
Squeeze Weeks’ Worth of Results Into Just 6 Hours With a VIP Day

Hey, my friends! I’m Hayley Hobson and I’m so glad you’re here! Welcome to the Whole You Podcast where I'm paving the way for ambitious women, like you, to look + feel younger so you can achieve a 10 out of 10 life + unlock financial freedom.

I have a confession to make…

For years (literally), I’ve had people hitting me up in my inbox or DMs – asking for 1:1 coaching.

And I resisted.

Because I’ve done the traditional style of coaching before… and discovered that’s not really the most impactful way I can be of service to my community.

I prefer to go in and really deep dive – vs connect with someone one on one for an hour. 

So recently, I gently turned down someone who asked if I would be her life and biz coach…

And she said, “What if I could hire you for just ONE DAY?”

And I went… nahhhhh…. 


‘Cause it kinda sparked something.

Without knowing it, she had just asked me for a VIP Day.

Which I haven’t done in a hot minute.


Because it is that major deep dive.

To be real with you, I had created a story in my head that no one was gonna go for a VIP Day anymore.

‘Cause they just didn’t understand the value in the investment. 

But then I also realized… OMG, if there was someone I totally wanted to learn from or work with…

I would TOTALLY pay for 1 day of their time and pick their brain!

So I threw a number out at her – and without any hesitation, she said yes.

So my confession to you is… I had fallen prey to my own story.

My own limiting beliefs about my self-worth and my ability to help someone at a 1:1 deep dive level.

And the Universe called me out on it.

Has that ever happened to you?

So I did that VIP Day… and she left THRILLED.

I was reminded, once again, that I CAN make a difference in a very short amount of time.

And it seriously lit me up.

So today, I’m gonna break down for you what exactly happens on a VIP Day.

And let you know this IS something I offer – on a very limited basis because I put so much energy into both the front end and the back end of the day…

So the deliverables are actually effective

And you can let me know you’re interested in it by going to

Or dropping me the word VIPDAY (all one word, no spaces) on any of my social posts. 

Or via DM @hayleyhobson. 


What is a VIP Day?

A VIP Day is essentially when you buy the day from someone.

Like me! LOL

And you are my SOLE focus for the entire day.

Plus, we have a lot of fun together. LOL

The #1 thing I love about VIP Days is that they can totally transform your life and business – in just 6 hours.

In my biz, I offer them virtually or in person. Totally up to you. Although I highly recommend the in-person option.

You’ll get to actually hang out with me IRL… in my home… experience my environment… and actually FEEL the energy.

I think it’s super impactful to spend the entire day with someone who has created real results in their life. And then to be in their environment… 

That vision alone can change the name of the game for you. 

We work 1:1, all day, on something YOU want to achieve.

Maybe it’s to master the art of social selling. So you can grow your biz online.

Or, to create a package or offer that’s gonna sell like hotcakes. And still aligns completely with your brand and core vision.

Maybe it’s to create your core vision and brand message!

Maybe it’s to develop a customized wellness plan or routine based on YOUR needs and goals. 

And then dial in your new habits so your way of being completely shifts. 

Or some combination of all those things!

6 hours later, you walk out with everything you need, right in the palm of your hand.

A VIP Day with me looks like…

Exclusive 1:1 time with me at my house here in beautiful Boulder, Colorado – or Cardiff, California.

I show you what a 10/10 life looks like to ME… because you legit step INTO it.

And then we work together to create a tailored plan for YOUR version of a 10/10 life.

‘Cause my ideal life and yours may be totally different.

And that’s ok!

Oh, and while it can be done virtually…

That means sitting on Zoom for 6 hours – and that’s way less fun. For both of us.

Most people prefer to sit together in person. And create a vision board IRT.

With this exclusive 1:1 time, we focus on what is most present and important for you and your business right now. 

In those 6 hours, we curate an action plan – complete with vision casting, action plans, roadmaps, templates, and other resources I have – that helps you level up to that 10/10 life you’ve been longing for. 

No more daydreaming about it…

Adding to your Pinterest board…

Scribbling half-baked notes in your notebook…

Screenshotting other people’s webpages…

Or adding the same pictures over and over to your vision board year after year.

Here’s an example of a VIP Day I recently had.

My new client came over to my house – and she wanted to create a high-converting online offer.

She already had a little bit of an online presence.

But nothing was poppin’.

She felt overwhelmed by what to do… and HOW to do it.

How to even organize the project felt like too much.

She saw all the virtual events I put on and was like – “Can you just seriously show me exactly what you do?

Like the whole thing – from the project organization on the backend…

To how you come up with the marketing plan…

To the tech and messaging…

To fulfilling the offer.”

She said she felt like she was just gonna reinvent the wheel…

And just wanted me to hand her the wheel. Which I totally get. 

‘Cause who wants that mess? 👇👇👇

So that’s essentially what we did – work on her “wheel” together.

Not only did I help her clarify HER offer, messaging, and positioning…

I gave her a copy of my Asana project management boards.

Which legit has every single task (and subtask) that goes into a product launch in it.

She said I literally saved her WEEKS, maybe months, of work.

Not to mention the stress of hoping and praying what she was doing was right.

She got a copy of my marketing plan, with webpage, email, and social media samples in it. 

Along with a detailed explanation of WHY I do what I do with my launches.

Plus some recommendations on how she can tweak these principles for her own launch.

I even handed her off to my VA team, who obviously knows what they are doing since they’ve been trained by me.

So they could help her complete the project now that it had officially been created. 

The amazing thing about a VIP Day is that you get a tailored plan that works, based on proven results, that you can implement into your business to hit the ground running.

Adjusted to suit YOU – which of course, we do together. 

You also get access to my signature online course, Your Whole Biz.

Which walks you step by step through the process of creating an online division of your existing business – from vision to marketing to the sale.

Or creating a side hustle you’ve always wanted to get off the ground.

This is your resource for continued learning.

A complete deep dive into the exact blueprint I use to create online products and services in my biz. Or sell a physical product online. 

It’ll help you take your biz virtual…

Make a bigger impact… help more people with less effort…

And increase your income by creating a new online division for your business. 

On my last VIP Day, I also walked my client through Wavoto – the all-on-one website, automated marketing system, and email messaging platform I use in my biz.

It also hosts any courses or online offers you create.

AND processes the payments too.

Usually, you have to get a bunch of different systems to do each of these things for you.

Which is a real pain in the ass. 

Especially when one of the connections that let them talk to each other breaks for one reason or another.

Another thing people who don’t really know better do is go with one of the older all-in-one platforms – that are seriously hundreds and hundreds of dollars each month.

Wavoto is newer on the scene – and it’s incredibly simple.

It’s gonna make a huge splash in the market soon.

So I always recommend that platform during VIP Days, show you how to use it – AND give you 1 year of service – on me.

And, since I’m all about leveling up your life when you level up your biz…

We do some super fun woo-woo wellness activities together too.

For example, if we do a VIP Day here in Boulder, I will definitely introduce you to some of my fav food.

And we get to have a 2-hour full sensory immersion experience at Light Club.

It’s a really cool place that uses light, sound, and harmonic vibration to help you unplug, relax, and reset your nervous system.

After a session, you shed built-up stress and leave feeling rejuvenated. Lighter. More balanced. And happy!

I’m seriously obsessed with Light Club. I go every month.

And I can’t wait to experience it with you!

Of course, we switch up the activity now and then.

Like, maybe we do some cryotherapy.

I’m working on building an ice bath therapy set up in my backyard in California. 

The options are endless!

And if there’s something you’ve always wanted to try – let me know! I’m game for all the woo-woo wellness things.

Especially if Gwenyth is on board. 

PS, have you watched Goop Lab on Netflix? OB-SESSED.

Ok, so I get that this may sound like a jam-packed VIP day…

And it is.

‘Cause I want you to get total value out of our time together.

But I do have one final thing for you…

Post-VIP Day you will have two implementation calls — one with my Executive Team and one with ME.

Where you can get continued support for any follow-ups, additional clarity, or guidance you may need.

And of course, I’m throwing in 5 days of post-VIP Day Voxer support to answer any additional questions that may pop up!

And lastly, you’re offered an exclusive offer (reserved ONLY for VIP Day clients) to enroll in ongoing 1:1 coaching based on your needs…

Until you feel your projects or action items with me are complete!

For additional support and guidance to help you achieve your 10/10 life.

Remember how I said I used to do 1:1 coaching – and it wasn’t for me?

The real difference here is that post-VIP Day, it’s more like a mentorship program.

And I’ve seen the results be wayyyyyy better with post-VIP Day coaching.

Now I wanna be clear about something.

This VIP Day is ONLY for you if you’re ready and committed to take action and go after your 10/10 life.

This is for people who are all-in.

If you’re on the fence – or not sure of what you wanna do – a VIP Day isn’t ideal.

Stick with my 10/10 Club Mastermind until you’re fully committed.

You have to apply for a VIP Day.

‘Cause I’m inviting you to spend a day with me centered around:
  • Getting crystal clear on your positioning in the marketplace.
  • Fine-tuning your message.
  • Building your social media strategy.
  • Writing copy.
  • Generating multiple ideas for lead generation.
  • Learning how to social sell (which is the modern day way to do it).
  • Formulating a clear and executable plan to hit and exceed your revenue goals.
  • Receiving powerful coaching on your enrollment + retention skills.
  • Doing all sorts of woo-woo wellness activities.
  • And having fun while doing it!
Since this is such a high-touch activity– and I legit invite you to my house to spend the day with me – I don’t wanna eff around.

I wanna get into it right away – and hit it HARD.

Squeezing out as much value from our 6 hours together as possible.

So I offer limited spots. By application only.

And I only host VIP Days once a month.

So this is first come, first serve.

You can fill out the application for a VIP Day with me at:

OR go to any of my social posts and comment VIPDAY (all one word, no spaces).

You can DM it to me too, and I’ll send you the link to apply.

I can’t wait to help you create and navigate your 10/10 life.

I am here to support you and cheer you on.

I believe that you can make it happen.

And what I love most about VIP Days is seeing when things click for you – in real time.

The excitement in your eyes.

Seeing you believe in yourself, too.

I want to show you what’s possible.

Because you are worthy.

And it can happen for you too!

So let’s make it happen together.

That’s it for me today, friends.

Drop me a line if you have any Qs about a VIP Day…

And I’ll see ya online.