
Time to Rejuvenate your life…

Hey Guys, 

So I totally love this time of the year. Not because my kiddos have gone back to school (wink wink) and not because it is coming the end of summer, but instead for me it is like a new year.

Even though I had such an amazing summer and fun with my family, it is this time of the year that I use to review my year so far, the goals I set and what I need to change in my life.

My husband focuses on his work and with the kids back at school, I get more me time to re-focus on my life.

This is the best time to say to yourself…”OK the kids have gone back to school or are about to go back to school, it’s time to focus on me…”

It’s time to bring back some energy, focus and rejuvenate your life and the end of summer is a great time to do it.

So ask yourself these questions:

  • What do I really want to achieve by the end of this year for myself?
  • What goals did I set at the beginning of the year that I achieved? - Acknowledge and congratulate yourself for that.
  • What goals did I set at the beginning of the year that I did not achieve? -What do I need to do differently to make sure I can reach those goals?
  • Where do I need help in my life?
  • What areas do I feel need some excitement and adventure?
  • How can I fall in love with my life?
  • How can I help others and make a difference in their life?
  • What skills do I need to add to my resume that will help me personally or in my business.

If we want change we cannot carry on doing the same things that we have been doing in the past and expect a different result. We need a new approach and asking ourselves these questions will help us gain some clarity, get excited again and help us to reset and re-focus on what we want to achieve with our life.

So it’s time to decide what you want from your life, if you really want it, take action and start making it happen.

Add even more excitement and energy into your life and keep growing as a person. Set yourself some goals that scare you…they end up being the most rewarding!

It’s your time to shine…I know you can do it and I want to hear all about it.


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