
Instagram Updates for 2022 – Get the Inside Scoop for Your Biz

Do you use Instagram for your biz?

If so, then you’ll want to know about the Instagram changes rolling out.

Things like:

  • Reels – short-form video content being highly prioritized over static posts.
  • “Topic” tags being added to Reels – helping make content more searchable.
  • Candid Challenges – real time, non-filtered photo uploads.
  • More AI recommended content – expect more content from people you don’t follow to hit your feed.
Some of these changes are currently being tested… but I fully expect them to roll out wide sooner rather than later.

Let’s explore more about each of these updates… what they mean for your biz… and how you can lean into the changes coming your way (whether you like them or not). LOL

The Latest Instagram Changes 
& What It Means For Your Biz

1. Reels are being prioritized over static posts in your feed.

If you’ve been spending pretty much ANY time on Instagram, you’ve probably noticed that REELS are what you still see the most.

It’s like every third or fourth post in your feed. 

If you’re not into video content, this may be annoying AF. 


But if you leverage IG as a biz-building tool for yourself – or you plan to – leaning into video content is a must-do.

If you’ve been following me on IG for a while, you may have seen my daughter in my Reels.

You can watch our latest here! We even used trending audio that she picked out. 

I have a ton of fun making them with her.

You might see our videos and go, “Awww that’s so sweet. Madeline wants to hang out and do videos with her mom so much!”

Well the truth is… 

It was a literal negotiation. LOL

Earlier this year, she begggggggged me to take her to the BTS concert in Vegas – and tickets weren’t cheap. (I repeat… NOT. CHEAP.)

But she hounded me for WEEKS.

So… we entered negotiations.

She got her concert tickets…


And I got her to commit to 3 Reels a week with me – ‘cause my videos with her actually do the best. 

BTW, if you’ve wanted to get into short form video, but get stuck on what to create, check out tip #4 here.

IG has been prioritizing Reels to compete with TikTok and YouTube Shorts – which are getting billions of views every day.

As a business owner, you probably know why: money and reach.

In order to attract and keep up their user base (and therefore their revenue), they need to invest in short form video too.

If you tell yourself that you are gonna sit this trend out… and just stick with what you know, it’s actually a bad move for your biz.

Instead, I wanna offer you a simple mindset hack that’s gonna change everrrrrything.

Give less EFFs.

By that I mean… you do NOT have to have this super polished, totally perfect video for it to have impact.

In fact, that sort of content isn’t as compelling.

Social media is about AUTHENTICITY. 

Are you authentically perfect?

No. No one is.

Except Bradley Cooper. OBBBBBBVIOUSLY. 

Given that IG is prioritizing Reels, if you want to continue to engage with your community – as in show up in their feed…

Look at creating Reels as practice.

Would you rather have imperfect Reels be seen more regularly by your community…

Or perfect static content that no one sees? (Because IG literally won’t deliver it anymore.)

I know which one I would pick.

2. Categorizing Reels (in testing).

Categorization would essentially let us add “topic” tags to our video uploads. 

Which not only helps peeps who have common interests find us… but it will improve recommended content and creators to other users.

Sounds like a good idea to me!

3. Candid Challenges (in testing).

This is a feature they’re totally snagging from the BeReal App – a photo-sharing app that’s super popular right now with Gen Zers. 

The way it works is…

Everyday at a different time, you're prompted – along with your friends – to capture ONE photo of what's happening – right then and there. 

Young people like it because you get to discover what your friends are up to – in real time (versus carefully-crafted content). 

BeReal is the most downloaded social media app right now. 

I know, crazy, right?

So obviously, IG is leaning into this exact same concept with their Candid Challenges… to stay relevant and compete.

I’m actually pretty psyched about this one – cuz it’s gonna make content creation way faster for me…

AND I’ll get to connect even more authentically with you guys every day.

4. More AI recommended content.

If you use TikTok, then you’re familiar with the For You page.

Well, Facebook and Instagram are testing the same thing – featuring content created by users you don’t yet follow… but the algorithm thinks you’ll like.

According Mark Zuckerberg, right now, about 15% of content in a person’s Facebook and IG feed is recommended by AI – and he expects these numbers to more than double by the end of 2023.

So think about what this means…

  1. FB and IG are prioritizing video… 
  2. They’re going to be prioritizing sharing your content with people who don’t yet follow you
It seems like NOW might just be the perfect time to start using Reels, right?

To help you with this, I’m gifting you my Social Media Playbook.


This e-guide is ideal for you if you’re just getting started on social media… or you’ve been wondering whether there’s a better platform for you.

It covers the top 6 platforms that work really well to help you grow your biz: Facebook, Clubhouse, Twitter, TikTok, Pinterest, and yep… Instagram.

Plus, I’ve put together a pro tip for each platform you can swipe right away, so you can start gaining traction right away.

Instagram is going to keep changing. So if this is the ideal platform for you and your biz, it’s up to you to keep a learner’s mindset – and change with them.

I’ll see ya online…

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