
5 Tips On How To Unwind When You're Tight Wound

Life is challenging, isn't it? I'm always amazed by people who seem to skate through, when I feel like I'm always working so hard. Some people even tell me I'm too wound up. Kind of strange since I'm a person who totally values unwinding. But it's not always easy to be in that zen place or OM out all day. There's just way too much going on. Can't you relate? As much time as I try to carve out for myself to decompress, the stress seems to follow me around. There were times in my life I was wound so tight, I literally made myself sick. I'm talking anti-anxiety meds.  The real deal. iStock_000010877447-HandsTied Instead of having a green smoothie for breakfast it felt like I was drinking a stress shake. From the time I woke up until the time I went down, I simply could not relax.  In fact, I couldn't even sleep.  I was wound up. We're talking A+ personality type. There are people in this life that are just born doers. Guess I was one of them. I need to be busy.  It fulfills me. I like having a lot on my plate. But like every other human being, I've got to shut down. If I don't recharge the battery, I'm gone. Here are some things I've found work for me and help me relax (and have gotten me off the meds). 1). YOGA Nothing gets me more in the present, out of my head and my electronic devices than yoga. If you're at all like me and have a lot going on (work, family, kids, dogs, home....the list goes on) that requires you to focus and be ON 24/7, you've got to try yoga. The breath, the postures, the movement, the stretch... Yoga helps me unplug. Yoga is my therapy. 2). MEDITATION To some of you, sitting on a cushion doing absolutely nothing may sounds uber boring, but what meditation can do for your mind and body is limitless. Can't sit still?  There are other options. Have you tried walking meditation? Each and every one of us needs to disconnect from the onslaught of demands from work, family and even our own personal pursuits.  If we don't, we'll literally go bonkers. If you sit, for even 15 minutes a day or start to cultivate some sort of meditation practice you will unwind, I promise. 3). SEX Yep, you heard me. Nothing unwinds the body, mind and soul like good old fashioned sex. Energy gets pent up and if you are tight wound by nature, you need an outlet.  Maybe you like to run.  Maybe you'd prefer to have sex. But at the end of the day, if you can let yourself feel good and connect with your lover or partner, life seems so much easier. Sex can do a world of good. 4). ACTIVITY I need to run.  It's the best way for me to blow off steam. Some like dance.  Hike.  Bike.  Swim. Whatever you can do to get your body moving.... It's really simple. The best way to unwind is to disperse the energy built up inside of you.  So easy to do with exercise.   5). ACUPUNCTURE Even if needles are not your thing, you've got to try acupuncture.  There is nothing better than how you feel walking out of an acupuncture session. Acupuncture gets your chi moving. You need  for this to happen or else all of your tightly wound energy amassed in your body gets stagnant. Yuck. Do it regularly and it will help you deal with the demands of your life, no problem. It is my drug. I do it weekly. I have just given you 5 great tips to unwind when you are tight wound. What do you do to decompress? I would love to hear from you. Please leave your comments in the box below. If you think someone else might find this useful, please feel free to share. Post it on FB, Pinterest or Tweet it. XO, Hayley

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