
5 Signs Your Business is Ready to Move to the Next Level

Today I want to talk to you about LEVELING UP your biz.
Here’s why this is on my mind...
The biggest mistake I see biz owners making is not thinking far enough ahead.
I mean, it can be hard to focus on the future when today, you’ve got a to-do list a mile long, right?
But not making plans for the future is a rookie mistake I’d like to help you avoid.
Which is why I am sharing 5 signs your business is ready to move to the next level.
If you see yourself in any of these signs, you’re in that level-up zone…
Even if you don’t think you’re ready to do it.
But you are!
5 Signs Your Business is Ready to Move to the Next Level
Sign #1: COVID impacted your business hard (and you’re still struggling to recover).
This is an obvious statement, but the coronavirus hit many businesses hard this year.
And while many businesses were able to pivot quickly and remain afloat, many couldn’t.
What really saved me in MY biz is that I have a few different offerings… most of them available ONLINE.
Online has been where the real growth is happening… and I don’t see it stopping anytime soon. Do you?
So if your biz is still struggling to recover from the impact of COVID, then this is a clear sign you need to uplevel your biz.
Specifically, start diversifying what you offer and HOW.
Because you shouldn’t have all your eggs in one basket.
Sign #2: You’ve tapped out your network.
Tapping out your network means you’ve been hitting up your audience and they just don’t respond the way they used to.
This is likely because of several factors, which could include:
  • Their circumstances have changed this year.
  • Priorities have changed. 
  • Your customers have less money than they used to.
  • They’ve switched up the way they do things now.
  • Consumer fatigue has set in.
What’s consumer fatigue?
It’s a fancy name for people becoming overwhelmed by something and then just getting tired of it.
Picture this…
For every message you’re hitting your network with…
So. Is. Everyone. Else.
This is pretty common, but I feel like it’s WAY WORSE this year.
So, if you’re seeing that maybe you’re tapping out your audience, it’s time to level up your biz and do something different.
Sign #3: Your clients ask for online ways to connect with you.
How often do you hear these kinds of things from your customers?
  • “Is there a way I can order this online?”
  • “Do you have an online store I can look at?”
  • “Can you email or DM me some info on how to actually use this?”
  • “Sorry, I just don’t have time for a call or get-together, I’ll find this product somewhere else online.”
Spoiler alert: People are online now more than ever.
Crazy stat for ya: 6 out of every 10 purchases begin online.
Usually with researching more about the product or service. 
People may end up buying in a store or directly from someone, but the purchase journey begins online.
So if your customers or prospective customers tell you they want to connect with you online and you know that the majority of people who buy use the internet in their purchase decision in some way…
Well then, it’s pretty obvious you need to be online to meet them there.
It doesn’t mean you have to fully convert over to online sales… but you do need to start having an online presence.
Sign #4: People ask you the same questions over and over again—and love your advice.
I hear you over there going “HUH? Why is this a sign?”
It’s a sign because those questions indicate that your insight, knowledge, and experience is valuable and there’s room to serve even more.
And doing that online is the ideal scenario.
So here’s what I recommend as a starting step:
Write down the questions people are asking you and brainstorm what you can do online with this info.
  • Blog articles.
  • Social media posts.
  • An informational ebook to give with every purchase.
  • Creating a digital mini course.
It can be a free offer to encourage someone to connect with you or join your list. Or, it could be a paid offer, which not only brings in some extra money, but also introduces a very qualified person into your network.
And be sure to think of ways for people to get in touch easily online! 
Maybe it’s a simple website, an email list, or social media. Something you’d be willing to try out and think is manageable.
If people keep asking you the same kinds of questions about your biz day in and day out, this is opportunity knocking, my friends!
Sign #5: You don’t have a passive income source.
A passive income source from your biz means that you set something up so money comes in, without you doing a bunch of heavy lifting to get it.
Now, there are many, many ways you can do this and nearly ALL of them come from online.
Sensing a theme here? LOL
You could:
  • Create and sell your digital mini course (i.e. on your website, Udemy).
  • Write and sell a little ebook (Amazon, Barnes & Noble).
  • Start affiliate marketing (creating a win-win relationship with like-minded companies or products; you earn a commission on every sale you refer to them, and you offer the same for their referrals that come to you).
The ideas are limitless here.
Creating a passive income source is one of the keys to building long-term biz success.
Because I’m confident that online is the future. 
Creating an online component to your biz doesn’t mean you have to create an entirely new business, but it does mean that if you want to stay in biz longer and see greater success, it’s where you need to be. 
You probably already have a product you can (and should!) sell and/or market online. 
It just takes a little bit of creativity to step into that space.
Now, if you see yourself in one of these 5 signs, but you aren’t sure how to START leveling up your biz… I have an awesome tool for you.
This will help you start generating ideas of what YOUR “next level biz” looks like.
Remember, you don’t have to THINK you’re ready to level up before you take the first step.
If you are experiencing one of these signs… then you ARE.
And waiting isn’t really going to help you get there.
I hope you feel a little more confident that you are, in fact, ready to step into the next level of your biz.
I’ll see ya online.

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