
doTERRA Diamonds Discuss : Halie Forre

Welcome to doTERRA Diamonds Discuss where you'll be inspired by stories, tips, and strategies by doTERRA's top leaders who will then help you turn your passion for holistic wellness into your own profitable and flexible business. And now here's your host Double Presidential Diamond, Hayley Hobson.

Hayley Hobson:
All right. Hello, my friends. Welcome to doTERRA Diamonds Discuss, where we teach entrepreneurs with a passion for holistic wellness, how to make a six figure income or more so that they can work from home. Have the flexibility they've been craving with their time and make more money than they've ever imagined. So we are back with another episode. I can't wait for you to meet our guest today, Melody Layton. I just know that you'll find Melody's story super motivational. So she had a desire to create time freedom in her life, which most of us want. And it was really important to her when she found herself a single mom with four kids and that vision that she had of time freedom and flexibility became a reality for her, with doTERRA as the vehicle. And now she's a blue diamond in the company and being her own boss has enabled her to structure her life around her kids' schedules. And not only that, it created a way for her to become completely self sustainable with her income. So I'm excited to get started with her today. Welcome Melody. 

Hayley Hobson:
Homan. Well, hello, my friends. Welcome to doTERRA diamonds, discuss where we teach entrepreneurs with a passion for holistic wellness, how to make a six figure income or more so that they can work from home. Have the flexibility that they've been craving with their family with their time and make more money than they've ever imagined. And we are back with another episode and today's guest is Hailey foray and no not Hayley Hobson. Hayley Hobson is interviewing Hailie Forre. We might have to have some fun with our names instead. They're exactly the same, but spell different. And if you are a mom, Hailie's story is gonna inspire you. And even if you aren't a mom, I, I, I actually believe her story will inspire you. Hailie's journey began when she found herself as a single mom of three children, and she needed a way to support her family while maintaining flexibility, you know, how it is with kids, and yet she, you guessed it. She eventually found doTERRA and doTERRA came just at the right moment for her when she needed it the most. And her choice to step out on faith, resulted in her growing a business that not only enabled her to have more time with her children, but also catapulted her to a top rank, which is in my opinion, super amazing always. And I, I really, I told you you'd be inspired. I know you'll be inspired. I know you'll continue to be inspired, so I'm ready if you're ready. Hailie. You ready?

Halie Forre:
I am so ready. Hayley .

Hayley Hobson:
Okay. All well, why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself? Like, what were you doing? Where are you from? What was going on in your life?

Halie Forre:
All right, actually, so I actually came into doTERRA when I was still married. So I was married. And what I thought was happily married, building this business. I a little bit about my background. I was in insurance before, and always wanted craved that time with my kids. You know, I always felt like I had to choose, like I only had two weeks vacation, three weeks vacation. So if I needed to take a day with my kids to go, you know, hang out, you know, do do anything at the lake or whatever, you know, I had to choose my vacation days, very cautiously. And I just, I, I wanted, that's not the life I wanted for my kids. I wanted to be available for them. And so I was in a good business. I was happy with my, with my current career and doing well with it.

Halie Forre:
And I was just inspired. Well, I got involved in doTERRA, very skeptic didn't believe they would work kind of a thing. And came into them. My, my sister who was a nurse had introduced them to me and long story short, I fell in love with them. And I kind of started just dabbling in them, not really doing much with with them. And I kept getting invited to a class. My sister was not a builder at all. She was just a nurse who loved oils and believed her family needed them to. And so, but so our upline kept inviting me to classes and I was like, oh, I'm too busy. I don't have time to come to a class. And eventually our upline was doing diamond club. She lives in Tennessee and was doing diamond club in our area.

Halie Forre:
I live in Nebraska, kind of the middle of nowhere, Nebraska. And I was just something in me drew me to that class. I was like, I need to go to that class. I actually took time off of work to go to that diamond club class and listened to her. And she sat up there and what she said was you know, I do this for our business and anybody could do this for our business. You know, if you wanna do this, you can as well. And looking back I think she was only our premier rank. And you know, I think back that, you know, we always think in doTERRA, we have to be this high rank to inspire somebody to do the business. And I mean, she grew on wealth, past premier, but at the time when she inspired me, she was only a premier.

Halie Forre:
And I was like, I looked at her and I'm like, I want her job. Like, that sounds so cool. Traveling around and teaching people about these oils. And so I, that was when I actually started building my business. So that would've been March of 2014. I just started sharing and, and loving teaching classes and it kind of all came together. And I, I hit rank pretty quick. I went I hit silver in three months and got drawn to convention by my upline. Jennifer, she told me I needed to go. And again, I was like, I don't have the vacation days to go, but she says, you need to go. And it was at convention when I watched the diamonds walk, I was like, man, this is what I wanna do. I'm gonna

Hayley Hobson:
Do that

Halie Forre:

Hayley Hobson:
And so I had a really similar story like that. Like I was, I went to my first convention and I was a diamond. I had been in doTERRA for, I think, like nine months. And I had enrolled in November and then convention was the beginning of September. So you had been about nine months and I had ranked diamond, I think by may. So June, July, August, September was at convention and I was sitting in the diamond seating, but there was this like super swanky seating, even in front of the diamonds for the blue diamonds and the presidentials. And it was interesting because back then there was a lot less people in the field in general and the blue diamonds and the presidential diamonds had these like puffy chairs. Like they weren't just, you know, the chairs that everybody gets in the arena. They were like, what you're seeing. I don't know if you could see this on my desk, like real like squishy leather chairs.  right. And I was, and they had arms and I was like, that is literally what I'm like. I am going to be sitting in the squishy chairs next year and I get to be a blue diamond in order to do that.  and that's what motivated me.

Halie Forre:
Awesome. Very cool.

Hayley Hobson:
So what do you feel like was, what was the primary motivation for you when you said like, okay, I'm gonna do that walk, I'm gonna be at the convention. I'm gonna be a diamond next year. Like, what was going through your head in, was it like the recognition you wanted? Was it the financial independence you wanted? Did you know that your marriage was struggling? Did you feel like you wanted to change careers? Like what was happening inside your brain? Cause you said, I heard you say my upline dragged me to convention 

Halie Forre:
Yeah.  yeah. You know, I, I think it was everything. I think just hearing the heart of the company and seeing, you know, the first time actually at a corporate event to see where, you know, doTERRA's missions and where, where they were headed. I loved teaching classes. I mean, like I got so excited. And I don't know. I think I had completely lost my identity before doTERRA, you know, it's kind of like, you kind of just fall into the every day of life and, you know, I felt like doTERRA gave me like a chance to kind of re like, I don't know what I'm trying to say, but just reestablish who I am as a person. And so yeah, I, I think it was just the excitement and to see that people actually could do it full time and make a, a, you know, make a substantial living out of it.

Halie Forre:
And no, I had no idea my marriage was struggling at the time. I was pretty well blindsided when it hit me. I came home from convention. I hit gold and you know, the one thing my, my I, I did quit my, my full-time job at that point. And then I did diamond club and then I was completely all in, all in and hit platinum in March and finished out diamond club and kind of went into the summer just loving life. Like I finally got to be with my kids, you know, I got to just live this life. And then it was about it was September when I was pretty well blindsided with my life was changing in a hurry. And so that's, that was kind of the path to that I was on track to in my mind hit diamond by December that year. But when your life takes that big of a personal hit, everything else kind of reshifted. So,

Hayley Hobson:
So what did, like, how did you reshift, what do you mean? Did you, was there a transition where you left your corporate job and you went into doTERRA full-time or were you already in doTERRA? Full-Time like, help me understand the timeline and what that shift looks like. I always think about, you know, when we get, when we get kind of run over by things in our personal life, and what I mean by that is it can be like it could be something minor. Like, you know, your kids got a project that they're working on, they're having a meltdown and it kind of takes you out for two or three days cuz you're supporting, you're supporting the family. Right. It could be something like you know, last summer there was, or I can't remember if it was last summer or the summer before. Like there were just a whole bunch of weird things happening in my family.

Hayley Hobson:
Like my mom had some severe like back stuff going on. She was in Florida. I thought I was gonna have to fly out there. I'm in California. So that's kind of a big trip. My dad was having some serious like stuff with his intestines again, cross country. We were having like a, actually like a massive flood in our, and part of our house here and how to have like, like something I, I, I literally don't remember, but it was, it was something major. It was like a $5,000 project where we had to completely like, you know, de flood the, the, I forget what it's called the room underneath of a room. It's like a, I don't know, it's not the basement, but it's like a, a crawl area or something. It was literally filled with shit. It was awful. It was like, like all of our plumbing anyway.

Hayley Hobson:
You know, and there was like all of the normal stuff going on with life. Like my daughter had camp every morning, drop off at nine, pick up at 12 super, you know, like not a lot you can do in between. I was running a business, like just stuff. And when, so when you have even like the smallest inconvenience, let's call it like you're plumbing, not working or you're hearing from your family across country and just looking at your calendar going, how am I gonna make this work? Or I remember when when all the schools got shut down and we didn't know that they were gonna go on forever. Right. And so I'm sitting here in July here in July in this office in California and I'm looking at these emails and I'm going, oh my gosh, they are not gonna open up in August.

Hayley Hobson:
Like we're not going back to school. Or if we are, it's gonna be hybrid or I'm homeschooling. And I get to figure that out right now. And I spent 55 oh hours, 50 hours over a two week period, figuring out what I wanted to do in terms of schooling with my daughter. Wow. Like, did I wanna look into homeschooling groups? Was I looking into, you know, other parenting things like, like checking out private schools that were going back 50 hours. So that was 25 hours a week. So anyway, my point is, is that look, life happens to all of us, by the way, wake up, everybody you're not alone and all your problems, , you know, we all have them. So when you have something like that, that's going on with your spouse, with a family member, something that's super emotional, it wrecks you, it pulls you out of your space and you cannot operate at the same level of cognitive function and thinking as you are, when everything's sort of on, you know, a better sense of autopilot. So walk us through like what that looked like and you know, how you were able to do what you were doing now to survive financially.

Halie Forre:
Yeah. So I had left my corporate job in DEC like Jan, basically January of 2015. I went all in on doTERRA. I had completely left my corporate job and I did diamond club. And then it was you know, I really do believe that, you know, what diamond club did was gave me such focus time and focus energy. And I, I mean, I was doing like 20 classes. I, you know, and I'm so grateful for that time cuz I think that really the hours that I put in during diamond club really is what carried me when I kind of had to take that step back. And I think that's the thing that with these businesses that people don't understand is that trading's dollars for hours. When, you know, when you stop showing up at a corporate job, they stop paying you. We have that cushion with our business that when we work really hard for periods of time, we can coast and, and take care of our, our personal needs.

Halie Forre:
And you know, I got to be there a hundred percent for my kids. So I, I left my corporate job in January or I was full time with dotter in January. And then I found out that my marriage was in big time, trouble in September. And you know, that fall was a tough I, I, I had so much for me, it was just a lot of like shame, like what, you know, people are gonna judge me. Right. And also the, you know, we were still, I still had hoped that my marriage was going to work at that time. And so you don't wanna be like out there and telling people what's going on. And so I just really pulled back and I, my mom is one of my biggest supporters and business partners and one of my qualifying leaders. And I remember her telling me, she's like, Hayley, you've got to open up your laptop and show up for your team. They don't know what's going on. You just need to show up. And I built, I never built online, but I've always supported my team online. And so I kind of just, you know, did a post here and there and my leaders were starting to wonder what was going on with me. But they thought maybe I was just taking a break cuz I had pushed so hard, you know? But I, I will tell you, divorce is one

Hayley Hobson:
I, so did you open up

Halie Forre:
Eventually? Yep. I, I, it took me a while. I didn't actually file for divorce till the following may. And so there's about six months in there where not many people knew what was going on in my life. But then when I did move you know, moved out then I did a kind of a video pop, just update in my just one of my groups basically just saying some of the changes that were happening, but

Hayley Hobson:
So let me ask you just like totally taking this off subject for a second. Like what, why, what, why didn't you wanna tell everybody?

Halie Forre:
I was so embarrassed, you know, I was, but what I, I thought I was in this great marriage, you know, and I was building this, this business and this team and to be a part of my I, I just, I felt like, I don't know. I, and looking back, I don't know why I had so much shame. I was just so embarrassed that, you know, what was wrong with me, that he didn't wanna be married to me kind of a thing. And what would my team think? You know, if they found out that, you know it, that, you know, what, what does it say? You

Hayley Hobson:
Have different thoughts about that now? Yes. Do you have different thoughts about that now?

Halie Forre:

Hayley Hobson:
And what, what are your thoughts now?

Halie Forre:
You know, I do believe that essential that doTERRA is an essential oil company disguise as a personal development company. I definitely believe now there was red flags in my marriage I chose not to see, so I probably shouldn't have been as blindsided as I was. And you know, I truly do believe that in the end he did me such a favor because I would've never left that situation. And you know, the growth I've had since then has opened my world up and my life up to a life that I can't even believe I'm living right now. Like I, everything is just, I have such an amazing life and I'm in a huge transition. Moving back to I'm getting married in about six months and moving back to my hometown and just kind of a fresh start. And none of that would've been possible had I not been through those hard times, but again, my doTERRA business has come into this place where it has completely supported my family.

Halie Forre:
When I do need to take steps back, like the last probably four or five months I've been working minimally, my team knows why I'm working minimally. I'm showing up in my groups, but I'm not, I'm not actively building because my kids are in this huge transition. I just, my oldest just graduated from high school. She's going off to college. My younger two, you know, were packing up the house and moving and just all the things. But if it wasn't for this business, I, we move in 10 days, nine days and I'm taking these nine days to pack up my house, be organized. I could have never left a corporate job and be like, okay, see you later. I'm gonna take my two weeks to pack up my house. You know? So, so I kind of went off on a tangent.

Hayley Hobson:
Yeah. I mean, I just, I, I hope like I hope that everybody's hearing this cuz sometimes I feel like there's a lesson in this that, you know, whatever's happening is happening for a reason. And by the way we created it. So we always create everything that happens for us. And so even though it felt like at the time, like my husband was showing up like this, or my husband didn't want me or my husband was divorcing me or, you know, whatever was happening. Like you totally, you totally created that you created it in your marriage. Like nobody can no that doesn't nothing happens to anybody. Like whether our, our energy is getting involved, the way we're showing up is getting involved and we are, co-creating everything that's happening in our life. And so you sourced it and it happened and there was a reason it happened.

Hayley Hobson:
And I know it's hard in the moment to like look at things and go, oh shit. This doesn't feel right. I wasn't ready for it. You were cuz you sourced it. Maybe you were not conscious that you were sourcing it, so, okay. It felt like you were blindsided for a second. You weren't, you're not a victim to your marriage. You're in your marriage. You get to show up there every single day. And we all know that nothing happens to us. That's not planned out and that doesn't have a bigger purpose and plan. So if we can just trust in the process and open ourselves up to the possibility of what is going to be available for us, once we navigate the trickier parts, I hope you guys are seeing that our, he hearing that message. The other thing is like, and I know this has nothing to do with like doTERRA, like this conversation is taking on like a whole different route, but I think it's really important to note that and, and acknowledge you for being afraid of what like being, being acknowledge you for admitting that you are afraid of what your team would say, that you were afraid of what people would say that you're afraid of looking like this, that you're afraid that people like really like kudos to you for just like opening up and sharing that that's a big deal.

Hayley Hobson:
It's not easy to be vulnerable to other people. And here's the thing like people love your vulnerability, not your like, not specifically yours in general, but everybody's vulnerability. I have a friend who went into a Facebook group yesterday and we had this like little game going on. It was like, if you knew, if you, if you knew me you'd know, then some people are saying things like if you knew me, you know, I grew up in cherry hill, New Jersey. If you knew me, you would know I went to Brande university in Boston, Massachusetts. If you knew me, you know, I practiced law for five years and then became a pate and yoga teacher. If you knew me, you know, I struggled with my intestines, my whole life, blah, blah, blah. But he came in, my friend came in and he did like massive, like unloading of just real trauma that was happening in his life. And I'm embarrassed and worried and you know, what are people gonna think? And, oh my God, like the whole group was just like, ah, I love you and feel so much more connected to you for just opening your heart and like letting us see you for who you are.

Hayley Hobson:
No one ever has to be embarrassed for what, how other people are gonna look at them. We pay the price of maybe thinking we're gonna be embarrassed. And if there is a price, like people may not like you fine. They're not your people. Anyway, people may judge you fine. They're not your people. Anyway, people may talk about you behind your back. Fine. They're not your people. Anyway, you guys come on. Like we're living in a world right now where we Le need each other and we need to be seen. We get to be seen. We get to unload. We get to be vulnerable. We get to share both the good stuff that's working and get support on the stuff. That's not. So anyway, I acknowledge you and I think that's beautiful. You have such a huge heart for just like letting it open and just being real with us here on the podcast and with your team and whoever else it is and saying, this is what's going on in my life and I'm working on it and I'm transitioning through it. And sometimes I don't know how to navigate it. And sometimes it feels frigging messy and I'm still waking up every day and choosing to figure out how to navigate it. So bear with me while I figure it out.

Halie Forre:

Hayley Hobson:
Yeah.  all right. So here we are. You've gone through all of this. You joined doTERRA, you were inspired to be a diamond. You went through the, the trauma of the divorce and also just being judged, feeling, seen what people are gonna look at you for. And now you're on your own. You're building your business and you're supporting your family. And talk to me about what it's like now. Like how have things, I mean, now I know like you're getting married again and your life has shifted and you're moving back to your hometown and all is great. But like what has shifted for you in terms of like and I don't mean personal development, but like I'm sensing like the, the, the feeling that I'm getting, like the vibe I'm getting from you, the experience I'm literally having with you right now is that you have turned from a woman who didn't know how to share how she felt.

Hayley Hobson:
Didn't know how to stand up for herself. Didn't know how to use her voice. And I don't, I mean, Hayley, I don't know you like, we just met because like I was like, Hey, who wants to do with podcasts? And I wanna share your stories and we connected. But my experience with you is that you're a brave woman. My experience with you is that you have power. You are a powerful woman. My experience is, you know, how to use your voice now. So what transition have you seen over that journey? Both with doTERRA as to make money and, and empower yourself and lead, but also through the whole experience you have had,

Halie Forre:
You know, I definitely think it's just been learning to trust my intuition and my gut and follow the nudges along the way. You know, when a door opens to take that action and, and to always you know, to, to, to make quick decision, you know, to decide, not live in this place of indecision because like, should I, or shouldn't I should, I shouldn't, I just actually forging ahead and doing it you know, going through the divorce. One thing that I was certain was I knew I was gonna be able to take care of my kids on my own. And that was such a huge blessing that I knew financially I was gonna be okay. And that was a huge, you know, thing for me. You know, I continued to just, just keep showing up. I have such an amazing team and an amazing support network.

Halie Forre:
You know, my, my team leaders are my best friends and we just kept showing up and we kept, you know, once I got through the actual heartbreak and I gave myself time to grieve and, you know, broke, I had a broken heart and I gave myself that time. And then it was okay, let's get after this again. And, you know, kind of really rallied my team pulled together, we grew, we hit diamond. Things were really going well. And then, you know, like everybody else, I think 2020 kind of changed a lot of things. And you know, I think we've had to learn to navigate a whole new world in a short order. And you know, for me, I never built online. So I'm working on mastering some new skills and, and things like that.

Hayley Hobson:
That's amazing. That's really great. So you went from like doing it, like what we call like more of the traditional way to like, deciding like, Hey, I get to master new skills now and I get to show up and move with the time. Yeah.

Halie Forre:
Yeah, absolutely.

Hayley Hobson:
Awesome. I love it. So what's next for you, Hailey?

Halie Forre:
Well, I'm just in this, I would call it transition stage, get moved start my new I don't know, start a new life is the right word, but you know, really get to partner through this life with an amazing man and I have amazing children and I'm really looking forward to getting settled and really absolutely relaunching my business. You know, I can't wait. And, you know, one of the things for me, it's like I've taken the pressure of rank off because I've dropped rank. I think a lot of people in doTERRA have dropped rank. And for me, it's, it's not to be discouraged by it. It's just to keep showing up and keep teaching, keep educating. I have such a passion for the science, the chemistry, the human body. That's like what lights me up. And I do wanna get back to in person classes and kind of do a hybrid of in person and you know, online. But you know, the next couple months are gonna be getting my daughter sent off to college, getting moved, getting married all the things. But I have such a support network where I'm moving that I just can't wait to just completely go back to being all in on my business.

Hayley Hobson:
I love it. And by the way, like all of us get to, you know, take periods moments where we're moving in, we're moving out, we're hyping it up. We're like slacking off a little bit because we need the personal space. So good for you for seeing that. All right. You guys, I just wanna share with you like how to get in touch with Hayley. If you want to connect with her, I wanna share with you how to get in touch with me this Hailey, if you want to get with me too. Hailey, are there any specific platforms that you use regularly that you're, that people here can find you on? If they wanna connect?

Halie Forre:
I'm really working on Instagram. Like that's been kind of my focus. I'm kind of being open about my life and I'm doing a, a 30 day share your life challenge where every day for the month of June, I show up and share kind of a behind the scenes look at what my life is like. So I'm very new to Instagram. But that is definitely, I would say where people, where I plan to really focus and continue to share my life as well as you know I'm very passionate about the hormones and balancing hormones and things like that. That's kind of where my niche is, I guess. So just, yeah, hit me up on Instagram and it's just Hailey Forry on Instagram.

Hayley Hobson:
Love it. Thank you. All right. And you guys, I'm Hailey Hobson on Instagram. So that's H a Y L E Y. And Hailey Forry is H a I. Okay. So we spell it a little bit different. H a H a L I E H a L I E is how she spells it. H a Y L E Y is how I spell it. So you can head her up on Instagram. You can head me up. I'm also, I am Hailey Hobson on TikTok. If you're on TikTok and Hailey Hobson hole you on Facebook, I have a little oil hack for you. I've just got little free ebook guide. If you guys wanna download it, if you're new or oils, or you just wanna see some of the blends that I'm playing with, if you wanna know a couple things that I don't necessarily think are common knowledge when it comes to using essential oils, like they're not like things that we really know in our everyday life. So I've put together a little guide for you, practical ways to be not only using the oils, but also if you're looking for not just like the physical like how to, how to navigate your physical ailments, but also how to, how they can be used strategically and creatively for your spiritual, your emotional, mental mental, mental use. I've got a little ebook and it's just Hayley hacks just for being here and listening today. Hay, thank you for being with us and for the rest of you.