
3 Tips to Surround Yourself with 10/10 Energy

Hey, my friends! I’m Hayley Hobson and I’m so glad you’re here! Welcome to the 10/10 Podcast where I help ambitious women, like you, look + feel younger, so you can achieve a 10/10 lifestyle (and unlock financial freedom).

Do you have those friends who just light you up?

Like, you get super psyched to see them ‘cause you know you’re gonna feel this deep connection?Like, “restore your SOUL” vibes?

I feel like, for me… summer is when I get that refueling sooooo much.

‘Cause I’m back in my happy place – my beach house in San Diego.

The sun. The ocean. The people.

The delicious food. The coffee. LOL

It makes SUCH a huge difference in how you show up. And feel every single day.

And when you know what this feels like… NOT feeling it on the regular can actually bring ya down.

If ya let it.

I’m all about surrounding myself with high vibe peeps.

And sharing how you can do the same.

In fact, I actually have a formula on how to ENSURE you get to do this all.the.time.

And that’s what we’re gonna talk about today.

But first… I wanna remind ya about the fact that I intentionally created a CLUB for you to network with these kinds of people.

You don’t have to go out and create your own circle of megawatt winners… the ones who light you up and FUEL you.

‘Cause I did it for ya.

The 10/10 Club is the mastermind-style community where you’ll be seen, supported, and encouraged to live a BIG life – and expand your biz. 

As well as:

✨ Get crystal clear(er) on your vision.
✨ Let go of the stories you’ve been telling yourself… that are still holding you back.
✨ Position yourself strategically in the marketplace.
✨ Raise your vibration and energy.
✨ Be responsible and IN intentional connection with others.
✨ And actually go into committed action so you see results.

My team and I are opening up times on my calendar so you can ask me any questions you have about the club.

You can book a call with me to learn more about the 10/10 Club at:

So, here’s why I’m super amped about this club.

Friends and community are a huge part of my life – and especially my summers.

I love spending my time in Cardiff, hanging with friends at the beach, at an outdoor cafe, or inviting my besties over for a (vegan + GF) BBQ. 

Yes, this is a real thing. LOL

And all my friends know what to show up with in order to make me happy. LOL

I love being able to spend more time with my friend groups who are also at a 10/10…

And deepen my connections with them.

I highly encourage YOU to elevate your friend groups…

Because here’s the thing… you wanna surround yourself with people who are at the same level as you.

NOT with people operating at low vibe status.

Now, if your friend group or other people you spend time with aren't at 10/10 level…

First of all, no judgment.

Everyone goes through tough times.

But I bet you can identify a few low vibers who seem to stay at that level.

And if that’s the energy of your inner circle, I wanna remind you of ONE key thing.

You get to choose your energy.

You get to choose where and how you spend your time.

And that includes WHO you spend your time with.

Because we’re all made of energy – and it transfers.

So, let’s say you aren’t getting where you wanna be in life.

Well, my hot take is… your social circle may be part of that.

So ya know what?

You get to upgrade the vibes in your friend group.

So you can reach – and then keep – your 10/10 life.

So how do you do that?

Well, first things first, get rid of the energy vampires.

You know exactly who I’m talkin’ about.

The people that leave you so drained after spending time with them that you feel like you could nap for daysssssss.

Yeah, you don’t wanna be around that.

So, you get to set boundaries with these types of people – AND situations.

Cut that negativity out of your life.

Following this one tip ALONE can elevate you quickly.

And trusssssss… once you feel that 10/10 vibe… you won’t want anything else.

Another tip I have for you to elevate your inner circle (and the vibes that go along with it) is to become the planner of your friend group. 

This will help you be in charge of the guest list (AKA keep those energy vampires out).

And be responsible for the activities you and your friends do to keep you at 10/10. 

Here’s an example…

Recently, we had some free time, so we were thinking about taking a little trip.

We thought about who we wanted to invite.

And, because I was in charge of planning, I got to nix the invite of a low-vibe couple.

Now, I don’t say this to be mean or cold-hearted or bitchy.

They’re struggling in their relationship…

And maybe you’re sitting there thinking, “Oh Hayley, it would have been nice for you to invite them. They need friends.”

Which, yes, I hear you. They need support. They need love.

But they also get to get their shit together. LOL

AKA: I don’t wanna spend a rare friends’ trip – with no kid and no dog responsibilities – with people who are in constant breakdown.

Creating fights with each other and causing drama.

Literally sucking the air out of the room.

No thank you.


So I chose to NOT do that.

I chose to invite high vibin’ people who give me LIFE!

No one says you have to suffer to be a good friend, ok?

So for you… think of who you wanna be around… and then put on your planner hat.

Take charge – especially if you don’t always host or you usually let someone else do most of the planning. 

Step it up. Plan some fun activities for your friends to do this summer. 

Here in San Diego county, I have a list a mile long of outdoor activities.

  • Boat tour of the harbor.
  • Bike The Strand between Coronado and Imperial Beach.
  • Go hike Torrey Pines.
  • Host a brunch at Herb + Sea.
  • Lounge by the pool.
  • Have a holiday potluck out back by the bonfire.
  • Outdoor concerts or movie screenings.
  • Aerial yoga and yummy food at Trilogy.
  • VIP day at Disney – ok that’s up in Anaheim, but still close…
Point is… don’t wait for the invite.

BE responsible.

Cultivate the vibes… and create some memories while you’re at it, too! 

Along with that…

My next tip is to intentionally go deeper in conversations.

There’s nothing like a deep, authentic conversation to make you feel the connection. 

So, at your next BBQ or dinner party, find a fun question that’ll deepen conversation – and then go round robin asking everyone! 

Or play the game, “If you really knew me”, you’d know that I’ve been to over 100 Grateful Dead shows.

And I’ll be at the last 3 shows at Folsom Field this summer in Boulder, CO.

If you’re struggling with what to ask, you can pick up some intimacy cards off Amazon for a few bucks. 

They’re great icebreaker questions, especially if you don’t know where to begin.

I actually pulled together two of my favs to share with ya.

  • The first one is… in what ways are you most different from the person you were 20 years ago? 
  • And the second is… what are you most proud of about yourself?
The second one is really fun to ask people you know pretty well.

Or have known for a long time.

You’d be shocked at what you learn from some of your closest friends. For example I learned that one of my male friends was into exotic dance!

Another had taught herself Japanese!

And another had an obsession with deep sea dives and a hydrogen dive was on her bucket list!

It’s totally fascinating.

You never know what you may discover about your friends.

Maybe even your husband! 

Like I always learn about some new athletic award or acknowledgement Wes earned – like Olympic Committee Athlete of the Year. Escape from Alcatraz winner. LOL

Elevating your friendships not only helps you… but it helps your friends, too.

Sooooo many of us operate at a default, low frequency level.

Just getting through the damn day.

But when you raise YOUR vibration… people notice.

And they wanna elevate too.

Those are the peeps you wanna hang with.

So you can level up together.

And speaking of leveling up together… quick reminder about the 10/10 Club.

If you wanna jump right into MY inner circle… 

And immediately surround yourself with high vibers who are operating at a 10 out of 10 in both their BIZ and their life…

That’s the place to be.

I mean, I’ve consciously designed my days / weeks to include connection time with my friends.. 

And being able to do it on the daily is a direct reflection of me living my own 10/10 life. 

If I can do it, you can too, my friend.

I know you can – when you decide to say yes to yourself and go into committed action to take control of your time and life.

If you’re curious about this… but not sure exactly what that looks like.

And could use a little insight or inspo… let’s chat.

In the 10/10 Club we go over this and much more.

My team and I are actually opening up times on my calendar so you can ask me any questions you have about the club.

You can book a call with me to learn more about the 10/10 Club at:

I’m here for ya!

Let’s do it together – and make this your best summer yet.

Can’t wait to connect with ya…

And in the meantime, I’ll see ya online – Bye!