
How to Create Your Ideal Client Profile Easily

Today we’re gonna take a deep dive into one specific aspect of marketing soooooo many people have questions about… but are afraid to ask

It’s the term “ICA” – or ideal client avatar. Or ideal customer avatar.

And I talk alllll about it in this week’s podcast – so def tune in.

Maybe it’s the word “avatar” that throws people off.

Your brain instantly goes to blue aliens.

And you start going…

“Wait a minute. Weren’t the sequels supposed to come out like… a decade ago? What’s James Cameron even DOING over there??” 

Ok… well maybe you don’t think that.

(But I DO wanna know what’s up with the sequel. Because it’s been a longggggg minute. Anyway…)

  • ICA. 
  • Ideal Client Avatar. 
  • Ideal Customer Avatar.
All it really means is creating a clear picture in your mind – or even on paper – of who you wanna help.

I know this can be tough. But it’s important shiz. 

It’s soooo common to decide you help *everyone*. Which is literally the kiss of death.

You think you’re for everyone? 

Yeah. NO. You’re not. 

And that’s ok. That’s GOOD even.

Unless you’re George Clooney… you’re not perfect for everyone.

Not everyone’s gonna love you… I mean, you’re not Rihanna. #literalqueen

One of the biggest questions I hear is… “I know I’m supposed to have an ideal client avatar… but do I really? It’s way too hard. Uggggggh.”

And I get it.

You get overwhelmed by the possibilities. You wanna get it RIGHT. 

So ya stress yourself out unnecessarily.

To overcome this (and bring on Rihanna-level badass vibes), I’m gonna give you two hacks to find your ICA super easily.

How to Create Your Ideal Client Profile Easily

Hack #1: Look to your past.

Your ideal client is likely who you were at the start of your journey.

Yeah I know.

Did I just blow your mind?

Is it really THAT easy? 


Think about who you were… 2... 5… 10… however many years ago when you started getting into this biz.

For example, let’s say you’re into holistic health.

And part of your biz is teaching nutrition… or selling essential oils… or supplements. Whatever your thing is.

 Why did you get into this business?

 What was going on in your life back then that caused you to make a change?

Because what I can virtually guarantee is… it wasn’t just for the money.

It’s something deeper.

  • Were you an overwhelmed young mom?
  • A burned out corporate executive?
  • Were you overweight… and unhappy… and depressed about your life?

Think about your WHY.

If this hack resonates with you, put yourself back into the shoes of that version of you.

THAT is likely your ideal client avatar.

Or at least it is for many people.

👉 Write down everything you can think of about this time in your life… that’s your starting point for your ICA.

Hack #2: Look at your fav customers/clients.

Think of someone you’ve worked with in the past (or maybe even now)… who you LOVVVEEEDDDD working with.

 Why did you love it?

 How would you describe them?

 What qualities do they possess that make them so appealing?

Think about personality… mindset… stage in life…

Even practical things like… how much money they earned… how they chose to spend their money… where they hung out… what their family situation is like.

👉 Write all that down for yourself. 

These are important clues about why you love what you do… and who you want to work with.

Here are some more tips that’ll help you make developing your ICA way easier.

Why Do People Get Stuck On Creating an ICA?

Now... here’s what I know.

There’s one specific aspect where people get hung up in the ICA process.

They think… 

“Ok, I know all those things – but how am I supposed to find…

A ‘Zoe’ who:
  • Is 38.
  • Has two kids.
  • Makes about $70,000 a year (but chooses to invest in herself).
  • Goes to yoga at a local studio (not the gym).
  • Eats healthy – and makes healthy meals for her family… but yeah, sometimes they’ll splurge and hit McDonalds for the fries. I mean… cmon. #obviously
  • Is obsessed with pugs.
  • Thinks an expensive bottle of wine is 12 bucks.
Got it. Know my Zoe. How am I supposed to FIND this person?! OMGGGGG Where do I even begin!?”

So… I want you to: 
  1. Take a breath.
  2. Realize… this is an exercise.
It’s to help you understand who you are talking to.

Any time you create content… Any product or service you decide to sell or offer…

You gotta have your Zoe in mind.

 How would you talk with her?

 What would make her interested in what you have to say?

 What would make her roll her eyes and run away as fast as she could in her super cute Alo yoga leggings? 

(No Lulus for this girl. Sorry, Lulu lovers. Zoe just likes a brand that’s a little less… common. #zoehairtoss) 

THAT is why you gotta know your ideal client avatar.

Because how you approach Zoe would be totally different than, say… if your ideal client was your mom.

They have different values, right? Different things are important to them.

You’d use a different tone… different words… totally different jokes.

Here’s an example.

I know a Zoe like this and if you mention to her that you saw a sweater on discount, she’s totally turned off by it.

But if I mention a sale to my mother?

Ohhhhh she’s all about it.

Happy as a vegan clam. 

See what I mean? 

Different values.

Does that mean that Zoe is better or worse than my mom?

No. They’re just different. So how you approach them has to be different.

Why You Should Care About Your ICA

Your ICA is a foundational piece of your biz.

You gotta know who you’re talking to… creating for… wanna work with… before you spend a single second trying to get out there and hunt for her.

So if you’re new to this whole world of ICAs, I highly suggest you stay in Stage 1 here: Coming up with a PROFILE of your ideal client or customer.

Really, that’s all “avatar” means: Profile.

If you don’t know who your ICA is… if she’s this generic blob to you… that’s gonna come across.

Here’s a metaphor I am SURE you’re familiar with. Especially if you’re a woman.

What gift do you get someone you barely know?

Pre-packaged bath products. 💥💣💥

In fact, you’ve probably been given this exact set by someone who didn’t know you very well. 

Think of it this way…

Would you ever give a pre-packaged basket of bath products to your best friend?

She’d look at you like WTF.

No way. You’d get her some snarky tee that’s got an inside joke on it. Because you KNOW her.

You don’t want to be a vanilla person marketing to another vanilla person.

Now don’t get me wrong… I do love vanilla. And bath products. 

But I don’t love a vanilla relationship. Borrrinnnggggg.

That’s what you’re doing when you try to appeal to the masses. AKA: be for “everyone”.

How to Start Talking to Your ICA

When you have a super clear understanding of your ideal client or customer… you can speak to her in a way that resonates.

HUGE NEWS FLASH: Don’t worry about finding her – not at this stage.

Focus on getting to know her. 

Developing her in your mind. Writing her down on paper.

Again, she may be you from a few years ago. She may be someone you’ve worked with before and you totally enjoyed it.

THEN… practice writing content for her.

How would you talk about your product or service in a way that would keep her interest?

How can you be authentically you – in a way that’s super compelling to her?

  • Would you be sassy? Or serious?
  • Would you use gifs or emojis?
  • Would she rather watch videos or read an article?
  • Is she a texter… emailer… or phone person?

This doesn’t need to be perfect.

It’s ok if you don’t have all the answers.

 Use your imagination.

 Free yourself from outcome.

 Focus on authenticity.

This is an exercise. AKA: practice.

So practice writing for your Zoe.

And yes, you can give her a name!

I have a big old profile about my Zoe – and her name is… well, Zoe. LOL

And anytime I write content, I think of Zoe.

I don’t create content for uber buttoned up professionals.

My peeps are open to holistic health… who like a little woo in their life.

Who have big dreams… and want to balance their personal life as they work toward them.

That’s who I create for. That’s who I wanna work with.

If you try to go after everyone… you go after NO ONE.

Because the fact is… generic shiz just doesn’t cut it anymore.

So you gotta care about this.

At least, if you wanna have a successful biz.

Now look. I know I threw a lot at ya.

So I’ve got a super awesome resource to help you figure allll this out.

This mini planner will help you:

  • Brainstorm who your ideal client or customer is – so you can attract them into your biz (and increase your impact and income).
  • Get clear on how to develop your ideal customer and client profile – so you can attract your like-minded community.
  • Figure out how to use your personal stories as the rocket fuel – so you can connect authentically with your ICA and keep her coming back for more.

And as an extra little bonus (for when you’re ready, no rush or pressure here…)

The mini planner also includes which steps you should take to find and appeal to YOUR Zoes – AKA your target audience – on social media.

Ok my friend… I hope this helped you out with what an ICA is – and why you should care about it.

Go ahead and download that guide.

And I’ll see ya online…


Give it a listen while you’re cleaning… or driving… or hiding in the bathroom because it’s the only palace you can get a few minutes of alone time… LOL

#nojudgment #beenthere

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