
3 Reasons Why NOW is the Best Time to Start Your Dream Biz

Hey, my friends! I’m Hayley Hobson and I’m so glad you’re here! Welcome to the Whole You Podcast where I'm paving the way in the holistic wellness and anti-aging/longevity space for ambitious women, like you, to achieve a 10 out of 10 lifestyle + unlock financial freedom.

You know what my absolute FAV thing in the world is?

When powerful women get together to ROCK. THEIR. BIZ.

Over the past couple of years, this has been a top priority for me.

I’ve literally invested tens of thousands of dollars into masterminds and leadership trainings and top 1% groups… 

So I can get inspo for new ideas, fresh biz approaches… and literally surround myself with successful badasses.

Most of whom are female.

And I also do it so I can try things out – and then share them with you.

If you’re a Habit Hacker, you know exactly what I’m talking about. 

‘Cause I literally HAND YOU my marketing plans, copy ideas, and high-performing social media templates and other biz content so you can rock YOUR biz.

Just because you're a member of my mastermind. 

I’ve never really been the kind of girl who sees other women as competition.

Yes, I’m competitive in general, but if I see another woman crushing it in her biz, I’m definitely not a hater.

I’m in the camp of “OMG I see what’s possible – lemme learn from her!”

And you know who one of my very first online biz mentors was?

Marie Forleo.

You’ve heard of her, right?

Her program B-School is what I credit for teaching me how to build my own business online successfully. 

And BT dubs… she’s got TWO free trainings this week.

I known it’s last minute because one today (Feb 15th) and one tomorrow. But you should def take advantage because then they’re GONE.

So if you wanna get in on this (and you totally should) – get your FREE pass at

Or go to any of my social posts and comment LAPTOPLIFE. All one word – no spaces.

Marie actually did a survey recently asking her community what it would mean for them to create their dream business. 

She was FLOODED with responses.

And there were 3 clear themes that came up again and again:

1. Freedom 

Desires like – “I want to explore the world with my husband and kids.” 

To “I wanna make sure my parents are taken care of and never stress about money again.”

To ““I wanna quit my job, live and work where I want, and leave my energy vampire manager behind.”

LOL, I remember those days!

The second theme was Prosperity.

Dreams like quadrupling their income while only working 20 hours a week.

And saving money for the future – whether that’s getting ahead of the looming economic shifts that are about to hit us…

Or for a big purchase – like a new car or a new home or hell, even getting your kid into braces costs an arm and a leg these days.

The third theme that popped up in Marie’s survey is Happiness.

And this one I resonate with sooooo much.

People said things like, “I just want to be happy and fulfilled, not dreading going to work every day.”

And, “I wanna enjoy my free time – stop trading time for money or feeling stressed or guilty for taking time off.”

If you know me at all, you know exactly why I’ve aligned with Marie.

Those core values and desires of Freedom, Prosperity, and Happiness are, like, literally my mantra on the daily.

I bet you resonate with at least ONE of those themes in Marie’s survey.

I mean, I resonate with all of them – even now, ten plus years after taking the leap and starting my own biz.

But I gotta come clean.

Taking that leap? 

It was scary AF.

I get it. I’ve been there.

Even if you have your own biz… leaning in can feel scary too.

Like you KNOW there are things that will help your biz…

But you're literally not taking the steps to do them. 

Instead, you may be telling yourself stories like:

“I don’t really know what I’m doing.”

And “I’m not good at technology.”

“I’m not good at sales.”

“This is going to take so much time.  And work.”

Or “There are sooooo many people offering what I offer – I’m never gonna stand out so why bother putting in the effort.”

My friend, all these thoughts?

They’re real… but that’s your fear center talking.

So I’m gonna invite you to join me in my way back machine.

To another time when there was a lot of fear about the economy.

And show YOU what’s possible when you decide to lean in… say yes to the unique opportunities being presented to you right now… and bet on YOURSELF.

The year is 2008.

The housing bubble is bursting. 

The economy is tanking.

And people are freaking TF out.

But a few innovators take a look at what’s happening – and see the gaps.

Know who these innovators were?

Uber, Venmo, and Slack – they were ALL started during the 2008 recession.

And now they’re mega-success businesses pretty much EVERYONE uses on the daily.

It's a proven FACT that an economic downturn is legit the BEST TIME to start your own biz.

And while even now, people are kinda getting nervous… I’m EXCITED.

First of all, what we’re about to experience is more of a “slowdown” than a true recession.

People are still spending – on themselves and others. 

Did you know that holiday shopping was up in 2022 over 2021?

Interesting, huh?

It’s not like these recession rumors are new. It’s been going on for MONTHS.

And yet, people are still spending.

Plus, when you decide to create or optimize your own business, it’s actually super low cost and low risk.

AND high demand.

Whatever you offer in your biz, I guarantee there are buyers.

You can totally take your professional background and offer your skills online as a freelance gig to start.

Are you a project manager? You can offer these skills to small businesses – and create your own thriving biz at the same time.

Do you love to write? I legit see opportunities for writers and editors all the time – online, in Facebook groups, even in my masterminds and professional network. 

Are you obsessed with health and wellness? You can get into network marketing like me – and work as much or as little as you like.

And yes, you can totally start small if that is more your speed. Dip your toe in.

New tech makes it sooooo easy to build your connections and capitalize on the skills you already have.

Here’s one MORE reason NOW is the time to start your business: Marie Forleo’s B School is in session. Woop woop!

And she only opens this up once a year.

10+ years ago, I was introduced to Marie – and she helped me see how I could take my barely-making-it business and turn it into what it is today.

By being authentic, intentional, strategic, AND heart-centered.

Over a decade later, I still sign up for ANYYTHING she puts out…

And I’m still taking what I learn and applying it to my business.

Which is why I’m sooo confident I can hand you over to her and she’ll take incredible care of you while I focus on pioneering the way for you to transform your life and achieve a 10 out of 10 in all possible areas using healthy hacks + habits. 

So if you really wanna learn from the QUEEN of online business… and you love a heart-centered approach to marketing…. There’s literally no one better at it.

You can reserve your spot at

Don’t worry about remembering it right now. 

You’ll find that link in the show notes and headed your way in this week’s newsletter.

Or you can go to any of my social posts and drop the word LAPTOPLIFE (all one word, no spaces). 

I’ll see it and shoot ya the link to Marie’s TWO FREE CLASSES this week: today and tomorrow (Feb 15th and 16th).

Make sure you sign up! 

My friends, I’m so ready to see your businesses in the world succeeding.

Bringing YOU the freedom, prosperity, and happiness I now have…

Because Marie showed me it was possible.

And HOW to go out there and create it for myself.

And I know she can help you too.

‘Cause the real deal fact is… no one is gonna hand you your dream opportunity.

You get to create it. 

You’re not in competition with anyone else. There’s plenty of abundance to go around.

If Marie can do this… if I can do this… you can too.

We literally want to help you. And show you the way.

So again, step 1 to bet on yourself and get rewarded for it... 

Is signing up for Marie’s class this week…

Or by commenting LAPTOPLIFE (no spaces) on any of my social posts.

Now one last question before we wrap up…

What do you want to create? 

Who do you want to BE by the time the economy goes back up?

I guess that’s two questions. LOL

In any case, think about those as you go about your day…

And until next time… I’ll see ya online.