
Your Post-Pandemic Recovery Plan

We’ve endured a year and a half like no other.

It's like we all have post-pandemic PTSD.

Like, do you still feel weird going out to restaurants? Or getting on a plane? Or even hopping into an Uber or Lyft?

Yep, that’s the kind of PTSD I’m talking about.

And I bet the last year took a toll on your biz too, right?

If you feel like you and your biz are experiencing a trauma response over things you never used a bat an eye at… I’ll tell ya why.

It’s because you and your biz are completely linked.

After all… you are the foundation of your business. #truthbomb

Today I’m gonna share tips to get your mind and body back into prime condition… so you’re ready to tackle your biz.

5 Hacks To Ease Your Anxiety & Boost Your Biz

Hack #1: Get enough sleep.

Sleep is pretty much one of the best things ever…

And when you feel stressed AF or there’s a lot of change in your life… it’s probably one of the first things to be deeply affected.

And when you don’t get enough quality sleep, it can affect all areas of your life.

Not only is sleep physically restorative, it helps your mind clean house overnight so you’re prepared for the next day.

Here are some other cool biz benefits of sleep:
  • Your mind is sharper.
  • You have more patience.
  • You are more focused, motivated, and driven to succeed.
  • Tasks take you less time.
  • You communicate more effectively.

I mean, it’s tough to show up in boss mode when you’re freaking exhausted, right?

That’s why prioritizing healthy sleep habits is the very first item on your post-pandemic recovery plan.

Hack #2: Get off your couch and move.

Getting exercise is actually sleep’s secret bestie.

Most of us have sat more than ever before for the past 16 months.

This may have caused you to go up a pant size…

Which is why yoga pants are a true gift from above.

I think I’ve purchased 20 new pairs since March 2020. LOL

But it’s also contributed to your messed-up sleep.

Physical activity, even just a neighborhood walk, is scientifically proven to improve your sleep habits.

So get up off that couch (as comfy as it may be) and get that blood pumpin’ with at least 30 minutes a day of moderate exercise.

Hack #3: Cultivate Work-Life Balance.

Despite what Kevin here is telling ya, I promise it actually exists. LOL

That’s something else a lot of people have struggled with recently.

When there is no separation of work and relaxation space, it can be hard to get out of constant work mode.

So you gotta have discipline. When it’s time to turn off work time… you gotta literally turn it off. 

Not just set your laptop to the side for an hour while you eat in front of the TV. 

Or worse, eat in front of your laptop. LOL

The goal is to be done with work for the evening by a certain time... and not think about it until the next day.

When you work for yourself, the little breaks you had working for someone else go out the door, right? You become the world’s worst boss… to your only employee. You. LOL

You gotta prioritize your self-care in your schedule.

Here are some quick and easy self-care ideas:

  • Set reminders to get up and walk every few hours.
  • Add your workout classes to keep you on track.
  • Schedule time to drink more water! LOL

If work-life balance is a struggle for you… literally add it to your to-do list.

Otherwise, burnout is bound to getcha.

Cultivating a daily routine of relaxation and self-care is key to recovering from post-pandemic PTSD.

Hack #4: Be proud of yourself.

In order to bounce back from stress and anxiety so your biz can thrive, there’s one more thing you absolutely need to know.

You can’t get anywhere without giving yourself a little grace first.

What does this mean?

  • Give yourself credit.
  • Acknowledge the struggles and anxiety.
  • Find any silver linings… then figure out how to move forward.

Hack #5: Prepare for growth.

This is the biggest step in your post-pandemic recovery plan.

It can be super easy to look backward at all that has happened. In fact, that’s a key part of why PTSD is able to keep its talons deep inside you.

But you gotta remember…

Don’t look back. You’re not going that way.

Focus on the future… while remembering the lessons of the past.

Now’s the time to answer the question… “What’s next?”

If creating a new revenue stream is on your to-do list, lemme tell ya about a super creative (and modern) way to do that.

Create an online mini-course.

Online learning is one of the fast-growing industries.

In fact, by 2026 the global online learning market is expected to be worth $375 billion.

Now, if you’re even remotely curious about how this sort of thing works – and friggin 'easy it actually is – you gotta join me in this free online event.

Reserve your space at so you at the very least learn what this whole online course thing is about. 

It starts on August 23rd, so make sure to RSVP soon.

My friend, we all need to give ourselves credit for just making it through the past year and a half.

So what if you put on a few pounds… (remember the beauty of those yoga pants? LOL)

Forgive yourself if you went a little MIA from friends...

Or you gave in to extra screen time for your kids.

We all did what we had to do to keep ourselves afloat.

So be gentle with yourself. Be kind.

And focus on the future.

I’ll see ya online.


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