We’re all searching for connection.
To each other, to the places we go, to the products we buy…
And most of us find that deep kind of connection through storytelling.
A story can inspire you, motivate you to create a change, cause you to take action, change your perspective and so much more.
And that my friends, is the key to connecting with your audience in your business.
Copy is one of the most important parts of your biz.
For those of you are new to the game, copywriting is the act of writing text to promote your brand, products and services. And the final product is called copy.
It’s the written text on billboards, websites, emails, social media, advertisements, etc.
This copy should ultimately persuade your ideal client to buy your product, book a call, or whatever action you want them to take.
I friggin’ LOVE writing copy.
And you need to as well.
Because storytelling sells.
If you're not selling yourself or the products you are offering, it’s most likely because you’re copy is BORING.
Yep. I just said that. #SorryNotSorry.
It doesn’t mean YOU are boring. It just means your copy might suck.
And that’s something that in the words of my dear friend, Marie Forleo, is totally figureoutable.
You may not be able to afford to hire a copywriter at this point. And that’s okay.
It’s something you can teach yourself. Start googling. Take a course. Watch a webinar. Start networking.
I taught myself how to write copy. I still write a TON of my copy.
But I have SO much copy going out these days, it would literally be a full-time job writing it all so I bring in copywriters so I can run other aspects of my business.
And my copywriters are super stars and they write copy that CONVERTS.
Which is what it’s all about.
That means their copy, their stories...help sell whatever it is I need to sell.
Whether that’s tickets to one of my events or courses, essential oils or whatever!
Storyselling involves using stories in your content to create a point of connection and then convinces them to take action.
The art and science of storytelling
We’ve been telling stories since the beginning of time.
You see it on the walls of ancient caves.
It’s how we pass on wisdom, lessons, inspiration…
Stories serve to create an emotional connection with your audience.
If you can tug at someone’s heart strings, speak words that resonate with their values (and you know what those values are because you know who your ideal client is...ahem…;) )...
Bam...connection made.
For instance, if I want to sell a new essential oil blend, I’m not just going to talk about what’s inside the oil, how it was made, etc.
I’m going to use a story.
Maybe the new blend I use is great for motivation.
And this new motivating oil is the reason I can get out of bed every darn day and do the best I can.
It gives me the fuel to get my daughter off to school.
To conquer launching a new online course.
To get up in front of a massive audience and speak my truth.
See what I did there? It’s not about the essential oil….it’s about the story behind the oil.
The key to writing a good story
The secret to writing a good story is creating rich visuals in someone’s mind using words.
You also need to make sure your story is relatable.
A great story usually needs to draw the reader in right away...which can be done with a question or a thought-provoking statement.
And then you need to paint a picture...a picture that will stay in the person’s mind long after they put their iPad down.
The proof isn’t just in the pudding...it’s in the tiny details.
Every word matters, especially when you’re trying to convert your reader into a client or customer.
Try to avoid cliches...how can you say something in a different way?
A trick is to write, then re-write and then re-write again. Until you have that AHA moment, when you have achieved copy that will change the world.
Or at least get someone to download your latest ebook.
Remember, connection is all about feeling.
How does the avocado tomato sandwich on sprouted grain bread that you ate for lunch make you feel?
Seriously, establishing an emotional connection, to whatever it is your selling, is the key to copy that sells.
Know your audience
None of your storytelling crusades will be effective unless you know who you’re talking to.
Which means with every story you tell and every piece of copy you write, you need to be speaking to your audience (to your ideal client avatar).
Your amazing story is only going to resonate with your audience if you know who your audience is.
You need to get inside their head.
What do they care about?
What are their values?
Where do they live, shop, work, exercise?
What books do they read? What’s their favorite show on Netflix?
Once you know this information, you’ll be able to tell stories and write copy that will speak to the person you’re trying to sell to.
When you speak to everyone, you speak to no one.
Copywriting and storytelling have been the number one tool for growing my biz and converting my followers into clients and customers.
Try it in your biz and see what happens.
Have you tried writing copy before? If not, and you got questions, ask away in the comments! I’d love to help you out.