
doTERRA Diamonds Discuss : Laura Jacobs

Welcome to doTERRA Diamonds Discuss where you'll be inspired by stories, tips, and strategies by doTERRA's top leaders who will then help you turn your passion for holistic wellness into your own profitable and flexible business. And now here's your host Double Presidential Diamond, Hayley Hobson.

Hayley Hobson:
All right. Hello, my friends. Welcome to doTERRA Diamonds Discuss where we teach entrepreneurs with a passion for holistic wellness, how to make a six figure income or more so that they can work from home. Have the flexibility they've been craving with their time and make more money than they've ever imagined. So I am welcome you back to another episode. And today I am interviewing one of literally my favorite people in doTERRA, Laura Jacobs, who is both a US founder and a double blue diamond, a presidential blue diamond, which means she has a presidential account and a second account, which is blue diamond. So Laura's story is really super inspirational. I'm sure we'll talk more about how we got to know each other in our relationship as we go, but she, her story is really, and since I've gotten to know her as a friend, it's really about determination and drive. And when she and her and her husband, Jerry first learned about doTERRA, they, they absolutely knew the company was a fit for them for two reasons, versus a source of natural and holistic solutions for their life. But second, as a chance to chase their entrepreneurial dreams and bring more freedom into their life. And what I find most inspiring about Laura's story is first of all, how creative and strategic and fun she is and smart, but also how she hit us founder in a weekend  or is it gold, gold, and then us founder in a weekend, it's am it is an amazing story about determination. That's gonna motivate you to go after your biggest dreams in your biz. And she's here to tell you about it on this episode. So I wanna get started so welcome to the podcast.

Laura Jacobs:
Ah, thank you, Hayley. I'm so excited to be with you. You are truly one of my favorite people. You know, what I love about Hayley the most is that Hayley chooses to be Hayley. And as a result of it, Hayley lives Hayley's life. There's something really sweet. And almost, maybe this will be an interesting choice of words, but almost innocent about how Hayley approaches, what she does. She doesn't allow herself to be defined by outward influences like, like people often are. And I just love, I love, I love you for being you. And I just wanna thank you for that because you're fleshing in my life. And I, I adore our friendship and I love all that. You've inspired us in doTERRA to dream is possible. You raised the ceiling you showed up and you raised the ceiling. Oh,

Hayley Hobson:
I appreciate that. I remember. I remember like when I feel like I got to know you, the best was on our very first, well, not the best cause obviously our relationship has grown. We've literally traveled the world together over the last decade. Yes. But that very first presidential diamond trip that I was invited to, we were, we went to Haiti and then we went to the Dominican Republic and we got to know each other a little bit when we were in Haiti for the day or two that we were there. And then we were blessed with air conditioning and clean towels in the Dominican Republic at our beautiful five star hotel after being in Haiti. And then we actually, once the trip ended, we stayed for another two days or so you and me and Natalie Goard and James Bobby. And we, I connected, I connected with you. The presidential group was very small back then. And then of course we were blessed to sit next to each other at pretty much every conference after that, because our initials are H and J . It was like Natalie's G and then Hayley Hobson is H and then you are J. And so I know you guys already have that friendship, but I feel super blessed to be, to have been a, I think, adopted by you guys back then the original OGs,

Laura Jacobs:
It's this like it's so you know how it is Hayley, we pour ourselves into lives every single day. And to just go and to have reprieve together and be peer to peer and just be real with each other. It's such, it's such a wonderful gift. It's, I'm so grateful to doTERRA for providing those special moments for us to be friends, you know, instead of always somebody's upline, which of course is a privilege and an honor, and I love that. And I'm super grateful for those times we have together.

Hayley Hobson:
Yeah, me too. And just to be clear for anybody who's listening, Laura and I are not on the same team, we're literally cross line. And we just have a beautiful friendship. And one of the things I love about you, we're just gonna give a couple more compliments out there, implements out there 

Laura Jacobs:
Is that

Hayley Hobson:
I feel like people kind of like come and they stay or they go or they speak up and then they disappear. And when I think about you, when I think about you and your name and what you deliver is you are so consistent in showing up as a leader in doTERRA, your messaging, your education, your intelligence, like when I know that you are going to create something with the company or create something on your own or for your team or speak on stage, like, what I know is we're gonna get excellence from you because you are brilliant. So anyway,

Laura Jacobs:
Well, thank you. That was very, very kind. I, I,

Hayley Hobson:

Laura Jacobs:
Receive, I, I receive the reflection of my commitment to my doTERRA experience. Thank you.

Hayley Hobson:
You're welcome. All right. So tell us a little bit about yourself. Like, I let's just go ahead and like share this initial doTERRA story.

Laura Jacobs:
So do you wanna know about that? I'm a mother of five kids, five grandkids been married 35 years. No, you don't want me to hear about my doTERRA story? All right. You know, you gotta start with the people, right? That, that, that make your life what they are. So my doTERRA story began as the owner of a wellness center for 12 years. I was a holistic health practitioner who saw clients tens of thousands of clients over those years, super passionate about wellness, super passionate about coaching people. And because I owned a wellness center, there were wears for sale, of course, you know, tools for people to bring natural solutions into their home and go live the principles that we discussed during their sessions. And, and so I sold a number of different things that were very useful for people to be able to go home and enact those principles.

Laura Jacobs:
One of which was essential oils. And by the time Natalie Goddard, who was my client and my student in my holistic health coaching program for a number of years, by the time she approached me with doTERRA, again, 12 years into this ownership and this practice, I was kind of, eh, shall we say about essential oils? Because I think I was on about my sixth brand by that time, because, you know, I understood the science of wellness. I understood the science of plants and no oil performed up to its possibility. If you're truly distilling this gargantuan amount of poundage of some sort of leaf, and it's being condensed into a drop, shouldn't it be potent, shouldn't it be the most potent thing that I am offering my clientele and the answer is, yeah, it should be, but it wasn't. So when she approached me and, and I think it was maybe my 12th network marketing stab at it thing as well.

Laura Jacobs:
So you can imagine the apathy that I'd acquired. And I was like, I love you, but no, no, thank you. And so I turned her down and if you know, Natalie she's persistent, she came back again. And finally, I just, you know, out of a, I could have said out of a point of weakness, and I would say I was split into two people. Part of me was like out of a point of weakness, like, alright, already, I'll just listen. But truly there was that voice that came to me that said, Laura, Natalie has always learned from you. It is your turn to learn from her. And that's why I took the appointment because, you know, when those kind of voices come to you, you're like, all right, I'm paying attention. I'm listening. And I, I was somewhat reserved. Shall we say in the conversation?

Laura Jacobs:
You know, Teresa Harding is my great, great, great grandma in doTERRA. And so she and Jen Kelly and Nicole Larson, they all came together with Natalie. There was a force of them that approached me. And of course she showed, we had the best compensation plan and we have the best product. And because it was my 11th or 12th network marketing experience, it's like, yes, everybody says that. So again, apathy ruled. And then they had the audacity after about a very short 20 minute presentation, which was respected to suggest I go with them down to corporate. And I was like, I don't have time to go to corporate. But again, somehow I managed to get in the car and go, and they entered me into this small rather unimpressive conference room. And I had an opportunity to meet with Dave Sterling, which was wonderful. And I would say I was probably a tough sell.

Laura Jacobs:
And then Dr. Hill walked in and Dr. Hill and I had a previous Alliance where we had actually attempted to start a business together. And it would've been with young living. And I went to their convention with that intention. And I had one experience with a particular force with that company. And I said, I love you. I love the idea of working together, but I will never ever work with this company. And so I walked away. So the next time I saw Dr. Hill was in this interaction and I would just say it was, it was very spiritual. It was very witnessing. And at the end, I said, okay, I'm gonna throw out my white flag. I surrender and I'll, I'll do this. And whatever that meant, but I said, just don't ever ask me to stop doing what I'm doing. That's all I ask is let me stay on my course.

Laura Jacobs:
And I left with not really a commitment in my heart or my mind or on paper. And a couple weeks later I had come home from the convention, from the company whose products I sold by far the most of, and on the way home on the airplane, I did my names list. Like nobody gave me a little piece of paper that told me what you're supposed to do, but I just naturally thought if I'm gonna share this thing, you know, I started thinking about who I could share it with. And I vetted and vet and vetted down to, I think I had 38 names on my list of people I thought would say, yes, my low hanging fruit, you know, I can speak to my story now with, with a lot more excellence because of the perspective that I obtained. And it wasn't until labor day weekend, a holiday weekend of 2008 on a Friday that I started to place phone calls.

Laura Jacobs:
And I would say I was concise and I was precise. I had a story. I told people why I was calling that I had discovered the essential oil company of my dreams and that I thought they'd love it. And how about they get started? No sampling, no website, no catalog, no nothing. Just my witness. And of course the people that were on my list were people that I had developed tremendous trust with again, 12 years took me a long time to build that name's list, right. It was a, it was a highly qualified list. It was hard earned. I'd never done anything like this before. And when they said, well, let me think about it or anything like that. I said, you know, just, I want you to know, I'm trying to, I'm trying to achieve us founder status with doTERRA, and I'd love it.

Laura Jacobs:
If you'd say yes today, and all I need is your credit card and your social security number. And let's get you this $500 kit with a free $89 diffuser, cuz why not get $90 worth of stuff for free. And I had a high success rate and I just kept going. And I remember Friday night calling, calling Teresa after that first day. Now mind you, I had one leg, Natalie had signed up one of my friends and she had started sharing. So I had 3000 PV to begin with. And so I did 6,000 PV that day and I called up Teresa and I'm like, I think I'm like a silver or something. What should I do? And she said, keep going. . So I got on the phone the next day and I just kept calling Hayley and honest to gosh with God is my witness. I ended over a weekend with 18,000 PV and volume and I was a golden and my I achieved my first month. Did

Hayley Hobson:
You say 18,000?

Laura Jacobs:
I did say 18,000.

Hayley Hobson:
 there's a lot of phone calls

Laura Jacobs:
Has a lot of phone calls,

Hayley Hobson:
So alright, so let's, let's just like break that down for a second. What does somebody need? Some people hate

Laura Jacobs:
Story by the way. Some people hate me telling my story, but I'm sorry. It's my story. Why

Hayley Hobson:
Do they hate telling? Cause gets possible kinda

Laura Jacobs:
Realistic. They don't think it's possible. I don't know.

Hayley Hobson:
Well, let's tell, let's break it down and discuss how it can be realistic. Like, right. Like, like it's, it's just math.

Laura Jacobs:
I love that. You said that because I say that all the time, it's just math.

Hayley Hobson:
That's all it is. It's like, okay, if I wanna meet gold, I need three legs that have 5,000 PV. Yep. And if I'm gonna have three legs that have 5,000 PV and broken down into three premieres, each that means each premiere is gonna have two executives and an extra thousand of volume. Right? You look at the compensation plan, you do the math and then you fill in the circles with the names and then you figure out how many kits that you need to get in there. I know that IM it, it IM personalizes the business a bit, but I mean, it's a strategy.

Laura Jacobs:
Well, and you know what? You get to live in both worlds. And I did, I, I didn't understand the magnitude of doTERRA's compensation plan. I understood what kind of volume was required to be a silver. I understood what kind of volume was required to be a gold. I knew how much PV was per kit. And again, I was going, we only had three kits back then, basic premium and pro or pro and premium. I think the premium was the 400 PV $500 kit. And I thought it was great value. Again, it was a free $90 diffuser and why not get the whole enchilada? And so I just did the math. How many kits do you have to sell at 400 PV at piece to get to your goal? Right. So I did 15,000 in PV. Connie did three and that's how we got to 18. Just so just to be clear. So if we take 15,000, let's do the math, divide it by 400 PD, that's 37.5 enrollments. And I believe I enrolled like 38 people.

Hayley Hobson:
So my experience when I started the business is the same as yours. Although it didn't have like us founder attached to it or a gold rank attached to it, I actually did the same thing as you. I remember in the very beginning I hit, well, I hit elite in my first week. And then I hit premier my, my first month, my first real month, I think I enrolled November 20 something November 21st. And I was elite that week. And then in December I was premier and in January I was silver and in February I was gold and my goal was one rank a month. Once I saw what I could do. But I remember back in the day, I'm not as much of an, well, I wouldn't say that I'm not as much of an enrollment machine. I would say that I put my efforts in other areas now with the team and development and training and education and support and all of that. But we also had, we also had bigger kits back then. And once a month I would enroll a diamond kit and twice a month I would enroll in every oil kit. But there were months I enrolled eight, 10, 12,000 PB personally.

Laura Jacobs:

Hayley Hobson:
So I don't, I don't think it's an annoying, an annoying story. I love it.

Laura Jacobs:

Hayley Hobson:
I love it. And anything is

Laura Jacobs:
Possible. It's a great story. You can judge it all you want, but it's just what happened and it, yeah, I look back and I'm like, whatever, possesses me to even do that. I, I'm not gonna tell you that I'd like done that multiple times in my life, but I do live. And I would say I'm more conscious about how intentionally I live my life, but I do live with intention. And when I intend to create something, I trust that the energy will line itself up behind that idea or a better one will show up to replace it. And I, and I really trust that. And people, they, you know, you can say, oh, they drop out of the sky, but they drop out of intention. Right? So I, I believed in the message when I picked up the phone and called each one of those people, I had a message that lived for me. It was true for me. And I told people, I'm gonna do this company and I'm gonna do it big. That's a big statement for a girl who hasn't done anything. And I said, I'm calling you first because there was something in my soul that I, and again, I had no evidence of it, but something in my soul had me speak those words and, and I made good on them.

Hayley Hobson:
What, what, what, when did it occur to you? What, what made it occur to you that doTERRA could be like a brand new business for you and literally shift like ex everything that you were doing? Because I mean, you had a successful business before doTERRA. Like what was the key moment besides obviously the quality of the oils and possibly the compensation one, but you'd done network marketing before you told us your whole story. Like, what was it, the opportunity of founder? Like what was the thing, the key thing that made you go, oh my gosh, I'm going all in.

Laura Jacobs:
Well, you know, part of me didn't comprehend a lot of those things. And part of me was very attached to what I was doing. And that's why I said to Dave and Dave, like, don't ask me to quit doing what I'm doing. I'm not going to, if that's a requirement I'm not playing, you know, I was super, super committed to my mission. And I had a vision in my head about what I thought I was gonna do and it, and it didn't turn out that way and that's alright. But I thought I needed an essential oil company to be part of the plan that I had, that I needed that as an element or what I called a leg to my four leg stool. I needed to have four different specific offerings for my clientele. And I needed essential oils to be one of them.

Laura Jacobs:
And the oils that I'd had up to that point, didn't perform and qualify and, and doTERRA did. So my first vision was it would fit into the model that I already had in my head. And I was very attached to my loyalty, to what I was already doing and the, and the company and the products I was already selling. So I would say I treated doTERRA fairly hobbyish for the first two years. I was extremely committed to my practice seeing clients. And I didn't have a lot of time for doTERRA, but I shared it with my clientele. I shared it with my my associates in the industry. You know, I immediately had the wherewithal to think about legs and to build legs. And because there were people who had network marketing experience like myself, they quickly adopted that. And I would say my secret sauce all the way along the way is I brought pre people who brought people.

Laura Jacobs:
I did not count on myself to be the enrolling machine for my team. I, I poured myself, especially after those first couple years into helping other people, enroll people. And that's how we grew with tremendous magnitude is I helped people maximize the communities that they have. I'm a great guest presenter, right? I'm a great third party witness. And so to come into somebody's world and offer a new idea and, and make them more trustworthy and make them more credible than they already are, was a magnificent partnership. And I did so even though my, my first weekend performance sounds insane and, and perhaps it was in the terms, so then I kind of settled into, I continued to enroll through my practice and things of that nature, but it wasn't until I stepped away. And it, it really kind of took a little bit of a energetic slap in the face.

Laura Jacobs:
 from grade cook. I mean, you know, my uplines didn't hardly know anything about this business, right. I had way more experience with health and wellness and with network marketing than any of them. And so, I mean, I, one of my best mentors was Greg cook. Right. And I just remember him telling me, you know, and, and Dave would say, Dave Sterling would say things like, yeah, if Laura would just get focused, imagine what she could do at. So it took me a couple years to get focused, frankly, Hailey. So I, I hit platinum rather easily. And I know that might make people mad, but I did. I, I hit it very easily because I, I enrolled the right people and they took care of their legs and I took care of mine and we, it was easy to share Oterra. And so I hit platinum and then I could see it was gonna take a little bit more effort to become a diamond.

Laura Jacobs:
And not, I'm not saying I didn't effort. I did, I offered my way to platinum, but I also had good partners who were efforting their way as well. And it took more of like, okay, I'm gonna do this thing more, intentionally, more full timeish when I went diamond. And so I, I pulled back from my practice. I found employees to take my place, which by the way, was relatively unsuccessful for the most part. So that was difficult to continue to manage a business that suffered without me. And I just did hard things. And then, you know, I, my first diamond lake failed and I found a second one and , and, and then I fell, how long did it take to go diamond? I went diamond the first time, two years later. And then that leg failed and it failed for good reasons. She had commitments to another company and that company threatened her, her continuing relationship.

Laura Jacobs:
And to this day, she still has that relationship. Although she's back to build with me again, which I'm excited to do with her all these years later. And then in that following spring, PJ Hanks' jury's cousin and PJ just, it was a magical, magical moment where she discovered doTERRA and we discovered each other's collective goals and she chosen, and , it was funny because she hit elite in a weekend, which I'm famous for. Helping people hit elite in a weekend, I've done it probably 24 times, very strategic about it. And I, I left her in good shape. And the next month she continued her effort. She went premier in her second month. And then she told me she was busy for the summer. And I was like, Ugh, you know, I wanted to go diamond. And I said, well, how about if, so we threw down a, an incentive of $300 of free product for her three legs, if they would hit elite that third month.

Laura Jacobs:
And that was super meaningful for people who were brand new to doTERRA to get $300 in free product. And it motivated them. And you know, what was beautiful is they wanted us to succeed too. And so they actually worked for our rank, which to this day is still something I really cherish and value that they cared that much. And those are still active builders on my team. And so she hit silver despite wanting to go on vacation. And that's what brought me back to diamond. And we've been, and then a couple months later, another friend, we took her gold. So N PJ went gold as well. So went blue diamond. And then a year later went presidential. So four years to presidential,

Hayley Hobson:
Not used

Laura Jacobs:
16 months, Hailey, not your 16 months.

Hayley Hobson:
Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. So that's interesting. I feel like, well, I don't know. I mean, I came in four years after the company got started maybe four and a half and I was the 12th or 11th presidential diamond. So I figured it took everybody a little time. I mean, it was a startup, so it took a little time for everybody to figure things out. Although I guess it was a start for me too. And my upline was basically Sarah Marie, who started off as  my diamond club manager. And then she became, I think my account manager, and then she became,

Laura Jacobs:
She's not promoted right along with right.

Hayley Hobson:
Like she was promot. And then I remember her working directly to under Emily, but, but still being my account manager. And Emily was like, no, this is a promotion. And I'm like, no, I want Ruby. And she's like, no, you want Sarah Marie? And anyway, Sarah Marie is, she ended up becoming the general manager of doTERRA just a few years ago. And I don't know what her new role is right now. Some type of it's

Laura Jacobs:
Actually a vice president of strategic something or other

Hayley Hobson:
Yeah. So, but I had no upline either. So she was the person that I, that I basically was in touch with. Look, you do whatever you can to get the information. If you're resourceful, then you figure out who to go to and you figure out how to get things done. And if you don't sit around and wait for things to happen for you or to you, and you decide to make things happen for yourself, anything is possible going elite in the weekend, going golden a weekend, whatever it is totally.

Laura Jacobs:
And, and I would be amiss not to acknowledge Natalie, Natalie, although 11 years, my younger, although coming into the business with far less experience with wellness and with network marketing, she quickly, Natalie's commitment was much stronger than my own. The joke is that she's always out earned me double because she decided to be committed sooner. And to this day, that is still true. She outearn me double because she decided to be committed early. And her commitment really spurred me on. She was a perfect upline for me and we just locked arms and we've done doTERRA together, not so much anymore because we're both so busy with our own teams. But for a number of years, we did doTERRA together. We took care of each other. You know, we were each other's, applys the wrong word. We were each other's strategy partner, mentor. And although we operated independently, it was so nice to have someone that I was in this with. And we created all kinds of crazy stuff together that helped us keep up with ourselves. , you know, we were making stuff up left and right. Cuz frankly it didn't exist.

Hayley Hobson:
Yeah. I, I think, you know, you said something earlier before you started talking about, well, it was about not only, I guess, about her, her deciding to be committed and going on, go, going all in earlier. I mean, that says a lot, you know, I, I was, I was DMing with somebody in my, I get a lot of social media like requests to discuss and talk and eventually how some people come in and, and join me in doTERRA, either as customers or as potential people who are building the business. And somebody came in yesterday to me and said something like yeah, I'm super interested. Let's talk in June. And it was May 3rd  and I thought, okay, look, I, I totally get it that sometimes we have our plates stacked and I'm actually in a phase of about two for three weeks be so stacked that I, I hope I can talk to my husband and my assistant because I'm, I'm literally volunteering as a coach in that leadership program that I told you about, oh, so I'm gonna be going in for four days, like 12 hours, you know, maybe more like seven o'clock in the morning until midnight, no phones for three days in a row flights on both ends coming back to Boulder, going to a mastermind for three days, coming back for my birthday weekend, going back into the leadership for four days.

Hayley Hobson:
So I've been prepping my team, cuz I'm gonna be, they're gonna have to learn how to exist without me for three weeks. And so I get what it feels like to say, Hey, I'm not ready to buy a new car for a month, but by that same token, I also think a hundred percent is possible a hundred percent of the time. And if you are interested in like getting a link to something, to hearing more or having a 15 minute phone call to see if it's a fit or scrolling through a page, you still can, like your level of commitment shows like, are you all in or are you not? Is basically what I'm saying? Are you all in? And I don't mean necessarily with like your commitment to get started with doTERRA or your commitment to buy the car this month or next month or your commitment to resear.

Hayley Hobson:
I remember during the pandemic, I was like in a mass like research, all schools happening situation, cuz I was not committed to doing any type of homeschooling or whatever they called it part-time binary. I don't know what it was called, dual like ho half home. I, that wasn't gonna be for me, no judgment. But so I went all in. I spent 50 hours, five, oh not 1, 5 50 hours in two weeks learning everything that I could possibly know about private schools cuz I didn't know like that all schools were different. How would I know I'd never been to private school and never send a kid to private school. And I learned a lot about education and a lot about schools in that two week period. And that was on top of my normal full-time jobs and businesses and homes and et cetera, all I'm saying is, is that every anything is possible. And so I love that you said that because she was a hundred percent committed and now her income, not that your income doesn't show it too, but if you decide to go all in, in spite of what is happening around you and the excuses and the reasons of why you're so busy or why things are gonna work or why it has to wait, it shows and it pays off in the long term. So thanks for bringing that to our attention.

Laura Jacobs:
Totally. A hundred percent. And, and I think, you know, what's cool about being me is I have activator at number one, which means I'm okay with fire ready? I have

Hayley Hobson:
Activators number one too.

Laura Jacobs:
I know we have a couple strengths in common. I remember comparing that the first time you took the test. So what's cool about that is I don't have to have it all figured out I'm I'm okay with fire ready aim. I'm okay. With just like jumping in. Let's see what we can make of this because I believe my achiever will back that up. And we'll my

Hayley Hobson:
Number too.

Laura Jacobs:
That's my number five. So, you know, I think that, but I hear you right now. My plate is so stacked that I'm scheduling things weeks out and there's things I have a lot of interest in right now. Like I'm super interested in learning more about human design for example, but I can also tell it's complex and I don't have the brain energy right now. So I've really loved, you know, to catch up well, okay, where are you right now, Laura? You know, I've had seasons of my doTERRA career and I had a season where I would say I kind of stepped back from, you know, hardcore building and traveling, especially during COVID and really getting my ducks in a row. You know, finally building that continued education drip campaign, for example, that I've wanted to build for who knows how long or putting together my whole onboarding process.

Laura Jacobs:
And so I felt like in order to meet my future self at her intentions, I had to have, I need to have some stability because if I already aimed thing only works so far until it's way too much lips to ears and there's way too much, oh, it's gotta come outta me in order for this person to thrive. And that's not good enough for me. And so I wanted more of a plug and play environment. And now that was kind of like wrapping that up in the first quarter of the year, just pouring everything I had into two things, defrosting my team and getting them ready for kind of that leadership escalation, which totally served its purpose, the evolved tour and getting all of our ducks in a row. And then my second quarter is all about people and you know, we're, we're, we're having some amazing experiences right now in the second quarter of 2022 and taking our recommitted energy, our ability to get back together with people, seeing our offerings from new perspectives.

Laura Jacobs:
And, and, and I have everybody as much enthusiasm today as I always have. And I love that my activator can still be fire ready, aim, but on a whole mound of, of foundation that was built over all these years of going from simplicity out of naivety and just lack of everything to complexity. As we tried to get conscious about our business to a totally D different level of simplicity, which allows my activator to be fire ready, aimed because I know I have this whole backbone behind me. I have a system behind me. I have a system behind me and I have a system behind me that allows me to jump when those opportunities come, you know, I had a, a phone call from my neighbor, actually, a text message. And she said, my brother wants to build in Spain. Will you meet with him? He's in country this week for a family wedding? Well, you know, my schedule is probably stacked, but I'm like, I'm making room for that. Right? And so he said, yes, that day I've been coaching him. I made room on my Monday to coach him every single week. And he wants to be the biggest leader in Spain. He's really darling he's in his early thirties. He's single, he's American. He lives in Spain. He doesn't plan on leaving and he wants to do doTERRA. And so I had to, you know, you know, not

Hayley Hobson:
To, you got,

Laura Jacobs:
I got to right. I got to make space for him. And it's, it's so refreshing and I'm thoroughly enjoying working with him, but I got to retack my plate and make space for him. Because like you said, when opportunities arise, you know, I wasn't planning on doing doTERRA in 2008. It was actually not on my bucket list. And so I got to make space for it. I got to restack my plates and my plates were very stacked. I was raising five kids, running a business full more than full time.

Hayley Hobson:
Amazing. Wow. That's good. I, I love not that I don't love all of the traits in everybody, but I definitely love my activator, achiever, maximizer, command friends. Right?

Laura Jacobs:
All those

Hayley Hobson:

Laura Jacobs:
Get you. I get you.

Hayley Hobson:
What's your fifth, what's your fifth significance?

Laura Jacobs:
My fifth one is achiever. And, but I, you mean

Hayley Hobson:
Out of those? Yeah. I know you have those four. What was the, what I'm missing?

Laura Jacobs:
Okay. So I have command at four. I have maximizer at it's 11 or 12 and I have significance at like 15. Okay.

Hayley Hobson:
What are your top five?

Laura Jacobs:
My top five are da, da, da activator, learner, or responsibility. Command and achiever.

Hayley Hobson:
Okay. I'm just, I'm looking over there. I don't know if you could see it where I video.

Laura Jacobs:
You're looking at your list. Yes. 

Hayley Hobson:
I have like my sister made me a little, let me see if I can move my camera

Laura Jacobs:
Or something. Is that what you're looking at? There's

Hayley Hobson:
See that little thing over there. Yeah.

Laura Jacobs:
Yeah. I do see it. That was very nice of her. Yeah.

Hayley Hobson:
So what did I wanna, oh, I was gonna say to you about made making and creating time. I know you and I had this conversation, I think like three years ago. I don't know if you remember, but we were talking about my birthday and I was saying that I had I, I, there were a couple things I was committing to do by, by, by that, by that birthday, I think it was two or three years ago and one of them was playing tennis and one of them was relearning how to play tennis. And one of them was learning Spanish. Do you remember me saying that

Laura Jacobs:
To you? I do remember that.

Hayley Hobson:
So anyway, COVID hit and I'll use that as an excuse, although it's not cause learning how to play tennis again, would've been a great opportunity during COVID, but I didn't, and I didn't make the time to do, to start learning Spanish. And you know, I have all the reasons why I was busy and, but it wasn't really being busy. It was that I decided to pick new priorities. Yep. But I will tell you that I'm now learning Spanish. And I spend at least an hour a day with my busy, chaotic, crazy schedule, learning Spanish. I'm on an app called duo lingo. And you it's beautiful. Cause you can jump in and you can. I listen to audios while I'm brushing my teeth. It's interactive. You can press, you can tap, you can play matching games, you can speak into it. It asks you to speak like, and so sometimes I'm hopping in for two minutes.

Hayley Hobson:
Sometimes I'm hopping in for four tonight. I'll come back. I have a later when I'm finished working, I, I, I know I'll commit to about an hour tonight. It's fun. It's it's competitive, it's gamified. And the reason I'm sharing this is because again, I believe that if you really want something, you can do it and you can shift around to accommodate during the height of COVID that possibly learning Spanish. Wasn't the thing that I wanted to do, what I wanted to do instead, which I did by the way, is I created an entire online digital course teaching people how to get online from, from literally creating awareness around themselves and their brand and their brand identity and their client or customer avatar to creating their opt-in freebie to, to building that entire email marketing funnel, nurture funnel, middle funnel, whatever you wanna call it, community online community, putting it off to putting an offer in front of people and then even paid paid traffic strategy.

Hayley Hobson:
So that's what I chose to do. Instead. It wasn't like I was sitting around like pour me over COVID. But the point that I'm making is that when you decide anything is possible, anything is possible and you can either decide that anything is possible or you can decide and give a reason or an excuse. So I hope you guys all today have learned from Laura that anything is possible. A hundred percent is possible a hundred percent of the time. If you set an intention, I don't think any action can ever happen before intention is set. Would you agree?

Laura Jacobs:
Totally. You know, as we, as we kind of bookend our conversation and what did we start with? What went right? What comes to mind is a final thought is Earl Knight Andel. He's just an old like guru of men. And one of the earliest in the modern world of personal development, just such a wise man. And he said, you don't manage time, you manage activities. And I'm a huge time blocker. I use a calendar that I can drag and drop and renegotiate with myself all the time. I can re I, I reprioritize with myself, not by the day, but oftentimes by the hour where, you know, there's, I'm, I'm really good at sticking to what I say I'm gonna do. And I'm also really good at pivoting. And you know, that particular weekend, Hayley, when I went quote unquote golden a weekend and founders in a weekend, my husband was not happy with me.

Laura Jacobs:
My family was not happy. It was labor day weekend and I was working. And that Monday night we had a block party and it was our block party, but it was the Goddard's, it was Natalie's brother's block. And so they came. And so I remember standing out in the dark in September of 2008 on the street and Jerry and Andy commiserating with each other about what the freak were their wives doing with this so-called doTERRA thing. Well, we, and, and Natalie hustled, when she saw I was going founders, she started to hustle too. So we qualified. I don't remember if she qualified the same month I did or the next month, but we're like founder, number five and number six in the us. And do you think there's any regret for ruining that weekend? All these years later are being paid as a us founder, I can say to you not ounce, right?

Laura Jacobs:
But it took ma I had to make a choice. And so often like the Spanish and the online program, you have two fantastic ideas and priorities and they will so often compete for time and you just have to decide. And I think there's times where you make on a whim fire, ready, aim, whatever decisions. And sometimes I just decide, I'm gonna chase this. I'm gonna make room for this in my life. I'm gonna, again, rearrange my plates and I'm gonna make time for what I, I, I'm very much a person who lives by inspired action. And if it feels like something I need to lean into versus lean out of, I really try to let that, that center guide me. So again, we don't manage time, we manage activities and you get to decide and

Hayley Hobson:
You've done, you know, I'm the same exact way as you with managing my day. So what I do my strategy, and we'll just wrap up here in case anybody's interested as I have a calendar and on my calendar starting anywhere around seven ish am seven 30 is when I take my daughter to the bus stop. But sometimes, and that, you know, no seven 15 is when we leave for the bus. We actually usually home at seven 30 and I usually will start my day at eight. I like working on the earlier side. Like I like having like an eight to three or eight to four ish, like Workday up here in my office. It doesn't mean that I am not looking at things possibly in the evening or on my phone or having a conversation. But my like my strategy I'll call it focus. Time has got to be between eight and three because that's when my brain is fresh.

Hayley Hobson:
But after I drop her off at the bus stop, I might come up to my office at seven 30 and knock out something in 30 minutes, work for a little bit, go get a workout in and get my body moving again. Cause I've usually been up since five 30 and then knock out what's on my calendar until three. I also sign simultaneously use Asana, which is a project management board. And I've got all of the calendared activities in Asana as a to-do list with any attachments links like this podcast that you and I are recording a is on my calendar. B is a task in Asana in Asana is the link to get on the podcast is the questions I thought of that I would wanna ask you in case we didn't have anything to talk about, which of course never happens. I could stay on with you for 10 hours.  and also any like anything that I wanna share, just all key notes. So if something goes off, which actually did we didn't get on on time. Well, yeah, Lord that slide. Yeah. I can slide things around. I can slide things up and down in Asana. And the reason that I actually end my day at three o'clock mountain time is that if an emergency happens, it's only three o'clock.

Laura Jacobs:

Hayley Hobson:
And I can still get things done until four or five o'clock. So we think like I knew it sister from another Mister

Laura Jacobs:

Hayley Hobson:
My friends, Laura Jacobs. I have so glad that you had an opportunity to hear from her. If people wanna find you, where would they go?

Laura Jacobs:
You know, I haven't really made myself that findable. I'm not on social media. How's that for being like I'm not prepared for, and

Hayley Hobson:
Yet she's a double blue diamond in, in doTERRA, a us founder with a very substantial, nice income. And just goes to show you don't have to be findable or on or on social

Laura Jacobs:
Media. No. I mean, the people who know me know where to find me or the people who wanna find me know how to find somebody who knows how to find me. How's that for really lousy.

Hayley Hobson:
I think that's great. I mean, that's

Laura Jacobs:
Great. I'm findable. How about that? I'm findable.

Hayley Hobson:
I think it's great. And I will tell you if you guys wanna find me, you know, all you've gotta use know, know how to do is spell my name, right?  that's great. So if you're using two Ys and you're spelling it, the traditional Hayley Mills from the original parent trap way, it's, @hayleyhobson on Instagram. @iamhayleyhobson on TikTok, hayleyhobsonwholeyou on Facebook. And I am gonna drop for you in this episode. What I created this morning, which is a consistency tracker. So I took a tracker that I have a habit tracker that I have, and I created into a digital format so that those who want to be more consistent and track their habits or their activities, cuz if you're like me and you're like Laura, you like planning and scheduling and checking off boxes. You can use mine. And that's at So Laura, thanks for being with me today. Thanks for being with us today. I love you. Love you. Love you, love you. And for the rest of you'll.