
How Big is Your Dream?

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When we are kids, we believed all things were possible and dreaming for something nearly impossible for ourselves never felt like a reach. But someplace between Santa Clause and College entrance exams, dreaming became realistic goals based on the failures or achievement of our past. In this episode, I am going to share with you one of my biggest dreams ever and how I manifested it in just three years, and what it will take for you to do the same.

Want just the juicy bits?..

  1. Why some people don't dream (:42)
  2. My big Aha! moment in law school (1:15)
  3. My Big Dream (7:01)
  4. Dream in your business to get what you want out of your life (12:30)
  5. What resources will it take to get you there? (17:13)
  6. The difference between Dreams and Goals (21:41)