
Do you really need your biz to have an online presence?

Wanna hear a crazy stat?

A recent Forbes article says internet usage has gone up over 70% since COVID. 


I mean, I know we’re online… all… the… dang… time… so I couldn’t believe it increased so much in the last 6 months.

Well, lemme tell ya… this is EXACTLY why it’s vital to have a strong online presence.

Gone are the days when people pulled out that hefty phone book to find a product or service they were looking for.

Even word of mouth has gone online.

With the internet being the top place people go for their needs these days, if you don’t have a strong online presence, you’re going to be losing out.

That’s why I’m sharing the three online trends that you should be tapping into for your business or personal brand. 

With the way the world is moving, you’ll want to be ahead of the curve for maximum impact. Which means: ONLINE

3 Online Trends You Must Nail for Max Biz Impact

Trend #1: Having a clean online presence.

Think about the websites you like the best. 

In most cases, they’re probably pretty simple and they have content you find useful or enjoyable. 

Not to get all techy on you, but these days, if a website doesn’t have an “intuitive user experience” – meaning a simple, easy, INTUITIVE way for people to get around and find what they’re looking for… that site gets left behind very quickly.

So here’s what I mean by “clean online presence.”

  1. Your website shouldn’t be overloaded with tons of photos and massive chunks of text.

You want your website to be organized well, have inviting images related to what your website, business, or brand is about… and direct people clearly on what they should do next. 

In other words, be  “clean.” 

  1. Make sure your website can pass the “three second rule”.

Does your website or social channels, tell the user what this website/brand is about and how to get more information…


If the answer is NO… it’s time to clean up your website or social.

Trend #2: Creating a compelling online offering.

This one is actually FUN, in my opinion.

A compelling online offering means giving something away for free in order to begin collecting email addresses and introducing people to what you have to offer.

Why is this important?

Not only does it offer an incentive for someone to opt into your database, so you can stay in touch with them later, but it also gives them valuable content on a problem or challenge they’re looking to overcome.

Plus, it’s scalable.

Meaning you create one piece that can be used multiple times, across multiple channels… letting it work for you time and time again.

Much easier than making dozens of cold calls or sending one-off emails or texts trying to get people to buy into what you're offering, right?

This trend is here to stay, my friend. 💪

Trend #3: Engaging social media.

By “engaging” I’m referring to using social media strategically and creating a CONVERSATION online. 

I’ll explain social media this way…

You’re at a party.

And most of the time, the social media “party” is like one of three “personas”:

  1. The Connector - this person is having a great time, chatting with friends and strangers alike in a way that feels like you’re connecting with people in actual conversation.
  2. Miss Post & Ghost - this is the partygoer who says something interesting and then hides themself away in the corner, avoiding further conversation.
  3. The Overtalker - the person who dominates the conversation then wonders wrong with everyone? Why aren’t they listening or paying attention? This is good stuff, people!

Here’s how this shows up in the “real” (well, real ONLINE) world… LOL 😂

The yeller… the one who talks but doesn’t listen or seek a conversation… is the social media style of BUY BUY BUY… ME ME ME… offering no content or context or seeking to truly connect with your followers.

The wallflower is the person or brand that posts and doesn’t ever interact with the followers who respond to the post. Or, it feels super fake.

The ideal social media engagement is that friendly person at the party who is truly interested in what the people at the party are talking about. 

They ask questions. Respond accordingly. Seek to connect and understand others in the same space.

Now, let me tell ya something.

These three trends aren’t going away anytime soon. 

In fact, they’re kinda becoming expected in the online world.

Particularly the online offering trend, which is Trend #2.

Which is why I’m sharing a free download guidebook, Biz Hacks to Build Your Online Presence.

This ebook shares 5 simple and easy hacks to improve visibility, engagement, and sales in your online biz.

And yes, you can even get value out of this if you DON’T have a rockin’ website or social media presence for your business just yet.

This guidebook offers concrete, reliable ways to attract more people to your online channels, which helps you expand your reach and voila… your business impact! (AKA the number of lives you touch and the revenue you bring in!)

So if you want to get in on this action… 

...and have YOUR website/social be one of the places people visit with this 70% increase in internet usage… 

Then download my free guidebook to take in some interesting, useful hacks you can apply to your existing business…

OR start taking your first baby step toward creating a digital extension of your business…

You can download your own copy of Biz Hacks to Build Your Online Presence for free at:

Thanks for reading … and I’ll see ya online.

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