
doTERRA Diamonds Discuss : Kelly Mallinson

Welcome to doTERRA Diamonds Discuss where you'll be inspired by stories, tips, and strategies by doTERRA's top leaders who will then help you turn your passion for holistic wellness into your own profitable and flexible business. And now here's your host Double Presidential Diamond, Hayley Hobson.

Hayley Hobson:
All right. Hello, my friends. Welcome to doTERRA Diamonds Discuss, where we teach entrepreneurs with a passion for holistic wellness, how to make a six figure income or more so that they can work from home. Have the flexibility they've been craving with their time and make more money than they've ever imagined. And we're back with another episode and today's guest is Kelly Mallinson, and I can't wait for you to hear from Kelly. I absolutely love her story. She went from being a nurse to becoming an intuitive, essential oil specialist. And this bold pivot was generated from her passion for helping other people also experience a thriving life through the power of plant magic. And that passion led to her becoming a Canadian Blue Diamond and a North American Wellness Founder, which is like a big wow in my books. And we're gonna dive deep into that because it is not easy to open up in different markets. So you're gonna hear all about her journey, what made every bit of it possible. And Kelly, if you're ready, I am ready to get started.

Kelly Mallinson:
I am so excited to be here. This is exciting. And and I'm excited to share my story. I have been doing doTERRA for almost seven years now and I have and I started you know, I wanna share this little piece about how I started, because if you're out there and you are, you know, avoiding whoever enrolled you  cuz I avoided her. I she gave me a little bag of samples and said, if you know anyone who might wanna do this business let me know. She didn't ask me if I wanted to do the business. She asked if I knew anyone and being a salesman's dream. I bought her oils. I started just with the family essentials kit back then now known as the healthy start. And I started using the oils and, and I avoided talking to her, having a wellness consult. And so if you've got someone who you might be avoiding, that's avoiding meeting with you for a wellness consult. You know, they may actually be, there may be a diamond in the rough right there because I avoided her. And then I met with her and I was like, I absolutely have to partner with her and do this business. The oils had already, I'd been using them and they were really, really striking a passion with me. So I had to keep going.

Hayley Hobson:
So when you say you avoided her, do you feel like, I mean, looking back now, do you feel like you were consciously avoiding her or were you just busy and just didn't have like, weren't creating the time around getting together with her or getting on the phone with her?

Kelly Mallinson:
That's a good question. I knew what she wanted from me. She wanted me to do this network marketing business and I  was like, I don't know, I can't do this. And then I, but then, I got a message from her saying something about how much money she was making and not saying that I did this business because of the money, but it really did. I did see it as an opportunity to look at the oils as I used Patchouli oil as my perfume for about 20 years as it was. So I had to meet with her. So I met with her and we talked about the business and I hosted a class and people came and people got oils.

Hayley Hobson:
Okay. So it definitely was like a conscious effort too. Okay. First I'm buying the oils. I'm interested in them as a consumer. I see this woman wants me to do it as a business. This isn't my thing right now, this network marketing thing, I don't wanna, I don't wanna talk with her. I know she's gonna push me into it or at least have a conversation that I don't wanna deal with. And then you heard what was possible.

Kelly Mallinson:

Hayley Hobson:
Okay. So that's, I mean, that's great from two perspectives. One, if you are enrolling people into a customer journey and they're avoiding you, yes. There's potentially diamond in the rough and there may be people here who are listening, who are avoiding their own upline  who might be able to help them. So there's an opportunity for those of you who are listening to reach out to somebody who actually may be able to support you. So when did it occur to you? Like what did it take? When did it occur to, you said that, oh my gosh, I did my first class and that's when it started. But talk to me about like what that, what that looked like in terms of setting up that class, your decision to host that class, your decision to host that class, what you had to do to get that class going, you know, maybe how many people came in or how much money you made from that class. Like when you decided it was a really, like, it really was a business opportunity.

Kelly Mallinson:
Well, my enroller, I always deemed as someone who was shy and I have, when I found out the amount of money she made, I was, she was at platinum at the time I ended up being her diamond leg and I was like, wow, like you're doing this oil business and you're making this kind of money. I, I was blown away. She's like, just have a class. So I hosted the class.

Hayley Hobson:
How much money was she making?

Kelly Mallinson:
She was making $9,000 a month. I was like 9,000. That's a lot of money.

Hayley Hobson:
Yeah. It's a six figure income.

Kelly Mallinson:
Yeah. So, and at the time I was, I had be completed my Reiki master course and and and another metaphysical energy course. And I was just launching that business and I wasn't, I was wanting to do that. I didn't want to do this side doTERRA gig that I saw it as. So, however though, once I started using the oils, they really, really did magical things, which we all know that they're helpful in so many different ways. I, I had my class and I invited 12 people and nine people enrolled at the class, most of them with home essentials kits at the time.

Hayley Hobson:
Okay. So that's a big, that's a big deal.

Kelly Mallinson:
Yeah. Yeah. It was.

Hayley Hobson:
What you got you excited. Was it the money that you made from the class or was the fact that wow, nine people are interested and I, I can see that this is going somewhere now.

Kelly Mallinson:
Yeah. Then it wasn't the, I didn't even get a check. Like I got a check in the mail, if you, this is when we got checks. And I did get a check in the mail, like a week later for a couple hundred dollars, but it was how excited people were about the oils. It wasn't hard. It wasn't a hard sell. Like, it was just an easy thing that people were, were interested in. And, and I didn't put any energy into it that it was gonna be something that was hard. I put in the energy that, oh my gosh, I'm so excited for this. Let's go.

Hayley Hobson:
So then what was the follow up then in terms of like, obviously nine people you're making about 40 bucks. It's like nine times four, I'm doing the math right here. Right? Like $360. Like, you're not, it's not like, oh my gosh, I've got a business with $360 in my pocket. Like what, what happened then? Like, what is the, like, how did I guess, I guess is like, what was the domino effect?

Kelly Mallinson:
What happened was is that she ended up staying at my house for about three hours after the class had ended. And we grilled her on what the business looked like and how was it possible that she made this much money? And she cast the vision for me, which is something that I feel that we haven't, I haven't been doing for some people in my own downline, but she really casted the vision as to what having a doTERRA business would look like, what the, the time commitment would be like, what kind of financial freedom I could receive from it, like how fun it is like it. And, and I, and yeah, and I really caught her vision. So the casting of the vision was huge.

Hayley Hobson:
How did she do that?

Kelly Mallinson:
You know, she, she spent time. She took like a lot of time out of her day. At the time she even had her kids were quite young and she stayed and she connected with us. She really spent the time connecting and like talking about you know, like what her day looks like and how she's partnered with all her friends to do the business. And that it was, it got to be easy. It at, it was, it got to be easy for her. And she was able to go from at her when she started, she was cleaning her uplines bathrooms,

Hayley Hobson:
So, oh, wow.

Kelly Mallinson:
Yeah. So she was clean. That's how she was paying for her L R P. And I was like, holy moly, and look at where you are now. So that was super inspiring. Like I've already made okay. Money as a psych nurse. And I wasn't, I'd tried a couple of, well, I tried two network marketing companies before, which they weren't really not my jam and the way what, and, but what I learned from those ones were, was that doTERRA makes it very easy for us cuz we aren't customer service. The other two I did were, we had to be customer service. And so the fact that we have member services, that our customers can call and get a lot of their stuff taken care of is amazing. So we truly are advocates for wellness.

Hayley Hobson:
Yeah. That is amazing. I love it too. So tell me how that you have. Well actually I wanna backtrack for a second before I move into my question, which was like, you know, how did you then build your own team? And what kinds of culture and strategies did you instill them based on the experience you had, when did it occur to you that or how I wanted to get back to the Canada thing for a second? Cuz I just know seven years ago, like being in Canada, wasn't easy. I mean, it's not like we were new with doTERRA. It wasn't like, it was like, you know, doTERRA was still 70 years in as a company, but I know that being in another market, not home currency and home, you know, restrictions in terms of like product ingredients and labeling and all that kind of stuff. It's different and probably challenging  right.

Kelly Mallinson:
Yes. Everyone's hung up on the American dollar. So everybody was irritated that it was only in US funds cuz Canada had opened in June that year. I started. So I started my host in my first class in January. And so the market wasn't available in Canadian dollars until June and we still have Canadian warehouse and US warehouse that we shop from. So people did have a hangup over the US money. It, I didn't, I didn't though. So I didn't put infuse that into my business. I just was like, this is how it is. This is where we're gonna go with this. And it was okay like there, yeah, people were like, I don't wanna spend US dollars. And, but you know what the product spoke for itself and people had a lot of wins and people experienced the oils in a way that changed things for them.

Kelly Mallinson:
And for those of whom the oils spoke to the people got the oils, they just, they, and they had a lot of winds. We had a lot of winds with the oils and you just have a wind in the class with breathing in peppermint. So yes, the market was Canadian. We, it wasn't open yet in Canada. We opened the following June and I just booked class after class, after class, after class. And I hit silver in 66 days. So that was exciting. But yeah, the agreed like this was after this was after was that there was a thing with compliance and what people are posting on social media. We were just coming out of that. So it was there. Wasn't a, it wasn't too hard for me at that moment.

Hayley Hobson:
I wanna, I wanna ask you a question about the Canadian dollar for a second. I've always wondered this. So like I've gotten online before I did this past year. I, I was like shopping. I was like on Instagram and I was shopping. I saw this really cute pair of boots. They were like, they were in Italy, it was in the Euro. I paid it. Obviously I had to figure out like what the difference was, you know, like whether I wanted to spend that much in the US, but what, what is it getting hung up about paying in somebody else's dollar? Cause when we, when we travel, we do it all the time. Like why, why is that an issue for some people just outta curiosity, not that has anything to do with what we're talking about, but like, I, I was thinking more of a lit from a perspective of building in a, in a market that's different because you're just, even though it's English, you're speaking a different quote, unquote language of wellness with people and it's an American company and just, you know, speak

Kelly Mallinson:
You're muted. I can't hear you.

Hayley Hobson:
Oh, sorry. You know, what I was thinking is that from a perspective was getting things moving in terms of legislation and like, you know not just currency, but I know like corporate and meetings and, you know, understanding the vibe of a different nationality is what I always think is the most challenging part. Like I, I am I opened up, not that I'm a founder. I only had one leg, but I was there in the beginning with Australia and also am a founder in, in Europe. And I just know, even in Europe, like every, country's got a different vibe. Every, country's got a, literally a different culture by nature of the definition of culture, but Canadians, I mean, you're speaking, but it's a different culture. It's a different, so that's what I was referring to like, okay, you know, how is it different? And, and, and, and more challenging to open in a, in a, in a different country with a different culture. But I am interested in this whole Canadian dollar thing, cuz I, I don't personally understand what the hangup is like if I wanted to buy. And I did, I found a really cute sweatshirt last year online. It was from Canada. I paid the Canadian dollar. Like what was all that like noise about?

Kelly Mallinson:
Well, the thing with the money is, is that the, the dollars fluctuated so much like, okay, at one point that the Canadian-USdollar was very close to each other at the beginning when I was doing doTERRA. And then it's gotten, you know, like over, as time happens, it changes. So I think it's 30% on the dollar. So like if it's like my, yeah, like it's about 30% and then the credit cards charge extra fee on top of the exchange rate, if you use a credit card. So there was a lot of logistics there with as far as only being able, we couldn't use visa debit, we couldn't use PayPal. You know, we didn't have apple pay. There was so there's the extra charges from the credit card company. And then people also were concerned that there was gonna be duty and customs right there. Like it's a pain in the butt to have to like have to pay an extra charge on top of it. And when you're new at it, I was like, I don't know, like, is that like, I think it's included and it is included, like they've actually worked the duty, the customs into the, into the, into the pod product. Right. So it's not that big of a deal once you-

Hayley Hobson:
So it's just, it's, it's a much bigger deal than on the spot deciding, okay, I'm gonna buy these boots. They're 200 euros and I feel I'm, I'm okay. Spending it. It's like, are they gonna be 200 euros tomorrow? Like every day you never knew it was gonna happen. That totally makes sense. I just never really understood it. Thanks for explaining

Kelly Mallinson:
That. Yeah. So that, that's it. And then, but as far as like the market and like getting products approved, that's why we have at US NFR, not for resale and we have our on the ground warehouse. So like the culture in Canada is, you know, the, the, I guess I would say that we've got a lot of, you know, crunchy granola type people in, especially in the province I live and I live in British Columbia and you know, people always wanna buy local and if you're into essential oils you may wanna even buy local even more so because it's like a natural thing and you're using it on your skin, but just, there's just so much education around the essential oils, right. That we have to, we had to take into consideration as far as teaching the people to use the oils. And I think that goes the same across the board. But we don't. The other part is, is that because we have the way our healthcare system is we don't have copay. We don't have like the whole piece around, well, you like using your oils as sort of your frontline defense. Like we don't have to pay to go to the doctor at all. Like we, we have a like-

Hayley Hobson:
Yeah, I remember that being a situation cuz we're teaching people like, isn't it worth it, you know, to spend $20 on this when your copay is this and it's all free over there in Canada.

Kelly Mallinson:
Yeah, so that part is irrelevant to us. So that was, and that was like, and I think that, you know, like as far as like trying to teach people how to use oils that was a piece that was on like I think the class handout that doTERRA provided that, you know, you had to sort of navigate. So we, we navigated instead of the, the money piece we navigated the time piece. So you, if you've got your oils, it's gonna save you time instead of like, and it's gonna save you money, not having to drive to the doctor, whatever, not saying that it's replacing the doctor, but you know, like if you cut your hand and you put some oils on it, it might help you like, you

Hayley Hobson:
Know, so how are you delivering value then? Like what did that look like? What was your strategy? Did you have a different one? Because I think that anytime somebody did something doesn't work, it's our opportunity to try something else. And I was having a conversation with one of my really good friends the other day. She just did a challenge, an online challenge. And she had 50,000 people that signed up for the challenge. And all of these things kept breaking along the way. Like, you know, email platform didn't do this or text platform didn't do this or lots of different things were going wrong and she was leaving me a message. And she's just like, I love it when things break down, because that gives me an opportunity to think, think fast and figure out something else. And if I don't have that opportunity, I'm not growing. I mean, not that we want, like, I mean, we want things to go as planned  but you know, when I agree with her, like when you, when things stop working, it's great. It's like you get to figure out the things out. It's interesting. So what it, what was your strategy when, when, when the typical one that you were being taught by those of us in America wasn't working,

Kelly Mallinson:
It was it, I, I taught about like you would save money, you would like save money in the way that you wouldn't have to miss work. Like you, like, you know, this kind of piece, this is where I sort of pivoted. It took a little while to figure it out. Cuz I did fly by the seat of my pants at the beginning. You know, I'm not learner is not in my top strengths. I don't need to learn everything before I pull the trigger to just do it. I'll just go ahead and do it. So, so I, as questions came up, as obstacles came up, I worked around them and I, some people stuck with me, some people didn't and, and we, you just have to, I just had to be flexible and like be like the river and like go around the rocks instead of like, you know, like do like hitting my head against the rocks.

Hayley Hobson:
Yeah. Interesting and super useful. Thank you. So what, so what's changed for you since you started, I mean seven years have gone by obviously the world is in a completely different place that it was in that, what? That, that it was then, like what has changed for you since you started? Are you teaching, are you doing anything different? Are you teaching anything different?

Kelly Mallinson:
Oh yeah. I'm I have two years ago I went to Prague. I was the last group that went in the diamond dash and we came home and we made these commitments standly right that we were gonna become presidential diamonds  and I came in, I came home and I kept the exact same thing that I committed to doing. I, I had weekly continuing ed. I had weekly team calls. I had weekly business training and I kept it going. It's been challenging due to not the, the lack of being able to be in person. Like obviously Canada has been locked down longer than other places have been, but you know, I kept, I kept it going. I stayed, I committed to showing up for my team and doing what I said I would do when I left Prague. So and if everyone's, if you don't know what happens in Prague it's it was the diamond dash.

Kelly Mallinson:
And I think we can still do that on, we can still do that online. Alicia still has that available to do the different things, but it's just, it, it just, I had to pivot and go online and what, and I'm not an online person. UI wasn't an online person. I actually was a in person, need a knee. This is how I enroll people. And I, once they started opening up a little bit, I started, I actually found a place like a store, like a metaphysical bookstore where I advertise my classes and I started to build, build a new community because a lot of people dropped off and did want to not a lot to do with online stuff. So I started building a new community. Uand, and I and I enrolled these people I started doing make and takes like, but in a, like, not in our house.

Kelly Mallinson:
So like maybe if people have it available to them, like different spaces that they can, you know, rent out, like for low rates to like encourage gathering again, that's a really good strategy. Like maybe you don't want people in your house and maybe finding a space where it, like I pay $25 an hour. So a class for me costs 50 bucks and we get together, we have food, we have fun. We make fancy serums with our first skin. And it, I it's just connection. Like we have to be connected with other people. Like unfortunately yes, some people are like to be abide themselves and not hang out with other people, but for the most part, people need connection. So I really tried to create a space where people could be together.

Hayley Hobson:
It's interesting. Like you talk about like paying for space for your class. I remember when I was first start getting started too, there were so many people that resistant to putting money into their business like that. Like they just thought like everything should be complete, you know, intake of, of revenue and there's cost of doing business. Mm-Hmm , you know, I, I, I think about my friend who I was just telling you did the challenge for 50,000 people. And we were at a bunch of us were at coffee this morning and we're talking about talking about it, the situation, another one of my, her husband was there. And so one of my other friends said, oh my gosh, how did he, how did she get 50,000 people in the challenge? And he said, well, Facebook ads. And so he said, well, how much did she spend?

Hayley Hobson:
And then the conversation was about, about $650,000. She spent on ads and, you know, we're kind of going through it. And he said, oh, it we're, it's, it's definitely gonna be a loss. It's definitely gonna be a loss. And everybody was kind of just sitting there like, well, why would she do that then? Because she's gonna make an offer on the challenge for a $2,000 product, but there's no way she's gonna sell enough of them to make up the $650,000. But what's gonna happen with those people who buy that product is they're in their database and they will buy another product later. They have evidence of that. They have data on that. So it's an investment. And let's just say that the investment costs, I don't know, $500,000 or $200,000 or a hundred thousand dollars, or maybe whatever it is for them. I mean, obviously they're playing at a larger scale, but you're, you know, you're making a $50 investment in your class. Even if you, if you were to sell two home essential kits, you break even. But if you were to sell none, it's marketing, mm-hmm,  it's connection. It's the price you pay for networking. And I wonder if you wanna speak on that, because I know so many people who are unwilling to put money into their businesses and you just cannot operate in my opinion, at the level that we're playing right to go to a rank like gold platinum, diamond, blue diamond, presidential diamond, without investing in your business,

Kelly Mallinson:
100%, you abso there has to be an investment. Like I, I had to, I pulled out my real rose oil for my serums that I, that we made at that class. I charged everybody a little bit of money for the class just to pay for the, for the, like the bottles and things. But like I did some intro classes, I got creative with how I was doing things like a regular intro class might be a little bit boring for me to teach now cuz that's I wanna do something else. So I've been like, I have like a series of classes that I do and some cost money, some don't cost money. But yeah, I invest back in always and from this group community that I got, I have a woman who places a 400 PV, L R P almost every single month. So even if only one person enrolled at that class and she's ordering like that every month, that is, that is well worth it to me to invest for a $50 class.

Kelly Mallinson:
Like we, when we are the, the investment into the business is definitely something that should be considered. If you want to grow to platinum, diamond, blue diamond presidential diamond, there's a there, you know, and it increases every rank. But yeah, I have no problem doing that. And I encourage people in my down line to do the same thing and, and people do what you do. So it's, it is it's important to model what you'd like to see happen in your own business. I mean, you don't have to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars as a silver, but you know,

Hayley Hobson:
Of course not. I mean, obviously the person who is investing $650,000 into Facebook gets her, she's running a 30,000, 30 million a year business. It's a totally different perspective. But yeah, I mean, I, I would say a healthy, a healthy investment in your business is that at minimum of 20% of what's coming in in the beginning, if you're not bringing in anything, you just have to make an investment. And without an investment, it's a mindset without an investment you're holding back there is like, literally like your, your mindset, isn't this place of scarcity, lack of abundance. And so what's gonna manifest is scarcity and lack of abundance. If your intent is to make money and you're intentionally investing your money, then you will be able to make money. So anyway, yeah. Yeah. Good conversation. So do you do anything besides classes, like, are you using social media? Are you getting out there in the digital world at all?

Kelly Mallinson:
Yes. Well, I, I, I spent a year on clubhouse. Not as much as you spent on clubhouse, but , you were on every day everywhere, but I did, I, I, you know what? I still got myself a solid 1000.1 0.1 followers, and I'm following 1.1 100 followers. And I've got 1,100 followers following me. And I've just been hopping back in, but I've spent a lot of time on clubhouse during the lockdown. I have boosted ads on Instagram. I was locked out a boosting ads for a while and I don't even know why, but I got out of jail. And so I boost ads on Instagram. I I ask for referrals, but I, you know what the Instagram ads, it looks like you're not getting anything, but you do get something like I've managed, cuz I'm trying, I'm working. I am getting to enroll powerful leaders in India.

Kelly Mallinson:
So I've been boosting Instagram ads there and I've, and I'm attracting back the kind of energy I'm putting out and it's working really well. So it's, but it's not like you boost one ad and you get 10 people. I boosted 10 ads and got two really good people. So that's, and that that's working, I'm doing my best. I'm I can't, I'm not really good at reels. I need a really good tutorial on reels. I don't know how to make those words do all the things, but it's okay. I wing it. I wing a lot of things I actually do. I don't plan.

Hayley Hobson:
There's nothing wrong with that. I think that a lot of us have to do that. Sometimes there's a lot of stuff that you can plan and you just also have gotta feel from your gut and, and, you know, give it a go. Yeah. Well, Kelly, is there anything else that you'd like to share that you haven't shared yet? Is there anything I haven't asked you that you feel like would important be important for the listeners to know like what you tell yourself when things aren't going your way, what you tell yourself. So that things go your way, like any mindset hacks or productivity hacks or central oil hacks or anything that you'd like to share with anybody.

Kelly Mallinson:
I really love the blue Tanzy on the big toe like that. I get a lot of work done when I do that. I've I, and I, I have a little bit of ADHD and it really like fires up, but focused energy. So the blue Tane on your big toe, I listen to a lot of mindsets coaching. I, I do not do any work if I feel crappy about, about my business in any way. Like if I got a lot of no, or I, I felt badly about how something went. I do, I just take a pause and I, and I re I just pause and I don't do my work. I will go do something else for a little while and then go back to it. You know, like with, during the pandemic, I'm not gonna lie there. There's been a lot of people that have stepped back, but you know what?

Kelly Mallinson:
I can't, we that, what if I could tell anybody anything really is that following that energy is gonna get you absolutely nowhere. If you have people that have stepped back and you're trying to get them to come back, hold space for them. And sometimes I hate that word, hold space for them. But you know, don't give up on them. But chasing after people who are just not feeling it right now, isn't what's gonna grow your business or recover your business. I would suggest you do what you can to get new people in infuse new energy because people, everyone like, I'm pretty sure, you know, this as much as I know this is that everyone doesn't have essential oils in their house. And everyone hasn't had an essential oil like experience that we can provide with doTERRA. So, you know, like making sure you just stick, look, keep growing your network.  like people are resistant to growing their network and maybe you have to pay to join a networking like group. Like I'm in this really cool networking group. That's like a lot of really awesome people. And we do it online and find some networking groups that you can connect with or join other groups. Like you have to, I, I can't say you have to, but you get to expand your business by growing your groups of friends. Like that's how you're gonna make it happen. And, and I, yeah,

Hayley Hobson:
A hundred percent, I think it's just also getting out there and just being social in your community. Like where are you working out? You know, are you smiling at the person next to you? Like, are you saying, thank you when you get your coffee or are you on your phone? Like, you just don't even know when conversations and communications can happen and just quick, easy relationships can get started. So I'm just all about like the natural networking, not necessarily even having like, you know, a group that you're going to, or, or what, but just like being cognizant and getting out why my husband and I went out for coffee this morning. It was like our little anniversary date. And we got down there and I, Kelly, I mean, I kid you, not that there were, we ended up sitting with like six of our friends cuz every five minutes somebody else was walking down the street or somebody else was parking or whatever. I mean, it's just a community that you start to build where you are if you get out of your home. So, yep. Yay for networking. Yay for social. Well, thank you so much for being here today. I know it was like a little tricky getting you on and getting our audio tech work. I mean, stuff happens. We get to figure it out. I would love to know how people can get in touch with you and then I'll share real quick how people can get in touch with me too.

Kelly Mallinson:
You can, you can find me on Instagram, kelly_mallinson and and I, I tried to do YouTube. I might work on that later, but but on Facebook is good or like people can like my phone number's on my Instagram account. So if anyone wants to text message me, you can text message me. My phone number's is there and I'm totally open. And I'm, I also am part of this, like this Facebook group on, well, this group on Facebook that is like a doTERRA crossline training. And I see, I think I'm kind of the one person running it right now, but I have lots of really cool classes on there. I did an enroll, everyone, you know, I did convert your Reiki clients into doTERRA customers and it's all free. And you know, sometimes we just need to connect that way. So that group is called, I think it's called doTERRA cross or crossline training, doTERRA crossline training. And it's on Facebook.

Hayley Hobson:
Cool. Alright, amazing You guys Kelly Mallinson on Facebook or kelly_mallinson on IG. I think you have a website too, Kelly. I do. Yeah. Kelly mall. Yeah.

Kelly Mallinson:

Hayley Hobson:
Reached out to her. And then of course you guys know that you can always reach me at using my name anywhere., @hayleyhobson on Instagram. @iamhayleyhobson on TikTok, @hayleyhobsonwholeyou on Facebook. And I have a little free ebook for those of you who are listening here. If you're interested in knowing some surprising hacks that are not common knowledge to most about essential oils, I created a free ebook that gives you three ways that you can may not be right now using essential oils in your life and insight onto which oils can be used for specific types of health and emotional issues. And also three practical ways to begin using 'em right now and getting the benefits. So you just can go to, You guys. Thanks for being here with us today. I hope you enjoyed the episode. Thank Kelly. Thanks again.