry too.

Now I will be the first one to say that learning to let go is a vital life skill. But that can only happen when we put trustworthy systems in place.

Trusting that those systems are secure requires risk.

Life will always throw curve balls at us.

What do we do, spend our lives dodging them?

Or are we willing to move out of our comfort zones to face them head on?

Lemme tell you, I have had to step out of my comfort zone many times to reach the level of success my business has grown to.

I’ve trusted and I’ve risked. And I’m willing to do it again so I don’t have to deal with the feelings I’m having now.
Things will not always go as I planned.

Will that stop me from risking again?

Of course not.

Our experiences become our battle scars and our battle scars become our stories.

What do we do with those stories? Do we allow them to make us stronger or do they stop us dead in our tracks?
Because they can do both.

It’s up to us. #icandothis



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