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Ok, you said it, and you can’t take those words back. But you didn’t mean anything by it. It just came out wrong and now your best friend is mad. Does that sound like a scenario you’ve been in before? Sticks and stones… right? We have all had words thrown at us and we instinctively went into defensive mode. In this episode, I talk about how we can stop making those words mean anything about who we are and how we can have deeper relationships, clearer conversations and resolve conflicts without injury to ourselves or others.
Want just the juicy bits?..
- Your brain is a mean making machine (1:49)
- Just because my light shines bright, doesn't mean my shirt is transparent (3:00)
- A totally hypothetical scenario, (I promise) that will help you communicate with your spouse (6:32)
- Triggers! (8:00)
- How to up your communication game (12:30)
- How to recognize the physical symptoms of making meaning (14:00)
- How to increase your chances of connecting and resolving conflict (15:00)