
How to transform your life + become an effective leader ft. Michael Strasner

Hey, my friends! I’m Hayley Hobson and I’m so glad you’re here! Welcome to the Whole You Podcast where I'm paving the way in the holistic wellness and anti-aging/longevity space for ambitious women, like you, to achieve a 10 out of 10 lifestyle + unlock financial freedom.

I’m gonna let you in on a little secret.

I’ve been keeping something from you… and today, I get to reveal it!

I’ve almost slipped and told you, like, 5x this week… ‘cause this is a big deal in my life… 

And if you’ve been in my DMs lately… you’ve been asking for this kind of support…

So I get to give it now!

Ok so… Drumroll please.

I’ve got a date for my brand new interactive experiential workshop! 

I’m actually calling it a thesis because I’ve been creating it as my main project during the 6-month advanced leadership program I’ve been in, called PhD.

And I get to invite YOU to come!

I’ll explain what I mean – ‘cause maybe you’re like, “HUH? Are you in a PhD program?”

Well… yes and no.

Yes, I AM in a program called PhD… but it’s not the university kind. It’s a leadership and coaching kind – but I gotta tell ya, it’s just as intense. Good intense.

My PhD thesis is a 2 – 2.5 hour virtual workshop where I guide you through a very interactive experience to identify and create a life you’re obsessed with.

In fact, if you're the kind of person who signs up for things and then either doesn’t show up – or shows up but doesn’t have your camera on… this isn’t for you. 

Cause we’re gettin in there.  

We’re going deep.

We’re gonna create results. 

And we can’t do that together if we don’t play.

So it’s not a “webinar” style experience.

It’s a “get up and dance” and maybe “bring some tissues because you may cry” kind of experience. 

Good, cleansing cries.

So we can knock down the barriers that are keeping you small. 

Really look at every area of your life…

…your finances, your relationships, family, friends romance … your health, your body… personal environment… relationship with time … and decide where you are not playing at a 10 out of 10? 

And what do you get to do to go there? 

It’s very intimate – My plan is to fill the room with 25 people (maybe a few more) who are willing to be present and engaged and yes, on camera the whole time… 
As we literally workshop together what your dream life looks like.

With live coaching… small group discussions and breakout rooms… interactive, real-time exercises… my eyes on your life and/or biz.

And at the end of it, not only is it crystal clear to you WHAT you want… what that looks like and feels like to YOU…

But you have actual tools and a PLAN to get there.

Not dictated on high from me. But created by YOU. With my help, insight, and direct coaching. All that in just 2 – 2.5 hours.

Oh, and it’s free. My gift to you as I graduate from my PhD training.

So, you want to be one of the 25? 

Here’s the thing…I FULLY believe that 100% is possible, 100% of the time. And that you get to create a 10 out of 10 life – every single day.

Most of us don’t do it because we don't think we deserve it. Or, it feels hard. Or like it’s never gonna happen so why bother trying. 

Or we’ve literally been conditioned to not even KNOW that’s a thing. That just getting through the day is good enough.

And we’ve been telling ourselves stories for years to keep ourselves small. Concede. Accommodate. Step down.

And life doesn’t have to look like like that.

It can be a 10 out of 10.

So imagine what your 10 out of 10 life feels like… in every area of your life.

What opens up for you when you lean in wholeheartedly… and the Universe responds, giving you exactly what you desire.

When you show up for yourself… 100% accountable for your own RESULTS.

That’s what I’m talking about here.

So my live, interactive, experiential workshop guides you step by step through the process I believe to be life-changing when it comes to identifying your motivations… 

Defining what you truly want in life… and then hacking your habits and lifestyle to 

Not someday... but NOW.

Here’s the thing… and I wanna make this super clear. ‘Cause it’s that important.

You’re not sitting there listening to me lecture. You’re actively participating. Like you’re at a work conference… or retreat… or mastermind that you paid cash money to attend. 

When you have skin in the game, you get results. ‘Cause you’re committed to getting something out of it.

In this case, I’m covering that for you. There is no fee to attend.

So all I’m asking you to show up with your TIME and energy and attention.

We’re gonna do workshop exercises… breakout rooms… coaching time… 

If you’re willing to show up and be that person… if you want that kind of transformation in your life… 

And you’d love to have that kind of experience WITHOUT shelling out the tens of thousands of dollars it would be to do this IRL…

This is how you get it.

It’s on March 8th at 10AM Pacific, which is 1PM Eastern. Sign up at


Ok so WHEW – can you tell I’ve been holding this in for a long time?I literally meant to say like 1-2 sentences before I bring my VERY special guest on… but I’ve been sooooooo excited about this, apparently I had a lot to share. LOL

Well, with all that said… today’s special guest is… Michael Strasner. My own personal leadership and transformation coach. 

The coach who has been leading and facilitating my PhD program.

I’ve spent the past year and a half with him, both as a student and as a coach under his masterful facilitation and direction in Leadership. And it’s been a phenomenal experience for me. 

Michael believes that life is a gift, a real privilege, and ultimately way too short to settle for mediocrity – whether it be in your relationships, career, health, or quality of life. Life is now!

And I’m so thrilled he said yes to being here today.

So, please help me in welcoming Michael Strasner!

Interview Qs

  • Hey Michael! I just spent the last few minutes going on and on about how psyched I am about my PHD thesis workshop – and with you being here on the podcast, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to invite my community to join! 

  • Can you share a little bit about your background? How you ended up here? What you do as a coach and why you’re so passionate about transformation?

  • What drew you to the coaching + leadership space? 
Personally, I was drawn to the coaching + leadership space when I found success in network marketing. I realized that when you build a team, whether that’s a sales team, a marketing team, your own executive team, you get to learn how to lead them. 

But I didn’t realize I got to lead in my marriage. And all of my relationships. 

We actually may as well talk a little bit about the Heart Core Leadership program and then PhD program. Can you share a little more about them from your perspective as a trainer? and keyword HCL

  • If someone doesn’t see themselves as a traditional leader… like they’re not a manager at work, they don’t coach a little league team, they’re a solopreneur or an individual contributor on the job… how does developing yourself as a leader help IRL?

  • I know you know me by now. How I’m obsessed with leveling up daily. And I’m committed to the work. What do you remember about me when I first arrived in your training space? What is the area you’ve seen me have had the most growth in? I know my community wants the inside scoop, and I’m down to spill it. What would you say?

  • Who has influenced you as a leader? Is there a piece of advice that still impacts you today?

  • What’s one best practice you can offer to help someone become a stronger leader right away?


Thank you for your time today, Michael!

It made me so happy to be able to share just a tiny bit of the wisdom you’ve shared with me over the last year and a half.

And I’m REALLY excited for YOU GUYS, listening, to actually see the final outcome of ALLLLL my intensive training with Michael.

So I wanna remind you again about my live, interactive, experiential workshop.

Which you can sign up for FREE at  – or by dropping the word 100 (the number or “one hundred” spelled out with NO space in between) on any of my social posts.

But I wanna say this again. This is for my actual certification program.

So the tradeoff for making this FREE to you – for literally paying your way into the workshop is… commitment. 

Please don’t say you’ll show up and bail last minute. Or show up and think you get to hide off camera. 

That’s not the way this is going to work. 

If that’s what you're thinking, this isn’t the right opportunity for you. 

But if you were the leader… the one who understood the assignment and was like, hell yeah, let’s rock this together…

You’re exactly who I want to invite to this.

You’re helping me… and I’m helping you. Win win.

Ok so again, the link to sign up for my PHD thesis workshop is

That’s the number 100, then type the words “percent is possible” –

It’s on March 8th at 10pm Pacific, which is 1pm Eastern. So a week from now.

I’m a bit nervous about this AND excited.

Does that ever happen to you?Totally brings me back to my school days when I had a big presentation. Or we presented a project to the class.

Thrilling. Nerve-racking. But exciting!

All the things. LOL

Ok friends… I’ll also throw the link to both my PhD thesis workshop AND the Heart Core Leadership program Michael mentioned in the show notes.

So you can find them there as well.

Can’t wait to see your face ON CAMERA next week at my 100% is possible, 100% of the time workshop!

See ya then.


Hayley Hobson:
Hey, Michael, I just spent the last few minutes going on and on about you, and also how psyched I am about this PhD thesis workshop that I've been working on. And with you being here on the podcast, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to invite people to the project that I'm creating.

Michael Strasner:
Well, I'm happy to be here, Hayley. Happy New Year. And I love the word psyched. That's the first time I've heard someone else besides me use that word in a long time. So I-

Hayley Hobson:
The word psyched?

Michael Strasner:

Hayley Hobson:
Is that like, not like a, that's like not a Gen Z kind of word?

Michael Strasner:
No, no, no. That's, that's 1980 something, you know, which I'm 58, so that's right up my alley.

Hayley Hobson:
It's so funny because I, when I go to workout classes and I hear sometimes they have lots of eighties tunes going on, or when I get on my Peloton, I love to pick the teachers that have the eighties music. And so I'm in that age group. I'm a little bit younger than you are. but that is, that was such a good era of like, in my opinion, clothing, and music and trends.

Michael Strasner:
Yes, totally. And, and, and they're still around. And, they're, they're, no matter what happens, they're timeless. The music is still timeless. the, the words and the expressions timeless, psyched. Who does it like that word? I mean, that's a word that gets you fired up. So.

Hayley Hobson:
You know what I was thinking about doing for my birthday this year, which is in May, I was thinking about creating a party and having it be an eighties themed party, and having everybody wear eighties clothes, getting a DJ playing eighties music. And I just thought that that'd be fun this year.

Michael Strasner:
That's exactly what I did for my 50th.

Hayley Hobson:
That's great.

Michael Strasner:
They went the eighties bash everybody got to wear their favorite 80s outfit.

Hayley Hobson:
That's so great. That's so great. All right, well anyway, back into a little bit more about you. I would love for you to share a little bit about your background and how you ended up here. Not here on the podcast, but here where you are in your life right now. Like, I know that you did not start off as a coach. I know that the stories I've heard from you is a little more of like rebellious kind of behavior in the beginning and then getting involved in the coaching community, the leadership community, the transformation community. And then, you know, now you're super passionate about it. So do you wanna give us a little backstory?

Michael Strasner:
Yeah. You know, when I was, when I was young in my life teen years in particular, I was very interested in so many different things. Being an athlete was always a big priority for me. I also thought about maybe going into acting or becoming a radio dj, which was a big deal back when I was a kid. something in film something in music, something that would inspire me and, and challenge me emotionally and intellectually in my life, you know? And also I was interested in always interested in politics, so maybe running for government. So I really didn't know exactly what I wanted to do. So being that I had lots of, let's call it talents and possibilities, but yet not any clarity about my, my direction or, or what it is that I truly want to do, I really was procrastinating and just kind of floating by.
And, and as you said being a rebel, I, I was always attracted to like rock stars, you know Bono and other rock stars, Mick Jagger. I mean, I could give a whole litany of them, but people that, that sang about or, or were taking a stand about something and I wanted to make a difference in some way too, which I also want to point out that I was, I was gravitated towards making a difference. So I didn't just want to be a rebel just to be a rebel. I wanted to do something that made a difference, do something that mattered. So floundering around in school, studying communications, studying political science, not knowing what I really want to do, being a DJ cuz I was a DJ and

Hayley Hobson:
Be a DJ my party next year.

Michael Strasner:
Well, yeah, I, I could certainly do the playlist no matter what. That's piece of cake. But I will say that that my friend, a friend of mine wound up going to the leadership training program that you're talking about. And I could not believe the impact that she made and the training made in her life. And so she invited me to go and really didn't have to invite me to go because her, her, her breakthrough and her way of being is what invited me to go. I mean, just visualize this for a moment. When I saw her after her training, she wore her hair out of her face for the first time ever. So I had never seen her in public, you know, take her hair and get it out of her face. And, and so you could see her full face. And so she was confident and shoulders back and standing tall and being powerful and confident.

And I'm like, whoa, wow, this is amazing. I'm so empowered by this transformation. So of course I thought this could be valuable for me. And then I went to the training and that's really when I discovered what I really wanted to do with my life. When I saw this person in front of the room facilitating and leading this leadership training, I was watching, I was studying, and I was in the process as a student and visualizing myself doing that. Now, not, of course today I was 21 at the time, you know, thought I was way too young and you know, it'd be a long time before I could get there, but what would be possible if I could get there? And so I just realized that that my, my opportunity to grow and my opportunity to, to commit myself into this career and into this work of leadership transformation was ultimately the, the purpose for me, for my life.
And I had no idea that that's what it was gonna be when I went into the training, I went into the training as a student to figure out where I want to go, you know, where do I want to go and what do I want to do and when, when am I gonna get off my butt and, and make some commitments to my life? And I come out of there going, oh my God, I have found my purpose. My purpose is to make a difference. My purpose is to be a coach. My purpose is to be a trainer. So what do I have to do to get there? And so I did the work necessary and, and started really training and developing myself and being in that process is when I developed the skills to become that trainer and coach.

Hayley Hobson:
I love that. By the way, for those of you who are listening, we actually, we'll, we'll use an opportunity to talk about what that program is. There's multiple trainings around the country, and I'm sure back then it was a called a different name. But the one that I went through that Michael was leading, facilitating, is called HeartCore Leadership. Funny, I'm wearing a heart on my shirt right now. HeartCore Leadership. And then when I graduated from that program, I actually assisted or coached or staffed another group, which I actually planned to do in a couple months, again as a co-captain of a team. But then I went into his PhD like graduate program for that. So if you guys are interested, you can go to I've actually created a link for you to check out the program And if you happen to be on any of my social media channels, like you're in my dms or you're like looking at a reel or you're looking at a post or whatever on Facebook, you can just honestly just drop the word or acronym HCL and I will DM you a link to check it out.

You know, it's funny, I was reading that Brene's, I actually have it sitting here right now. I was reading Brene's well you assigned us this book, that's why I'm reading it. Oh my gosh. I'm like. Anyway, I just finished it yesterday. dare to Lead and I am, it's sitting on my desk right now with a whole bunch of pages turned down because I didn't have my highlighter with me and I wanted to pull some key points out of the book that I really love to stick with me. But there is one point in here, I'm like talking about this book as if you don't know what it is and you're the one that assigned it to me. But on page 188, there's a whole list of values in here. And, and, and she talked about the, like you get to pick like two of your values, which I thought was out of like maybe a hundred or more.

And I thought this was really interesting. I'm actually gonna go to my team and give them this list and say, what do you think our company value? What do you think my company values? Or I want them to see if they know what my values are. But there was one in here that said contribution. And then there was another in here that said making a difference. And I thought it was interesting that they were, cuz I originally picked the, the, the contribution. But then when I kept reading on, I was like, yeah, I do wanna contribute, but making a difference is more important to me. Do you wanna talk a little bit about that distinction?

Michael Strasner:
Sure. Well, contribution can show up in lots of different ways. Contribution, could me be doing something for you? It could be anything from me giving food to somebody who's hungry to contributing money to somebody who needs it, to doing a favor for somebody. It could be helping with the dishes. I mean, contribution can show up in many ways. It's not, it's not linear. When I think about making a difference, I think about shifting something. I think about, there's a breakthrough of some kind. So when I make a difference in somebody's life, then what they're creating now or what they're generating now is different than what it was gonna be. So there was a breakthrough that happened, a shift, a transformation, some kind of a redesign. Like I'll give you an example. I mean it could be, it could be in a relationship, it could be business, but could also be personal.

So I have a friend who I play golf with and he's an awful putter. Like he's just been an awful putter in one day and I've seen it and you know, I'm always encouraging. And he says to me, Michael, can you coach me or help me with my putting? And I said, sure, do you really want me to do it? And he said yes. And I said, okay. So I, I sat down with him and I showed him and I demonstrated to him, this is what you're doing. Can you see how it's not working? And he said, yes. And so I worked with him on how to correct it. Now all of a sudden in the last few weeks, he's like becoming like the best putter out there. And of course I'm thinking that was a bad idea cuz now he's gonna beat me all the time. But kidding and all kidding aside, I mean it's a, it's a simple example, but it's a, it's a real one, which is somebody can shift something that maybe isn't working or some way that they're getting in their own way or a blind spot that they have where they now are accessing a possibility that can impact the quality of their life, whether it's the relationships, their, their business or their golf game. And so making a difference is shifting and causing that shift.

Hayley Hobson:
Can you be making a difference but not be contributing? Or do you think you have to be contributing to make a difference?

Michael Strasner:
Well, I mean, did Hitler make a difference? I mean, I think it depends on how we score making a difference. I mean, so somebody making a lot of money and being really successful financially could be making a difference in their choices, in the opportunities they now have because they've made a lot of money. They might be able to buy all the things that anybody could possibly want. So I would say that that in a sense makes a difference, but it doesn't necessarily make a difference in the quality of life for other people might make a difference for that person or the person, people that are associated for them or with them. Or when I think about making a difference in a transformational sense, I think about something that creates a rippling effect. You know, it's like there's win, win, win, win, win, so it doesn't stop.

Hayley Hobson:
Yeah, that's what, well, I'll tell you the, the HeartCore Leadership program made a difference in my life. Personally, I was, I've been drawn just FYI to the, the coaching space and leadership space probably for about 27 years. Like, I actually left a career as a corporate bankruptcy attorney in my late twenties and went into Pilates and yoga. Like I became a teacher and I, I be, I went, that was my first entry sort of into the personal development because in yoga, as you're really going through those trainings, you're, you're in a space where you're really like starting to work on yourself. And after that I went through some life coach training. And anyway, long story short, I've been in this space for a long time and then I built one of the largest network marketing businesses in my company, probably in the world to be honest.

And I realized that when you're building a team like that, like a marketing team, when I'm ex like working with my and and, and hiring my own executive team, you, you, you get to learn how to lead them. And I didn't really know how little I knew until I got into the HeartCore Leadership program and I didn't realize that I also could lead in my relationships and in my marriage. And so that was definitely a program where I felt like a training where I felt like that made a big difference in my life. Cuz I went in there because I thought that I could like work. I, you know, I really went in there to, this is a funny story, I can't believe I'm admitting this. So because I'd been in the personal development space for so long and I've done a lot of work, you know, of course I thought that I knew everything.

And you know, when, when Shanda actually enrolled Wes and I in the program and the training, I thought, oh, this is gonna be perfect. Like, finally Wes will like learn to be X, Y, or Z like finally he'll see how to show up in this space. And so, you know, we both went in, we both did it virtually with you, like a year and a half ago. And I, I feel like I was the one, I mean I'm sure he shifted in his ways of being too, but I realized for the first time ever, like if I wanted to shift my marriage, it wasn't like showing him quote unquote air quotes, like how to be, it was like I get to show up differently and be a kind of person who wants to have a 10 out of 10 relationship with my husband. And by the way, PS it ended up elevating me in all different areas of my life, including my doTerra team and my executive team and all of the things. So kind of funny, I was like, I'll show you, yeah, let's do this program together.

Michael Strasner:
Well that's very common. I mean, just to add to that, you know, that's a very common belief that people have that if you would just change, I could finally be happy and have what I want. I mean, whoever you is, you could take out the word you and replace it with my boss or the government or my mother or my husband or my business partner, whoever. And, and the thing is, is that look, power really comes from responsibility. When I'm responsible, what am I saying? I'm saying that I have the power to be the author of my own life. Now doesn't everybody wanna have that power so that they can impact their choices, their decisions, their behaviors, their actions, and ultimately their results. I mean, there's nothing that makes life a bigger honor and privilege than knowing that I have the power of choice in it.
If I'm in my life and I'm a victim of whatever it is, if I'm in my life and it's happening to me, then what is my experience? My experience is I am at effect. If I am at a fact, then I have no choice. How do you feel when you have no choice? How do you feel when you have no power? You feel powerless, you feel empty, you feel frustrated, you feel disappointed, you feel tired, you feel exhausted. You're battling constantly. But when you're powerful, when you're responsible, then what you're saying is, is that my relationship is a reflection of me. So if my relationship is working, then I'm showing up, I'm being in a way that's working. If my relationship is not working, then it's me. What's missing from me or where do I get to go or how do I get to be?

Think of how valuable this is to say to your partner, honey, what would work better for you from me? That is so much different than, you know what, honey, I really hate that you do this. I really wish you would stop doing that. Which is what most people do. And then of course we wonder why relationships don't work. People are unhappy, they're isolated, they're angry, they're shut down, they coexist, and then they retreat to their separate, you know, silos called the bedroom. Nobody wants to live like that. That's not a life worth living. That's not, that's not what we imagined our life to be, but that's what we do. So it's very common, but what you're describing is the breakthrough that you had in responsibility and realizing that I get to create, I get to generate the 10 out of 10 relationship I want. And the other thing is com compartmentalizing, leadership is not just business and making money and being successful because if you got all that but your husband doesn't like you, doesn't want to be in a relationship with you, your children don't like you, they don't talk to you, they, they're mad at you all the time. Tell me how that's winning, you could make-

Hayley Hobson:
Well, I was literally gonna, I was literally gonna ask you that because I think that there's so many people who don't consider themselves a quote unquote traditional leader. Like they're not managing people at work, they're not coaching a little league team. They're, maybe they're a celebrator, maybe they're not working at all. Maybe they're an individual contributor to something. But leadership, what I've learned is in everything we do, it's how we actually show up and-

Michael Strasner:
Show up. And it's, it's, it's about making that difference. Think of what leaders do. Leaders make a difference. So can you make a difference in your health? Can you make a difference in your relationship with your husband? Can you make a difference in your relationship with your son or your daughter? Can you make a difference in the, in the quality of life and experience you have in your family? That's leadership. Leadership is not just the doing and the succeeding and the accomplishment. It is all that too, but that's not all, it's all, it's universally connected to all aspects of our lives.

Hayley Hobson:
Yeah. Which is interesting because that's why when I showed up in the, in the leadership training for the first time, because I had seen success in so many areas of my life, I was like, is this really for me? And then I realized like, whoa, like there's so many areas of my life where I'm not showing up as a leader. And it's so interesting. My daughter, yeah, a couple days ago she ordered something off of Amazon, like a, she's the 13 year old that has more makeup than I've ever had in my entire life. And the funny thing is, is if you look at her, she doesn't even look like she's wearing makeup, but she's got drawers and drawers of stuff. and she gets this like this white, I don't know, like highlighter pen or something. And she gets really mad. She opens up the packet, I'm like, what's the matter?
She's like, this is the wrong color, they sent me the wrong color. I can't believe this. And she's like literally starting to create a video, like attacking whoever it is that the shipper is that like Madeline, did it ever occur to you that maybe it's a mistake that they just accidentally sent you the wrong color? Like, and plus fact it's a $7 lip-whatever it is or I think, but it's so funny. I think our entire society is like just immediately trained to go into like point the finger blame victim. I didn't do this. You did it, you did it to me. I can't survive without you changing, you know.

Michael Strasner:
Well we have a lot of hostility and a lot of frustration. I think it's pent up frustration in many ways because we don't have the tools. This is part of what's missing. We don't have the life skills, I'm gonna call it basic one on one, fundamental life relationship skills. We just don't have them. We go to school, we learn English, we go to school and we learn math. We go to school and we learn science. And I understand that more than even the subjects, the learning to learn can be very valuable no matter what we choose to do with our lives. But what do we not learn in school? We don't learn how to resolve conflict. We don't learn how to be honest. We don't learn how to forgive. We don't learn how to say what we mean, mean what we say. We don't learn how to be authentic.

Authenticity is not celebrated in school. Authenticity is often made fun of. Authenticity is often bullied, you know, so if somebody's vulnerable, they might be laughed at or made fun of or teased. If somebody is struggling, they could be laughed at, they could be bullied, they could be teased, not, hey, let's rally around this person. So what we, we don't learn the basic things that, that are essential to have any relationship work. Think about that. If you wanna have your relationship work, you wanna have your family work, we get to learn about responsibility, commitment, authenticity, intimacy, connection, teamwork, empowerment, lifting people up. These are basic fundamental one-on-one skills and gifts that, that we don't get in our DNA because that's not what we're learned. That's not what we learned, that's not what we're trained ultimately to do. So we get to unlearn some things that don't work and then learn some things that can work and replace that so that we can create the life that we want.

Hayley Hobson:
So what's your theory on why we don't learn all of that? Like why, I mean, when it is so significant and also you've been in this space for 30 plus years right now, you've probably seen, I mean I'll use myself, I'm, I don't know if you can remember when I first came in, but I'm, I'm sure you've seen somewhat of a shift between me and where like who I was when I walked in and who I am now and, and everybody that's been in your space, not just me, like you've seen your students transform in front of you, but I am kind of curious to hear what you've noticed. But if this is really significant and you've seen the difference that it can make at people, why, why is it that we, is it like a conspiracy to not give us those tools? Like what is it?

Michael Strasner:
Well, I think, I mean it's, it's a number of things. I mean, so is it, think about marketing for a minute. Marketing, if you look at our television advertising, if you look at advertising in general social media, what is being sold to us? Is love being sold as compassion, being sold as forgiveness being sold as authenticity being sold as intimacy being sold? No. What's being sold to us is what high-end products Apple think of. Think of how your life will be when you have all of the Apple products. Think about how your life will be when you look like this model that we're now promoting as the model, you know, de jure, right? So we, we have these products that were being sold through marketing and the message is, is that when you have this or when you look like that, then you'll finally be where you want to be in your life.

Now you've been around for 40 years, I've been around for 58 years. See how I did that? And given how long you've been around, how long you've been around, think about how many people look like the model that you see on TV. How many people are Steve Jobs? How many people are Richard Branson? How many people are going to get to that level in their life? And is it really fair to use that as a benchmark? Are you setting yourself up to win or are you chasing the never ending pipe dream and therefore making whatever it is that you do accomplish or whatever, it's that you do achieve, less than. Think about that if you've, if you've been oriented, trained and domesticated to success is to look like this model and anything other than that you're ugly, you're fat, you're, you're not attractive. No one's ever gonna love you, no one's ever gonna want you, plus you're not gonna be smart enough to get the education that you really want.

Blah blah blah blah blah, whatever all that story is, then how in the world can you win? If this is the benchmark of success and you're not that, then that's when we make up all sorts of stories. So what I think is marketing and our training is, is really domesticating us into believing that, that these pie in the sky highlighted, you know, marketing ideas are wins and anything else is a loss. And so it's a never ending disappointment, never ending frustration and so on. So what I think is get off all that look inside and ask yourself what do you want? What is your life about? What would be a win to you? What would make you feel good about yourself? Not what are you supposed to feel based on what everybody else says or what are you supposed to have based on what society says?

What's gonna make you happy? What's gonna empower you? What's gonna light you up? You were a corporate attorney and that obviously wasn't it. You left that to become a Pilates instructor/yoga teacher who does that? Most people are like, oh no, no, she had a breakdown. You know, this person must have had a complete meltdown that you would give up this incredible job for that, clearly whatever you thought was supposed to make you happy, you realized that wasn't it. And so you looked inside to figure out what is it? And you started that journey and that journey led you to Pilates and yoga and contribution and making a difference and doing emotional intelligence work and, and starting to really understand not only, not only who you are but what you want, what makes you tick, what empowers you. And then here you are at HeartCore and now you're stepping into your leadership into all areas of your life with your husband, your children, your world, your business. And this is the work you love to do. Being a coach, making a difference. So is it about the American dream or is it about Hayley's dream?

Hayley Hobson:
Well I mean I'm the kind of person, like honestly if I'm not living in my complete truth and authenticity, but by the way when I use those terms, I don't know that I even knew what they meant when I was in my twenties, but I just would get this itchy kind of tingly feeling in my body. Like I wasn't in the right space. And so that I've learned over time is actually what's called intuition, right? Like I'm leaning into feeling like, like am I in the right space? Am I literally in the right space? Am I around the right people? Am I doing the right things for me? And I, I feel so grateful that I actually listened to those signs, that I took the time and listened to those signs and that I was brave enough to say goodbye multiple times to certain things in my life.

Cuz it wasn't just letting go of the law career. At a certain point I built that next phase of my life, the Pilates and the yoga up to a six figure business and then walked away from that to start a network marketing business. And there's been times where I'm like, I don't care about this income either. This is what I wanna do. So I feel grateful that I've been brave enough to do that. I know that there are a lot of people out there who number one can't find that bravery. Number two will tell them themselves as a story that they don't know what it is that they wanna do. You may, you listed up a whole bunch of things like who am I? What do I want? You know what's basically you were saying like what's my vision? Yeah. And what I'm sure you've heard from people and I hear from people all the time, I don't know that's their response. I don't know.

Michael Strasner:
Well I can tell you right now, I don't know is a great place to start. Most people when they say I don't know what they're also saying is, can you tell me, can you, can you do it for me? Look, I don't know is a great place to start. It's a blank canvas. Your life is a blank canvas. Your life is not predetermined. Your life is a blank canvas. You can paint the picture of your life, you're the architect of your life. You're not the victim of your life. So you don't have to have your mother's life, you don't have to have your father's life. You don't have to have what society is telling you you're supposed to have. Look, if you actually go going into another direction of what I was saying before, if you stop and think about it, the people that that brought us into the world and raised us and I'm talking about in general, there are always exceptions.

Many of them were miserable because of their life choices. And so their contribution to us slash coaching, teaching guidance advice to us was based on their own experience. Everyone out there is basically doing the best they can given what they know, but the best they can isn't working. Can you imagine the adults in our life saying, look, I really want you to be happy so therefore I want you to do this and this and this. And then that little voice in your head is saying, yeah but this person is not happy. Who's telling me this? So is this person really an example? Like what do you mean? Like if I do all these things I'm going to be happy. Well how come you are not happy? Like if you have any critical thinking skills and yeah, and any kind of awareness you're going to listen not only to the person that's speaking to you, but you're gonna listen to what they're saying and the words and the music and making sure they line up.

I mean I woke up in the morning to my mother crying in the kitchen. I can't tell you how many times I saw my mother crying in the kitchen because she was so unhappy because she felt so unloved because she didn't have purpose in her life. And then she would look at me and say, Michael, I love you so much. I want you to be so happy and I want you to follow your dreams. And my little voice in my head is going, why? So I could be like you? I mean you're not an example. Now my mother was doing the best she could. Given what she knew, she didn't know she could get out of that space. She didn't know she could shift that life that she created. She was acting like she was a victim and she had no choice. So what I learned that I had the power to change my life or to take action in my life and be responsible, proactive and go after my dream and my vision when I learned that I did it. And if I can do it, anybody could do it. So what we get to do is give up, like you said the story, what has to be more important than the story is what we want. If what we want is more important than the story, then we will do whatever it takes to make it happen.

Hayley Hobson:
A hundred percent, which is by the way, what my thesis is gonna be called, it is called a hundred percent is possible. The URL that you guys can come and actually sign up for it is a And we're gonna go into all of this workshop style. By the way, if you're interested in working more with Michael or participating in the training that I went through you also, another URL that I wanna drop for you is That's the training HeartCore leadership. And Michael is the facilitator in that training. And if you're on any of my social channels and you just the letters HCL, I will go back in there and I'll hook you up with the link. Michael, I wanna thank you so much for your time today. I know that time is like our most valuable asset and I know what it means to give people to, to be in contribution with your time and make a difference.

And it's made me really happy to be able to have you shared like a little bit of the wisdom that you've shared with me over the last year and a half. And ,I'm really excited for everybody listening here for you to see the final outcome of all of my intensive training with Michael. So I wanna remind you one more time about the live interactive experiential workshop, which is free by the way. I'm in contribution for you. And you can come to 100% is possible. It's just the number 100, you don't have to type out the name, 100% is possible. We're dropping the word 100, just no, you don't have to spell it out in any of my social posts. And I wanna say this again, this is for my actual certification program that I just went through with Michael. So the, the trade off for making this free to you is that you actually come and show up.

Okay, so what I mean by that is you don't fail at the last minute. You don't show up and think that you get to hide off camera if you really wanna do the work that Michael and I have been talking about. That's not the way it's gonna work. And if that's not what you're thinking and you wanna like hide behind the camera and just kind of be a voyeur like this isn't the right opportunity for you. But if you wanna be the leader that you can be and you are feeling like, yes, I wanna get in there, I wanna dive in, I wanna make a difference, I wanna see what's possible, then you are exactly the the person that I want to invite to this workshop and you're helping me cuz I get to present my thesis and I'm helping you. So it's a win-win.

So again, the link to sign up for this thesis workshop is That's the number 100. And then you type out the words 'is possible'. It's March 8th, 10:00 AM Pacific, which is one o'clock eastern. So that's a week from now and I'm a bit nervous to go as ballroom as I'm gonna go with you guys. But I'm also excited and I can't, I can't wait. It's gonna be thrilling to me, nerve-wracking. And I'm gonna throw in the link to both the thesis and the HeartCore leadership program that Michael and I have been talking about in the show notes. So you can find 'em in there as well. I can't wait to see your face on camera next week at my 100% is possible 100% of the time workshop. So Michael, any last words that you wanna say before we time off?

Michael Strasner:
Well I love you Hayley, it's amazing to work with you and listening to you and connecting with you right now as you're sharing I would come to your workshop. I would want to come.

Hayley Hobson:
Well you are gonna be watching my workshop.

Michael Strasner:
Well yeah, but I'm saying like I would move, I would move mountains to come. Why? Because you're pouring your heart out to people and you're committed to making a difference. And you are making a difference. And your life is an example of what's possible. Why would I not want to come? So everybody gets to come to your workshop and create value and discover their vision and the possibility of 100%.

Hayley Hobson:
Thank you. All right, well thank you for being here. I appreciate you and I love you too.

Michael Strassner:
Love you. Have a great day.

Hayley Hobson: