
doTERRA Diamonds Discuss : Kari Coody

Welcome to doTERRA Diamonds Discuss where you'll be inspired by stories, tips, and strategies by doTERRA's top leaders who will then help you turn your passion for holistic wellness into your own profitable and flexible business. And now here's your host Double Presidential Diamond, Hayley Hobson.

Hayley Hobson:
Hello, my friends, welcome to doTERRA Diamonds Discuss where we teach entrepreneurs with a passion for holistic wellness, how to make a six figure income or more so they can work from home, have the flexibility they've been craving with their time and make more money than they've ever managed. And I'm so excited to interview my new friend and fellow diamond leader. Kari Coody is she's pretty amazing. Kari came into the world of doTERRA when she shifted her career into helping people prioritize their health and the combination of using essential oils with her background as a pharmacist and an integrative health practitioner gives her a really unique approach about how she can work with her client. And I just love that because so many of us stepped into our doTERRA biz, knowing there were more holistic, better ways to support our body at every level. And Kari lives out that exactly lives that out in her life and her biz. So if you are ready to hear how she has accomplished so much, let's get right into the interview. Welcome Kari.

Kari Coody:
Thank you. Thank you. I'm excited to chat about this.

Hayley Hobson:
Yeah, it's a really fun topic. So I wanna hear a little background. This is the first time that you and I are kind of connecting behind the scenes too. And I really am interested in hearing a little bit about you and what you were doing before doTERRA and what your doTERRA story is.

Kari Coody:
Yes. well, I've been a doTERRA customer for nine years and what really brought me to doTERRA was my journey with a little bit of infertility and kind of digging into that a little bit more. And just knowing that I personally didn't want to take a ton of pharmaceuticals, even OTCs and being a pharmacist. I just knew, you know, a lot about that and, and the potential side effects of it. And so I was always more naturally minded and so that's really what got me more interested in what I was putting in my body and on my body. And it was, it was definitely, my journey started with my own story. Of course I wanted to help those that were around me as well, but it really did start with, with my journey. Finally having my daughter and wanting to do better when I brought her home.

Hayley Hobson:
So how old is this daughter now?

Kari Coody:
She is almost 10.

Hayley Hobson:
Okay. So it's been 10 years for you?

Kari Coody:

Hayley Hobson:
Wow. That's crazy. How time flies, right?

Kari Coody:
Yeah, definitely. I, how

Hayley Hobson:
Long, how long did it take for you to transition into, like you say, you were using your customer for a really long time and you want a new holistic alternative ways to create a better lifestyle for yourself? Like how long did it take for you or when did it occur to you that you could do doTERRA as a biz?

Kari Coody:
Well it definitely happened. People were, I had always sort of been done things differently, just, you know, exercised on my lunch break at work ate things that people were very curious about. So they already knew that I was into health. And so when I had this new tool, they were, they were all very interested in and I was very hesitant to, I say, I wasn't hesitant to share. I was hesitant to teach a class, because I didn't like to be the center of attention, et cetera, but I just felt the Lord pushing me out of my comfort zone. And, and boy, am I glad that I, that I said yes to that because it wasn't until probably I would say a year after I kind of started, you know, casually sharing that I realized, wow, this could be a supplement to my income. I had student loan debt. So my husband and I really buckled down and paid off all my student loan debt in about 18 months, which was about 150,000. That, that was a big step for me because then I felt like, okay, I can, I can leave my full-time job and really do this the way I want to.

Hayley Hobson:
That's amazing. So I love what you said about it just sort of happened naturally. Cause I think a lot of people frankly get stuck in their heads and they also get stuck in their own story. And I just literally went live on Instagram a little while ago about getting stuck in your story. Like we have a tendency I'm gonna call it and I hope this isn't land for anybody any other way than with good intention and love and risk fact. But I, I, I, I, my experience with people is that we play victim to a lot of different things in our lives. And we mostly play victim to the story that we create for ourselves. And what that story often looks like is, oh, she did it, but I can't do it. Or it's not gonna work for me the way that it worked for her or, oh no, where I live that can't happen or, oh no people around me don't buy like that. Or, oh, no essential oils aren't known around here. Or I don't have time to share. Like, I mean, there's a million stories that we can create. And then we start to string all these little mini stories together and we literally create this entire large story. That is a, self-sabotage actually getting started. I heard you say, is it happened naturally and you didn't get stuck in any story. And so I'm wondering if you can, what's your opinion on what I just said. And, and can you elaborate that

Kari Coody:
A little bit? Definitely. You know, a, a, a few things came up. First thing was that my schedule was so that I didn't get to spend a lot of time with my kids. And I realized that now I had this new way of, of sort of, you know, changing that it didn't happen overnight. And there was a lot of sacrifice, even though I wanted to see my kids more. There were times that I didn't see my kids as much because I, I knew that I was working towards something that was much bigger that would now allow me to be able to pick up my kids to be able to not miss anything. So I knew I was working towards something bigger, but also just speaking of, of things that could limit us. Me personally, I live in a very small town. I'm more of an introverted person.

Kari Coody:
I don't really like to be in front of people. So all of those things I definitely could have used to have been like, oh, well, this isn't for me, but I just always focused on what little thing can I do to move my, to move this forward? Not necessarily the bigger picture all the time for me. That's what helped me is to just take it day by day, help the next person. Not always just think about what my bigger goal was. I think it's good to have goals, but sometimes we can, it can feel so big that we get stuck and kind of frozen.

Hayley Hobson:
What, what was your bigger goal back then? Did, did you have one in the beginning?

Kari Coody:
Oh, definitely. I mean, I, I didn't want to be working full-time as a pharmacist. I mean, I wa I, you know, but I had this debt, I had this great income that obviously needed to be, you know, somewhat of replaced before I could leave that, that pharmacy job, because I was a breadwinner and my family. So that was definitely something that seemed like such a big goal. And I remember I used to go to these workshops and they'd be like, oh, you need a money goal or whatnot. And I'm like, I don't even know what to put down. I just felt like it was so far away, but just over time, little by little, my paycheck started increasing. So

Hayley Hobson:
How long did it take you before you were feeling comfortable enough to leave the full-time job?

Kari Coody:
It was three years.

Hayley Hobson:
And did it start to dwindle down to part-time or did you just go cold Turkey?

Kari Coody:
No, I, I did leave my full-time job and then I had a few, you know, things to fill in as far as part-time work, but it's just dwindled over the years. But I will say the year that I left really, the month that I left pharmacy, I just felt so much freedom. And within that year I rank advanced, I was gold for like two years. And then I went to platinum and diamond in the same year and my, my income doubled, or if, if not more than that. So I think that that was a big mindset shift for me to, to be out of that environment.

Hayley Hobson:
So I'm not sure when we're actually gonna air the specific episode, but I'm assuming it's gonna be coming out after our doTERRA leadership, although I'm not sure. And it's funny cuz the topic that I'm speaking about, it's, it's funny how, like when you start to think about something, you start to bring about that energy anywhere and everywhere. You know what I mean? And I literally just wrote a talk called a hundred percent as possible, a hundred percent of the time. And when I hear you talking, my mind is on, you know, it, it may take three years, but if I didn't, if I didn't go all in, this is what I'm hearing you saying. If I didn't go all in, I wouldn't have been be able to create the space for it to happen at all. And so what I heard you say was I felt this freedom when I walked away and went all in with doTERRA. And when you go all in magic happens and we, we, we often get stuck in a space because we're trying to do so many things and we're holding onto this scarcity mentality. Like I gotta stay here to support me here so that I can actually leave here. But really what happens is that constrictive inner energy doesn't let us grow and expand to where we wanna be.

Kari Coody:
Definitely. And, and for me it was that comfort of a nine to five of a steady paycheck that I'd always been used to. And that was one of the hardest things that I'd ever done was leave my job because I never thought I would I'm honestly, if I'm being real here, I used to look at other people that went part-time or that quit their job and think, why did they go to school for six years? And now they're just not gonna work. But I realize when I look back, it was just part of me that wanted that, but never thought that was gonna be possible.

Hayley Hobson:
So what is, what does your day look like now? Like what is it, what is it like now being a doTERRA diamond and doing your life on your terms?

Kari Coody:
Yeah, it's I mean, honestly I just, it was something that I couldn't even think about because it was, it just seemed so far away, but you know, I just not even the financial freedom the freedom at home and I, I love being at home just to build my business at home. A lot of change changed for my health because as a healthcare worker and just in general, I feel like we're just pushed so much. And our health suffers, I just feel like now I have this space to rebuild my health and to really focus on it while working from home, working for a place that I love of being able to make my own schedule. But for me, one of the biggest things was being able to pick up my kids from school, being able to spend time with them in the afternoon, not having to take off work, to go, you know, if they had something during the week, I just, I have so much more flexibility. I feel like I'm being better mom.

Hayley Hobson:
Yeah. And why, I just that's exactly why I wanted to do this my, myself too. I just, I, even if I wasn't the one that was picking her up every day, my daughter, I have a 12 year old right now. I wanted to be able to pick her up every day. Right. And so, you know, this morning I just got back from Mexico. Well, you know, and and this morning I got up at like four 30 cuz I was on Eastern time and I was moving around and doing my for a couple hours and at seven 10, my husband's like, are you, cause I usually do the morning drop off. And he's like, do you want me to do it? I'm like, Nope, I got it. I got it. Cause like I love being able to do that. You know? And then same thing.

Hayley Hobson:
I saw that she had a, an orthodontist appointment on Friday after school and that requires me driving 25 minutes to her and then driving another 15 to the orthodontist and then driving 25 minutes home versus just the three minute bus step ride, which is down the street. And I'm like, Nope, I got it. Cuz like I wanna be able to do that. And I get to do that now with the freedom that I've created. And again, it doesn't mean that like I'm gonna do it every day. Like I have a husband who full on takes part and I wanna be the kind of person that can do it when it works out, you know, that was super important to me. And so many people get locked into not being able to choose.

Kari Coody:
Yeah. I think choices. It comes down to having more choices, which I, I felt like I did not have a lot of choices previously.

Hayley Hobson:
So talk to me a little bit about your health. Like what kinds of things were you working on? Are you working on, how do you use the products to support that?

Kari Coody:
Yeah. you know, just, just coming off from such a stressful environment of just always feeling like under pressure and, and feeling like I had to fit all this stuff in there was definitely a, a kind of a let down from that that took a while to kind of come out of the, the fight or flight that I was in for so long. And now I'm just really working on making sure I have a super strong foundation, just making sure that I'm taking breaks throughout the day and giving my nervous system arrest supporting my mood is really key and, and, and how my body responds to stress. Of course, you know, I've over the years replaced all of my products to nontoxic and just continually trying to make sure I'm creating a great environment in my home. That that is very conducive to our health. And then just of course working through more deep seated issues that, that can kind of creep in over time when your immune system is so off from all the stress. So that's, that's kind of what I'm digging into now.

Hayley Hobson:
So do you wanna share a little bit about like what your daily protocols like with the oils or with the product?

Kari Coody:
Yeah, that sounds good. Frank Ince is definitely one of my, my go-to. So every morning and night there's a drop under my tongue. I also love to use endocrine oil on caster oil packs. That's something I've definitely started doing way more of in the past few months. So I'll put a couple of drops of endocrine on there and, and wear the caster oil pack a an hour or two a day. I also love to do coffee enemies a couple of times a week. I don't know if, if that's something you guys are familiar with, but I love to put a drop of Tangerine in my coffee because it can really help with the liver support. Of course drinking, you know, some citrus oils throughout the day is really helpful. Adaptive capsules are definitely a staple for me. I love to, to take one of those every morning and sometimes I take another one at lunch, depending on how my day is going. And then couldn't end the day without serenity or vet and possibly serenity soft gels just to get a good night's sleep. So those are, those are some, I know we have a lot of different things that we, but they're just talking about favorites.

Hayley Hobson:
No, I love it. How everybody's got like different staples and different things. Like, you know, when I start my day, my absolute must never live without or digest Zen on my stomach. Cuz I have a digestive track that doesn't like move on its own really well. So I love that. I love in tune for focus and, and concentration. I love aroma touch for like the massage, like effect that it feels a fun story is when we were in Mexico and we landed in Cancun a little while ago. I don't know what happened. I was like sitting on a chair at the airport, waiting for everybody to come in for like 45 minutes. And when I got up, I couldn't walk. Like there was something wrong with my foot and I kid you not for hours, I was in so much shooting pain. Like I couldn't put any weight on it.

Hayley Hobson:
It was kind of laughing kind of joking, but it really was not. I'm like, oh my gosh, like I don't even remember hurting it. And so, you know, you go to your go-to's like cop IBA and deep blue and all those kinds of things. Then finally I'm like, all right, I'm trying aroma touch. And I just, every 15 minutes I layered aroma touch on my foot and all of a sudden it was, it was fine. Like I, I, all the weight on it. So aroma touch I use are on my shoulders and my neck digestion, aroma touch adaptive, like you too. And, and in tune, those are like my absolute must besides all the supplements. But I love hearing like, oh, like the Zendocrine in the, in the pack or Tangerine in an end. Like I never even thought about that. That's interesting. That's really interesting. So what do you use, like what's your go-to to you're building a business, you're enrolling new people, you're enrolling customers. You're only people that wanna build the business. Like what is your go-to suggestion for people? Like how what's, everybody's got like a different angle. They play on how to get the oils in front of them. What's yours.

Kari Coody:
Definitely. I love to help people swap out things to nontoxic, like in their home as far as the abode line and some of the different self care products like facial, I, I love to help people with, from that angle even diffusers and have an oil versus candles and such that's one angle. Another one is the work that I do as an integrative health practitioner. I really find that the oils and supplements are helpful to help them deal with the stress response on their body. So things like Coppi soft gels, Ric the adaptive capsules. And then of course sleep, sleep is big. So, you know, Seren or capab at night and then you know, in the diffuser having a nice blend as well.

Hayley Hobson:
And do you find like more people are looking for like in general holistic remedies? Or do you feel like they're looking for targeted concern, like to address targeted concerns in their, in their health?

Kari Coody:
That's a really good question. I feel like there are definitely still both types of people out there. I however, feel that sometimes it's overwhelming to think about just, you know, generally using oils because there's so many, and there's so many different ways you can use them. So I've found that as of recent, I really love helping people with targeted approach. So if I'm working with someone one on one, you know, I I'm putting them to together a protocol and of course doTERRA's gonna be a part of that and it's gonna be really individualized to them. However, I have really liked doing some different workshops. Like I did a sleep workshop recently and just created like a little sleep bundle, so different things like that. I feel give people just they know exactly how they're gonna use what they get and that makes them feel a lot more empowered and less overwhelmed.

Hayley Hobson:
I love that. It's so good. So how do you, how do you get out in front of people? Are you online with your biz? Do you do it the same person?

Kari Coody:
I wasn't, of course I didn't start out like that, but I would say probably when I left my full-time pharmacy job, I had a lot more flexibility with that. So I started using a lot more like Instagram and Facebook and eventually, you know, now I have a website and, and, and YouTube channel that I regularly post on, but yes, definitely utilize a lot more social media now. And that's primarily how I, you know, meet, you know, new potential clients is through email marketing YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram. I kind of just try to meet people where they are and have a few different options for 'em.

Hayley Hobson:
So when you first started building, you were doing more, doing more imperson for units and anything online. I

Kari Coody:
Wasn't hardly doing any, anything online.

Hayley Hobson:
Yeah. How long did it take you to get online?

Kari Coody:
Probably the, probably the three years, because when I was still working full time, I just had very little time for anything extra. So I found connecting with them in person was, was the best route.

Hayley Hobson:
Okay. So I want everybody to hear this right now. Cause I think that there's an assumption that doTERRA has to be done as a certain way. And what you're hearing from Kari is that she was not online at all in the beginning. She got all the way to gold without any type of online presence. And then it took her a few years to get to diamond. That's when she started incorporating online techniques. And if I'm doing the math, you've been online for at least five years now.

Kari Coody:

Hayley Hobson:
Okay. And so have your strategies online changed? Have you gotten more strategic, have you focused more or less on one platform? How do you, cause I think the, the answer is the question to most, that most people have is how do I find people?

Kari Coody:
Yeah. Right. And it's just like the golden question, right. I would say, gosh, it took me a good, had two years on Instagram before I really got any traction. And, and I say any traction, I mean, I definitely had followers, but I didn't really get any new leads. Let's say that were really coming in. Until I was really consistent. And I think the, the thing with online is that it does take longer, but I, I love online. I think you have to find ways that you can make it work for you. That don't seem like a chore. It took me a little while to figure out that and just be yourself. I feel like it's so, you know, we look around and we think we need to be like somebody else. But when I stopped looking around and was just myself, like that's, that's where I shine. You know, that's where I can build trust with people. And they, they do connect with me on different levels for different things, because I am just myself. It's like an extension of who I already am. I don't have to be anybody else. And that took a lot of pressure off me.

Hayley Hobson:
Yeah. I mean, that's definitely a hundred percent. What I would say is you can't, you can't be every anybody else cuz everybody else is taken and when you're not authentic and you're not showing up in your true self, you're actually, somebody's attracted to you for a reason that isn't even your being right. And then you're, it's like, it's like, it's like dating somebody and pretending to be somebody that you're not. And then you get into a relationship and then you move in, maybe you get married and all of a sudden you hate each other. He's doing the same thing. Well, because you are guys are both pretending to be other people that you weren't and then you wanna change them into the person that you were pretending to be.

Kari Coody:
It just doesn't work.

Hayley Hobson:
It doesn't work at all. So people will be attracted to you if you are, you there's always enough energy out there for people to be attracted to everyone and noting that it does take a minute, like it took Kari a few years to really get her groove and start to build her team, have the confidence and the strength and the courage and all of the things to eventually walk away from a full-time job two years to build an Instagram account. And now she's feeling more confident after testing many things that have been, that she's been doing in email marketing, Pinterest, YouTube, all of the things to now be attracting people online. How many people do you think that you bring into your business a month personally?

Kari Coody:
You know, I have I've, I would say at least 20 or 30 new leads from various places, but bringing in, I would say a good five to seven, which is to me a good number that is consistently I can serve. I can and help those amount of people in and really give them the proper attention.

Hayley Hobson:
Yeah. That's a great number. Yeah. That's a really great number. So after you, okay. You already told me that you went gold in, in a little bit of time and then it took you a little bit of time after that. Once you left your job to go diamond what did your next goals?

Kari Coody:
Yes. so transparently my next goal is to get to blue. That would be sustainable. So I've, I've really been solid diamond ever since I hit diamond, but I was never solid blue. So that is definitely my next goal is to really just attract and, and work with new leaders that are excited. You know, just bringing that new energy in is something that is definitely what I'm focused on now. And working with people that want to show up and do the work because transparently also, I've definitely spent some time, you know, trying to bring people along with me probably were not the right fit. So just in my learning I've, I've learned what I want to do and what I don't want to do.

Hayley Hobson:
Do you feel like the way that you show up as a leader in your own business and as an, as a, an somebody who enrolls in your business, do you feel like that affects the kind of people that you attract and how your other people in your team show up?

Kari Coody:
Oh, definitely. And, and I think that as, as as, as a human that is a leader of a team we are constantly growing. I'm constantly growing, so I'm constantly learning what works and what doesn't work and just working on myself. And I think that definitely shows through your business. And I think sometimes we have a lot of pressure to be the perfect leader you know, but we're, we're constantly always learning and growing. And so just sometimes we have to figure out what doesn't work before we can figure out what does work. And it, I think it's just all part of the process. But when I show up and I'm genuinely here to serve those around me, whether it's my team or customers, people can feel that. And, and, and just valuing everyone for where they're at in their journey is really big too. Not where you want them to be.

Hayley Hobson:
That's so important. You do you and let everybody else do them. And the people that will come into your life that are attracted to you will, and the people who wanna work with you will hold your hand, link, arms with you and run.

Kari Coody:
It's like the best thing ever. And it's worth the weight.

Hayley Hobson:
It is worth. It is worth the weight. I will say that too. I think that there are times where I've been anxious and maybe not seeing the bigger picture down the line or rushed. I feel like, well, I don't ever regret anything in my life cuz I feel like everything has brought me to exactly where I am, but I also could see benefits in, in working more strategically, more deliberately and a little bit slower. Yeah. Anyway you guys thank you for being here with us care. I've got a little gift for you all a little guide that will, that will help you craft your loyal to rewards a little bit better. You can use it yourself or you can use it for your own customers to help them put orders together, to put them on track for the lifestyle they want. It's like easy swaps that you can make from in every area of your home to transition away from conventional harmful chemical Laden products and into a more natural options. And the link is Haley or that. I'll put it in the show notes for you here. And Kari, will you tell everybody how they can get a hold of you?

Kari Coody:
Yes. I do love to, to show up on Instagram, like we spoke about and I'm sure you're gonna link that in the show notes as well. It's just my name, Kari Coody. I have a website, same name. I love to kind of use that as a hub for all the things I have going on. I do a blog post every every week and just try to really keep that new and fresh. So that's a great place as well to kind of stay up with what I'm doing.

Hayley Hobson:
I love that I will put it in the shadows. And just so you guys know Kari's name is spelled K a R I C O O D Y Kari and she is Kari Coody on Instagram as well. So Kari, thanks for being with us. You guys know I'm in Hailey Hailey spelled with two Ys, H E Y L E Y. I'm also Hailey Hobson on Instagram and I am, I am Hailey Hobson on TikTok.

Hayley Hobson:
That's my handle. I am Hayley Hobson. So I will see you

Hayley Hobson:
Online and thanks again. One more time.